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AKERS Aston and Rhoda Thomson 2/09/1785 Bird and Elizabeth Saunders 11/03/1816 Blackburn and Susanna Scaggs 11/20/1786 Blackburn and Elinor Howard 4/17/1797 Charles and Rhoda Scaggs 8/10/1830 Clayburn and and Elizabeth Thompson 4/17/1789 Davis and Clarisy Saunders 4/18/1821 Drury and Mary Gordon 10/02/1833 Edward F. and Levina Gearheart 11/08/1823 Gideon and Polly Emmons ?/?/1825 Greenbury and Polly Cooper 10/12/1814 Howard and Susannah Garman 4/12/1831 Jacob and Ruth Howard 12/21/1796 James and Peggy Altizer 9/08/1918 James and Eliza Thompson 11/26/1821 Jonathan and Hannah Howard 3/25/1795 Joseph and Severa Chaffin 6/08/1815 Moses and Catherine Altizer 12/24/1828 Randolph and Nancy Altizer 2/10/1831 Thomas and Sophia Aldridge 2/11/1823 William and Nancy Sowers 7/02/1811 ALDRICH James and Rachel Treadway 6/04/1787 ALSBERRY Charles and Jane McElaney 5/04/1791 ALL/ALLS/AUL William Aul and Rosann Owen 23 Oct 1794 John Aul and Lucy Duncan 06 Mar 1792 William Aul and Joanna Owen 06 Oct 1794 Jane Aul and Thomas Lawson 7/09/1805 Margaret Aul and James Robinson 10/07/1775 ANDERSON John and Catherine Kiplinger 2/15/1813 George and Polly Burton 3/03/1802 James and Caroline Douglas 1/10/1822 James and Nancy Anderson 12/14/1826 John and Elizabeth Miller 9/22/1825 William and Melissa Cosby 1/01/1828 William and Hetty Carper 1/26/1829 BAGBY Charles and Nancy Cox 7/27/1786 BAILEY Charles and Mary Alford 2/10/1786 Henry and Elizabeth Peters 8/04/1801 James and Margaret Stinson 9/01/1789 BARRINGER Adam and Susannah Hogan 3/26/1800 Adam and Hannah Loman 6/27/1815 John and Jane Towney 7/20/1792 John and Jane Lowery 7/28/1792 BEALE John and Rhoda Trigg 4/04/1805 BELL John and Lucy Pate 10/16/1786 George and Sarah Shaw 11/03/1786 Jeremiah and Elizabeth Hall 8/07/1807 John and Polly Vineyard 10/07/1818 Robert and Sarah Vineyard 10/?/1820 Robert and Elizabeth VanOver 4/13/1803 William and Nancy Vineyard 10/18/1820 BIGGS Moses and Elizabeth Surface 1/05/1818 Andrew and Susannah Godby 3/15/1830 James and Elizabeth Price 4/21/1812 Moses and Elizabeth Surface 1/05/1818 BISH David and Nancy Cain 1/15/1828 Samuel and Maria Gordon 1/25/1830 BISHOP George and Nancy Booth 6/28/1790 Henry and Fanny Simpkins 9/01/1789 Henry and Nancy Crusenberry 3/07/1820 Jacob and Catherine Elkins 10/02/1792 Jacob and Catherine Williams 5/08/1793 John and Maria Wilson 1/07/1817 Joseph and Hannah Booth 11/08/1826 BLACK Andrew and Susannah Ross 12/19/1804 John and Mary Breeden 1/04/1807 John and Matilda Martin 4/03/1827 William and Jane McBath 3/27/1793 William and Grizzay Ross 2/01/1822 BONES James and Dephia Hines June 1799 Joseph and Nancy Ross 1/01/1811 BOOTH Daniel and Rachel Graham 6/27/1827 George and Sarah Howard 12/23/1789 George and Lucy Reed 3/13/1816 Elisha and Rebecca Lorton 3/14/1791 Isaac and Polly Conner 3/01/1825 Jamison and Elizabeth Hunter 3/04/1830 Robert and Adah Booth 11/?/1816 Ripley and Clarissa Akers 12/02/1823 Stephen and Polly Booth 1/01/1799 William and Lucinda Trail 10/27/1827 BORDEN John and Jane Taylor 1/16/1809 BOSTER Daniel and Mary Lake 1/07/1817 BOWEN Hugh and Elizabeth Owen 6/18/1805 James and Catherine Bosters 1/07/1815 John and Rachel Mills 8/03/1803 BOWLES Peter and Nancy Hale 9/29/1826 Matthew C. and Mary Howell 4/01/1806 Reuben and Elizabeth Worley 10/28/1817 BRITT Mary and James Smith 03 Nov 1794 BROWN Abraham and Polly Fergus 2/04/1820 Abram and Margaret Goins 12/22/1829 Daney and Kezia Grant 11/02/1799 David and Anna Craig 8/06/1795 George Jr and Mary Raeburn 7/28/1804 James and Catherine Foster 1/11/1790 Jacob and Rebeckah Smallwood 12/12/1814 Joseph and Nancy Lowry 3/19/1824 L_____ and Jane Davidson 3/01/1782 Michael and Catherine Black 6/13/1803 Nimrod and Sally Lucas 1/21/1800 Silvenus and Ruth Johnston 10/08/1794 William and Elizabeth Wright 10/30/1822 BUCK Daniel and Sally Hale 4/12/1828 Michael and Catherine Firl (?Ferrill) 8/04/1825 BURK Joseph Burk and Jane Raeburn 17 Dec 1794 Henry F. and Fanny Harris 11/24/1830 James and Betsy Cooper 12/17/1814 John and Effie Boaine 9/03/1797 John and Margaret Davidson 4/27/1787 John and Mary Cloud 8/11/1786 Jonathan and Sally Cooper 12/17/1794 Joseph and Jane Raeburn 12/17/1794 Marshall and Elizabeth Caldwell 8/31/1797 Samuel and Ann Sovain 12/30/1812 William and Margaret Williams 10/02/1792 BURNETT Josiah and Jemima Dickerson 2/23/1824 Stephen and Nancy King 10/01/1827 CADDALL Samuel Caddall and Nancy Cecil 01 Jun 1792 CALDWELL James and Susannah Charlton 31 May 1798 John and Nancy White 3/27/1797 John and Betsy Akers 1/08/1802 Roland and Elizabeth Argabright 2/25/1836 William and Mary Claiburne 1/07/1799 CANNADAY John and Delila Shipp 7/22/1800 Pleasant and Elizabeth Young 12/23/1822 CARPER John and Sally King ?/?/1807 William and Judith Thompson 3/04/1807 William and Anna Kiplinger 7/05/1817 CARR John and Margaret Crow ? 1788 CARRELL Joseph and Polly Booth 11/11/1811 CARTER Enos and Ann Snodgrass 9/26/1818 Henry and Malinda Agnew 8/22/1826 Robert Carter and Jean Crockett 08 May 1792 CHAPMAN George and Patience Clay 5/03/1789 John and Dicey Napper ?/?/1791 John and Nancy Deyerle 11/12/1827 Richard and Susannah Connely 5/05/1790 William and Anne Painter ?/?/1782 William and Mary Harrison 6/18/1787 William and Elizabeth Burgess 7/27/1787 Sarah Chapman and Jacob Miller 12 Dec 1794 CHRISMAN Mary Chrisman and Jacob Lewis 02 Dec 1794 CLEVENSON Levi Clevenson and Nancy Elswick 21 Oct 1794 COLE Bird and Sarah Underwood 10/21/1818 John and Isabella Wood 1/30/1810 Richard and Sarah Howell 4/06/1790 Samuel and Sarah Thrush 9/04/1792 William and Nancy Stratton 7/11/1815 COLLINS Benjamin and Kitty Stephens 10/28/1828 Jacob and Letty Shepherd 6/20/1825 John and Betsy Johnston 8/12/1793 Randall and Catey Burton 12/08/1828 Richard and Eveline Lee 2/06/1821 Samuel and Rachel Price 7/25/1801 Thomas and Elizabeth Booth 5/23/1829 William and Polly Ferrow 10/07/1820 Zechariah and Mary Ann McDaniel 10/27/1830 CONNELY Mary Connely and Zacheriah Perdue 05 Jun 1792 COX Ambrose and Sarah Reed 9/05/1790 Carter Jr. and Naomi Gilham 9/13/1830 Jacob and Franky Geoby 4/04/1797 John and Margaret Carr 1/03/1786 Ross and Anne Wade 12/08/1810 CRONK Joseph and Elizabeth Bingham 4/07/1823 William and Betsey Epperley 1/03/1820 CRUMP Walker and Susan Akers 10/19/1813 CUNNINGHAM Thomas and Elizabeth Newman 7/06/1828 CURRIN William and Rhoda Charleton 6/26/1804 DABNEY John and Lydia Jones 3/23/1801 DARTER (possibly Carter) Peter and Elizabeth Moore 6/05/1787 DAMEWOOD John Damewood and Catherine Huffman 6/07/1798 DAUGHERTY Katey Daugherty and Ephriam Johnson 23 Apr 1792 DAWES Thomas Dawes and Mildred Willson 05 Jun 1792 DEWEESE Thomas Dewese and Mildred Willson 07 Jun 1792 Jesse and Mary Lowder 11/01/1796 John and Charlotte Rose 11/25/1826 Peter and Esther Poff 3/15/1815 EAST Anderson R. and Mary A. Goings 10/31/1829 ELSWICK Mary and James Lester 05 Jun 1792 FERGUSON Kinder Ferguson and Mary Robins 01 Jun 1792 HARRISON David and Anna Chase 1/11/1791 John and Sarah Carter 12/15/1795 John and Mary Crockett 2/13/1816 John and Eleanor Leslie ?/?/1818 Thomas and Jean Childress 8/15/1812 KINSER Christian and Polly Surface 12/26/1826 George and Katherine Wampler 9/28/1786 George and Margaret Bane 9/04/1827 Jacob and Rebecca Bane 2/02/1829 John and Katy Brose 6/04/1814 Michael and Ann Brose 11/13/1823 Philip and Ann Robertson 11/20/1816 KIRBY Nancy Kirby and George Walters 09 Mar 1792 LYKENS Martha Lykens and Thomas Wilson 04 Nov 1794 Mark Lykens and Nancy Smith 04 Dec 1794 MILLER Abram and Mary Raines 8/03/1808 Adam and Catherine Phipps 6/03/1788 Charles and Mary Clevinger 5/25/1791 Daniel and Mary Francis 10/01/1822 David and Mary Muirhead 10/08/1727 Henry and Hannah Reynolds 5/01/1810 Henry and Susannah Reidinger 2/15/1820 Jacob and Sarah Chapman 12/12/1794 James and Rebecca Muirhead 8/20/1810 James and Hannah Wygle 3/23/1818 James and Nancy Kirby 4/01/1816 John and Sarah Carter 8/30/1785 John and Mary Poor 10/01/1791 John and Margaret Whitt 1/22/1823 Michael and Tibitha Adkins 6/03/1795 Phillip and Mary Burgess 6/13/1793 Samuel and Catherine King 8/21/1830 William and Jeriah Adkins 2/08/1794 William and Mary Kirby 6/02/1818 NIDA David and Mary Caldwell d/o Stephen 11/13/1824 Jacob and Unice Caldwell 5/12/1825 Peter and Delilah Caldwell 9/25/1824 PERDUE Josiah and Mary Sarah Belcher 6/30/1788 Isaiah and Sarah Belshear 6/30/1788 *Jesse and Neomi Potts 2/26/1794 *Isaac and Naomi Potts ?/?/1794 Zachariah and Mary Connely 6/05/1792 Martha and Edward Hale 9/26/1786 Phebe and Joseph Hare 6/14/1791 *from two different sources QUESENBERRY Frederick and Molly 12/20/1793 George and Sally Cox 2/15/1820 RATCLIFFE Francis and Catherine Slushorn 11/11/1819 Jeremiah and Sally Nester 9/06/1803 Nathan and Polly Farmer ?/?/1781 Sumner and Nancy Arnold 8/14/1827 REED Andrew and Elizabeth Irvine 12/15/1827 Arthur and Patsy Irvine 4/06/1809 Benjamin and Sally Green 11/20/1823 Emry and Mariam Dulaney 1/27/1826 Elijah and Bitey (Betsy ?) Altizer 11/25/1829 Ezra and Lydia Light 10/22/1825 George and Nancy McGeorge 7/13/1786 George and Sally Grimes 2/05/1811 George A. and Ann Altizer 12/31/1829 George Jr. and Nancy Scaggs 11/06/1821 Griffith and Olive Reed 6/02/1818 Hiram and Lucy Reed 1/18/1815 Humphrey and Nancy Reed 11/25/1825 James and Susannah Smith 11/28/1803 James and Peggy Price 2/15/1819 John and Rebecka Conner 12/18/1799 Michael and Delilah Reed 1/27/1825 Peter and Nancy Duncan 4/30/1827 Robert and Darcus Patrick 11/14/1787 Samuel and Hannah Long 4/02/1812 Spencer and Margaret Reed 2/01/1825 Stephen and Margaret Long 2/24/1806 William and Susannah Dickerson 8/26/1818 William and Sally Dulaney 11/06/1821 RICHARDSON Jonathan and Mary Nester 8/24/1789 Thomas and Nancy Quesenberry 6/25/1790 ROBINSON Peter and Peggy Walker 11/13/1802 Samuel and Betsy Surface 5/09/1814 William and Nancy Chrisman 10/01/1822 SARVER Henry and Agnes Champ 6/08/1801 John and Polly Harless 11/07/1815 John and Francis Overhelzer 7/31/1821 Jasper and Mary Wysong 7/30/1829 SAWYERS James and Polly Grayson 6/27/1814 SAYERS William and Sarah Smith 9/23/1796 SHELL Christian and Sarah Heavins 10/22/1785 Jacob and Mary Birk 12/28/1787 Jacob Jr. and Catherine Price 9/09/1811 James and Tabitha Lowthain 10/16/1810 John and Margaret Heavins 1/04/1786 John and Hannah Lincass 3/24/1817 John and Elizabeth Shufflebarger 10/21/1811 William and Sally Sallust 4/20/1818 SHILLING Beuford and Eliza Edwards 8/02/1825 Jacob and Elizabeth King 6/03/1817 SHIPMAN John and Sarah Smith 10/07/1795 SHIVELY Daniel and Catherine Richards 1/13/1818 SHOCKLEY Henry and Mary Wiley 3/05/1816 SHOFFLEBARGER Abram and Polly Anderson 2/14/1808 David and Mary Carper 1/23/1826 Elias and Mary Wisor 9/03/1791 Elias and Nancy Carper 12/04/1824 Isaac and Elizabeth Burton 4/09/1808 Jacob and Phebe Trollinger 12/04/1824 Jacob and Christina Beanard 3/19/1816 John and Mary White 11/04/1817 SMITH Absalom and Ann Lockhart 4/12/1809 Alexander and Polly Guilliams 11/18/1815 Byrd and Rhoda Ingles 11/10/1781 Christopher and Wilmounth W. Watkins 6/16/1829 David and Freelove Pierce 1/04/1804 Ezekiel and Susan Dingus 2/02/1802 Francis and Betsey Thompson 8/26/1808 Harry and Mary McTaylor 8/15/1804 Henry and Pheriby Wright 6/02/1804 Henry and Catherine Harman 4/01/1817 Henry and Elizabeth Scott 2/14/1789 Henry and Rebekah Picklesimer 3/03/1825 Hiram and Polly Redpath 5/07/1812 James and Asinatha Craig 6/25/1812 James and Rhoda Bosters 7/13/1824 James and Matilda Akers 3/11/1817 James and Mary Britt 11/3/1794 Jacob and Mary Shokey 7/15/1796 Jacob and Milly Watkins 1/27/1796 Jacob and Elizabeth Harless 8/10/1802 Jacob and Evey Shilling 1/11/1815 Jazeb H. and Elizabeth Light 10/05/1819 John and Willmuth Hardin 8/27/1786 John and Christina Elkins 2/19/1788 John and Catherine Farmer 8/13/1817 John and Hannah Mynatt 6/06/1785 John and Polly Shilling 7/11/1824 John and Nancy Lykens 12/05/1825 Joseph and Elizabeth McCoy 11/01/1796 Joseph and Lydia Scott 10/22/1829 Mahaton and Mary Graham 9/14/1825 Michael and Beasy (Betsy?) Hornbayer 3/20/1797 Nimrod and Sally Walker 1/06/1795 Parrot and Hannah Halfpane 9/03/1804 Parrot and Rebecca Worley 3/23/1825 Peter and Elizabeth Manning 11/26/1819 Peter and Ruth Conner 10/03/1822 Philip and Mary Bones 4/07/1798 Richard and Betsy Howry 8/01/1813 Robert and Sarah T. O'Brian 2/03/1831 Samuel and Elizabeth Broce 7/22/1824 Savine and Sarah Scott 3/?/1820 Thomas and Mary Peterson 2/25/1794 Thomas and Elizabeth Peterson ?/?/1794 Thomas and Lucy Litteral 2/20/1815 Wells and Jane Brose 10/16/1828 William and Elizabeth Neil 5/18/1805 William J. and Betsy Ditty 2/07/1805 William and Franky Guilliams 11/10/1815 William and Elizabeth Croy 9/05/1820 William and Permelia Gunter 3/02/1824 SOWERS Anthony and Caty Smiffer 4/09/1816 George and Mary Spangler 10/22/1811 Jacob and Nancy Price 9/06/1803 Jacob and Polly Epperley 4/10/1820 John and Sally Phares 10/25/1811 Peter and Elizabeth Artup 12/07/1795 William and Rhoda Reed 9/03/1821 SPANGLER Daniel and Betsy Sowers 6/04/1805 David and Margaret Sowers 1/19/1825 George and Elizabeth Epperley 4/01/1806 John Jacob and Margaret Groseclose ?/?/1782 Samuel and Catherine Helton 6/02/1798 William and Mary Irvin 9/08/1828 STAFFORD Edmund and Keziah Mitchell 1/25/1811 George and Catherine Fair 10/06/1797 James and Betsy Cecil 3/29/1817 Joseph and Polly Taylor 8/26/1799 Ralph and Catey Taylor 8/11/1800 Thomas and Catherine Williams 3/18/1805 SUMNER Isaiah and Nancy Hungate 6/07/1821 SURFACE Adam and Aggy Price 8/27/1811 Andrew and Elizabeth Harles 12/06/1803 George Jr. and Catherine Haymaker 7/22/1828 Jacob and Catherine Gowens 8/29/1827 John and Mary Garlic 7/02/1805 John and Eve Helms 12/07/1819 John and Elizabeth Bane 4/21/1828 Michael and Catherine Nozler 7/20/1792 Michael and Margaret Harles 9/17/1828 Michael and Hannah Martin 9/10/1823 TAWNEY Daniel and Elizabeth Price 12/06/1796 George and Elizabeth Godbey 12/19/1806 John and Polly Price 5/07/1799 TAYLOR Adam and Mary Claxton 4/05/1791 Allen and Rhoda Beale 1/28/1818 Charles and Polly Trigg 8/02/1798 Creed and Mary Craig 6/16/1824 George and Polly Sower(s) 8/19/1807 George and Nancy Hornbarger 10/19/1803 George and Jane Chrisman 6/07/1818 Isaac and Betsey Watterson 2/04/1822 Jacob and Nancy Webb 2/20/1786 James and Nancy Hewitt 9/08/1801 James and Rachel Raeburn 8/05/1800 John and Catherina Wilson ?/?/1791 John and Betsy Chrisman 1/29/1818 John and Lucy Shanklin 2/07/1825 Philip and Margaret Harless 5/09/1796 Robert P. and Margaret P. Parker 3/02/1830 William and Mary Watterson 9/05/1790 THOMAS Charles and Elizabeth Barnett 1/25/1813 Jonathon and Patritia Brown 2/06/1787 John and Phoebe Blankenship 2/07/1791 John and Susan Croy 9/25/1821 William and Rachel Hoage 7/06/1819 William Thomas and Lucretia Hoage 12/07/1829 |
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