Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet, Advertising Magnate
Marcel Bleustein-Blanche Advertising Magnate, is the founder of the Publicis advertising agency with its headquarters located in Paris and New York. Born in Paris in 1906, Marcel has been credited for revolutionizing the advertising industry through his innovative and creative methods. One of Marcel’s most popular mantras was "If you are trying to convince the consumer, you need to convince yourself first." This simple philosophy is now the central rule of thumb for many in the advertising field.
One of Marcel’s greatest ideas occurred during the depression of the 1930’s. He discovered the radio as a new method of effective public advertising. Marcel got his creative team to create and record catchy radio commercials for customers. Marcel’s clients loved the idea and because of this, a new source of advertising opened up to the industry. Marcel quickly gained a reputation for being a pioneer and began to earn the respect of his industry colleagues.
Despite the depression of the 1930’s, Marcel continued to earn financial success, through his advertising agency. Marcel was only temporarily inconvenienced when the French government took control of the county’s radio stations. Due to this, there was a ban on all commercial advertising. Marcel, resourceful by nature, decided to get around the government’s ban by buying a private radio station called Radio LL and continued business as usual. The radio station is now called Radio Cité and is one of Paris’ most popular stations.
Marcel is considered to be one of the most successful advertising executives in the world. His career spanned over 50 years and his legacy of being an industry pioneer will live on forever. Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet died on April 11, 1996, shortly before turning 90.