Barbara Olson
1955 - 2001
Barbara Olson, a former federal prosecutor who became a prominent TV commentator during the impeachment of President Bill Clinton, was aboard American Airlines Flight 77 that crashed into the Pentagon on Tuesday.
Mrs. Olson, a commentator for Cable News Network and wife of U.S. Solicitor General Theodore Olson, telephoned her husband from the hijacked airliner with a cellular phone, asking him what instructions to give the pilot moments before the plane veered into the U.S. military headquarters just across the Potomac River from Washington.
"What do I tell the pilot to do?" she was quoted as asking in an account offered by a CNN colleague and family friend.
"She called from the plane while it was being hijacked," Theodore Olson said. "I wish it wasn't so, but it is."
CNN reporter Tim O'Brien, acting as family spokesman, told reporters Barbara Olson told her husband, "Our plane is being hijacked."
She described how hijackers forced passengers and the flight's pilot to the rear of the aircraft.
Her calls were cut off, and shortly afterward, the plane smashed into the Pentagon.