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Bayview Cemetery
Bellingham, Whatcom County, Washington
Partial Index

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

SURNAME             GIVEN NAME         MIDDLE       DEATH DATE
=======             ==========         ======       ==========
Saar                Anna               J            04/17/1967
Sabin               Nick                            03/08/1952
Sadler              Frank              J.           08/27/1990
Sadler              Pearl              Marie        10/05/2001
Sadler              Willie                          11/17/1889
Sager               Marilyn            K.           09/04/2001
Sahlbom             Marie                           08/16/1943
Sahlbom             Olaf                            12/12/1942
Sakomoto            Sakichi                         09/10/1913
Sakshaug            Alfred                          06/27/1958
Salak               Rosemary           O            10/26/1999
Salin               Frank                           08/07/1948
Sample              Ruth               L.           11/27/1932
Sample              William            Addison      02/06/1908
Sampson             Miss.                           02/07/1890
Sanchez             Jolene                          02/25/1997
Sanchez             Ubaldina                        03/15/1998
Sand                Charles            Dewey        04/26/1961
Sandal              Gladys             I.           07/23/2004
Sandal              May                             09/18/1968
Sandal              Sigval                          06/07/1961
Sandberg            Arthur             (Oscar)      10/06/1906
Sandberg            Christian                       10/28/1917
Sanden              Carl               C.           03/13/1909
Sander              Darwin             A.           06/20/1994
Sander              Emma               C            11/06/1997
Sander              LeRoy                           07/10/1979
Sander              Melvin                          12/12/1988
Sander              Oline              S.           06/09/1995
Sanderson           James              H.           05/05/2000
Sandstorm           Susie              Dell         10/01/1900
Sandvig             Anna               E.           11/01/1979
Sandvig             Edward             E            07/11/1999
Sandvig             Olaf                            01/14/1944
Sanford             Edward             P.           06/02/1932
Sanford             Mary                            10/03/1929
Sanger              Albert             Theodore     11/03/1960
Sanghera            baby               boy          11/27/1999
Sansregret          Lillian            A            12/28/1997
Sapp                JR.                Floyd        07/26/1947
Sapp                Esther             A            03/11/1986
Sapp                Kenneth            C.           08/16/1946
Sapp                Quincey            (Lee)        08/04/1959
Sargent             Carrie             Anita        10/21/1953
Sarich              Paul               P            09/23/1994
Sarjeant            Dorothy                         03/23/1988
Sarjeant            William                         11/29/1988
Sarlund             Georgia                         02/17/1953
Sarlund             William            A.           11/08/1956
Sartori             Anna               A            10/30/1990
Satterlee           Jeanette                        07/11/2001
Sattimore           E.                 B.           07/22/1914
Sattimore           George             E.           02/26/1943
Saunders            George             L.           05/12/1906
Savage              George             A.           10/21/1988
Savage              Harriette                       03/24/1953
Savage              Helen                           08/26/1992
Savage              Paul               E            07/21/1894
Savage              baby                            10/03/1908
Saxon               Elmer                           09/05/1972
Saxon               Mazie                           06/09/1980
Saxon               Winston                         02/20/1991
Sayer               Alva               T.           09/24/1987
Sayer               Julia                           08/28/1981
Sayer               Russell            E.           01/06/1988
Scarlett            Beulah             A.           06/23/1994
Scarlett            Fred               George       01/30/1907
Scarlett            Howard                          02/12/1987
Schacht             Kathleen           D.           08/03/1987
Schaets             Otto                            12/05/1905
Schalow             Alnora                          06/07/1975
Schalow             Arthur                          12/31/1987
Scharinghaussen     Henry                           09/29/1906
Scharringa          Clara                           07/31/1986
Schatz              Otto               K            03/25/1971
Scheib              Margaret                        01/15/1957
Schenck             William                         10/08/1963
Schencking          Albert             M            12/06/1995
Schenkel            J.F.L.                          10/09/1892
Schenkel            J.F.L.                          10/09/1892
Scherer             Martin                          06/23/1903
Schertz             Dianna             L.           05/29/1990
Schiefke            Carl               A.           04/14/1907
Schinner            Andrew                          10/21/1924
Schinner            Maria              Therisa      09/09/1892
Schkmidli           Rosie                           09/09/1890
Schlicher           Amelia                          09/17/1907
Schmeil             David              H            12/23/1974
Schmick             Child              Of           09/10/1899
Schmidt             Etta                            02/13/1891
Schmidt             Katrina            Elizabeth    05/21/1909
Schmidt             Roger                           08/23/1996
Schmidtlapp         Anna                            08/17/1931
Schmidtlapp         William                         03/24/1916
Schmidtlapp         William            D            04/29/1955
Schmitt             Harry                           02/18/1907
Schmitt             Jacob                           11/02/1951
Schmitt             Virginia           May          04/24/1967
Schmitz             Edna                            03/15/1998
Schnabel            David              G.           07/10/1996
Schnabel            Elrose                          06/01/2001
Schnabel            Erwin              William      04/02/1962
Schnabel            Thelma             S.           07/21/1993
Schneider           Betty              J            10/24/1986
Schneider           Eric                            02/11/1997
Schneider           Mabel              B            04/16/1998
Schneil             Jessie             E.           03/09/1984
Schnell             Anna               (Annie)      06/21/1912
Schnell             Klaas                           03/07/1907
Schoening           August             Gustav       12/19/1961
Schoening           Susan                           01/24/1977
Schooley            Robert             E.           12/12/1963
Schram              Garrett                         04/03/1956
Schriver            Charles            E.           02/02/1962
Schroeder           (child             of           03/14/1891
Schroeder           Anne               M.           08/20/1925
Schroeder           Billie             O            04/22/1999
Schroeder           Henry              Thomas       08/21/1934
Schroeder           Norman             M            03/29/1976
Schuberger          John                            03/13/1984
Schueler            Emory              Wendell      09/27/1908
Schuette            Jesse                           03/23/1995
Schuh               Cork               L.           07/10/1996
Schuh               Elsie                           12/16/1968
Schultz             Elizabeth                       08/17/1972
Schultz             Harold             Henry        02/26/1986
Schultz             Henry              W.           10/08/1985
Schultz             Herbert            I.           02/09/2001
Schultz             Lester                          09/28/1979
Schultz             Lila               Ann          07/06/1970
Schultz             Marcella                        10/30/2002
Schulz              Alberta            E            04/17/1995
Schulz              Anna               Deutsche     03/21/1957
Schumacher          Marjorie           E.           09/18/2003
Schwald             Beverley           L.           09/01/2000
Schwartz            Elsie                           08/23/1983
Schwartz            Henry                           01/28/1977
Schwarz             Renate             C.           10/30/2002
Schwarze            Erma               G.           03/30/1971
Schwarze            George             W.           03/16/1961
Schysler            Anna               Bernardine   07/03/1961
Schysler            Charlotte          Hilda        02/10/1907
Schysler            Chas.                           06/27/1917
Scott               A                  G            01/09/1899
Scott               Carolyn            M            08/06/1953
Scott               Elbert             A            04/30/1902
Scott               Hannah                          01/10/1966
Scott               James              R.           12/14/2001
Scott               John                            06/18/1974
Scott               Kenneth                         04/23/1980
Scott               Margaretta                      04/06/1941
Scott               Marie              L.           06/20/1990
Scott               Myron              W            03/06/1890
Scott               Olga                            06/26/1975
Sears               Connor             Joseph       05/14/2004
Sears               Margaret           Ann          05/13/1959
Sears               S.                 B.           10/12/1902
Sebring             Sara               Christina    09/02/1988
Seedohin            Pearl                           10/30/1959
Seedohin            Walter                          05/20/1955
Seekamp             William                         02/22/1989
Sefrit              Dorothy            Norris       09/01/1992
Segurvig            Mrs.               Olaf         04/01/1904
Seholm              Eaver              D.           02/05/1982
Seholm              Mary               Louise       08/01/2003
Seholm              Nellie             A.           12/01/1989
Seidell             JR.                Henry        05/29/1934
Seimons             Eva                B.           12/20/1968
Selander            Jonas                           10/11/1948
Selander            Martha             Katherine    05/13/1947
Selander            Mary               C.           11/06/1959
Selander            Olaf               A.           09/09/1963
Selby               Alice                           06/19/1950
Seldal              Alfred             Christian    11/17/1986
Seldal              Robert             J.           07/29/1996
Selene              Patricia                        02/28/1932
Selhaver            John               C.           01/18/1946
Selhaver            Leila              M.           07/20/1924
Sellman             child              of           12/23/1892
Sellman             child              of           12/23/1892
Sells               Carle              Albert       04/04/1905
Semon               Christopher                     05/13/1940
Semon               Jas.               (Joseph?)    02/14/1904
Semon               Minnie             Amelia       05/13/1940
Senland             Freda              N.           10/13/1890
Senland             Jacob                           03/29/1893
Senter              Claude             E.           02/24/1978
Senter              Madeline                        04/24/1980
Sepos               Thelma                          10/22/1968
Setter              Wilfred            Maus         12/21/1907
Setzer              Annabel                         11/20/1962
Setzer              Anne               Beatrice     11/15/1967
Setzer              John               H.           07/29/1981
Setzer              Lewis              C.           08/27/1982
Setzer              Theodore           Lewis        04/18/1955
Sevener             Arlene             B            03/07/1998
Severson            (child             Of           02/27/1891
Sevier              Amanda                          02/05/1915
Sevier              Child              Of           09/01/1890
Sevier              F                  M            08/12/1912
Sevier              George             F            07/28/1967
Sevier              Lucille            M            02/02/1993
Sevier              Sammuel            M            12/14/1929
Seymour             Agnes                           12/16/1981
Seymour             Evelyn                          12/19/1973
Seymour             Harlan             F.           07/23/1997
Shaefer             C.H.                            10/21/1891
Shaeffer            Lilian             B            03/20/1901
Shagren             Lauren             K.           04/26/1996
Shagren             Trevor             R.           04/26/1996
Shannon             Bert               S            05/14/1953
Shannon             Florence           E.           12/28/1971
Sharninghouse       Evelyn             L            06/16/1990
Sharninghouse       Ralph              G            12/01/1982
Sharp               Genevieve          Esperance    10/26/2000
Sharp               James              W.           10/14/1983
Sharpless           Edna                            07/23/1901
Shaver              Margaret           V.           03/26/2004
Shaw                Bernice            E.           09/01/1908
Shaw                Birney                          11/16/1922
Shaw                Grace                           04/30/1963
Shaw                Helen              F            02/27/1903
Shaw                Jackson            Paul         04/28/1986
Shaw                Laura              C.           02/20/1923
Shaw                Lois               M            07/29/1982
Shaw                Marguerite         Sarah        04/20/1998
Shaw                Vivian             B.           07/17/1947
Shea                Jack                            05/30/1979
Shea                Mary               S.           05/02/1891
Shea                Zelma              M            12/03/1918
Shearer             Glen               E.           04/18/1969
Shearer             Jeannie            Marie        03/30/1989
Sheckler            Mrs.               G.W.         10/24/1891
Sheeran             Etta               May          12/29/1954
Sheeran             Francis                         09/03/1946
Sheffer             Anna               Florence     09/06/1967
Sheffer             Charles            Wesley       05/18/1954
Sheffer             Louis              E.           12/15/1950
Sheline             George             A.           05/03/1971
Shell               Jaunita                         11/11/1918
Shell               L.                 (Lenny)      07/21/1943
Shell               Lottie             E.           03/24/1913
Shell               Samuel             Lincoln      12/27/1961
Shell               William                         12/31/1902
Shell               William            H.           01/13/1959
Shepard             Ella               May          02/02/1952
Shepard             George             H            10/24/1947
Shepard             May                S.           05/26/1953
Shephard            Carl               Thomas       04/13/1943
Shephard            Florence           Pauline      12/14/1938
Shephard            Harry                           05/20/1937
Shephard            Joseph             M.           01/27/1907
Shephard            Robert             T.           09/21/1905
Sherlock            John                            08/22/1978
Sherman             Chas.              Francis      04/11/1901
Sherman             Russell                         10/21/1984
Sherwood            Mary               E.           10/01/1949
Shesgreen           Maude              May          11/08/1950
Shewey              Allen              M            02/22/1931
Shewey              Chas.                           02/11/1897
Shewey              Jane                            02/25/1884
Shields             (infant)                        05/14/1923
Shinn               Edith              Murphy       04/20/1990
Shinn               child              of           03/28/1898
Shomel              child              of           10/21/1891
Short               Herbert                         08/04/1958
Short               Hilda              R            12/10/1954
Short               Joseph             Alex         11/22/1908
Short               Rebecca            N.           02/14/1919
Shriver(Martin)     Irene                           08/01/1994
Shultz              Emil                            04/02/1911
Shultz              Lillian                         08/18/1985
Shultz              Roy                A            01/23/1992
Sicko               Jos                J            05/04/1891
Siden               Altha              M.           04/30/2001
Siebold             Ronald             C            09/17/1998
Siegel              C.                              02/22/1907
Siegfried           Peter                           06/10/1910
Siegfried           Peter                           03/28/1904
Siemons             Jr.                Siemon       10/12/1930
Siemons             Adaline            Elizabeth    02/03/1970
Siemons             Albert             B.           09/18/1962
Siemons             Allen              Richard      06/08/1911
Siemons             Anna               Ludeman      11/29/1907
Siemons             Frederick          C.           10/10/1955
Siemons             Henry              John         02/01/1949
Siemons             Jean               Margaret     02/27/1935
Siemons             Lila               May          03/20/1987
Siemons             Siemon             H.           02/15/1907
Sievi               Jack                            12/08/1996
Sievi               Lena                            03/04/1987
Sigfred             Mary               Eva          07/19/1895
Sigfred             William            E            12/25/1911
Sigfusson           Dorothy            Juanita      12/17/1996
Sigfusson           Friemann           K            10/22/1956
Sigfusson           Magnus             T.           11/19/1993
Sigfusson           Sigfus                          11/24/1967
Sigfusson           Wilbur             F.           01/02/1981
Sigmen              Cora               L.           03/21/1996
Sigmen              Edward             J.           09/23/1987
Sigrusson           Josephine                       03/23/1973
Silberg             Loyd                            04/05/1908
Silva               Charles            Frank        07/18/1956
Silverton           Charles            P            04/08/1895
Simila              Uumo               A.           03/11/1958
Simila              Vera               M.           02/19/1969
Simmons             Jean               F            05/12/1999
Simmons             Josephine                       09/07/1908
Simon               Ann                             03/01/1990
Simon               George             W            03/21/1997
Simon               Greg               A            04/05/1968
Simon               James              E            06/16/1995
Simonsen            Louis              Robert       11/01/1997
Simonson            Harold                          01/24/1961
Simonson            Jessie             Russell      05/02/1909
Simonson            Lizzie                          04/15/1906
Simonson            Mary               B.           02/10/1926
Simontan            Mrs.               E.           11/09/1899
Simpkins            Anne               F            06/12/1965
Simpkins            George             Martin       06/10/1957
Simplot             Archie                          04/08/1947
Simplot             Cecil                           07/16/2002
Simplot             Esther                          08/13/1975
Simplot             James              O.           04/04/1973
Simplot             Joseph                          06/25/1946
Simplot             Lina               J.           03/29/1965
Simplot             Orin               B.           12/18/1957
Simplot             Stella                          04/09/1948
Simpson             Hattie             M.           03/25/1913
Simpson             Katelynn           B.           01/29/2001
Simpson             Richard            M.           04/19/1944
Sinclair            Irene              Rosalind(Bank06/29/2001
Sine                Robert             E.           06/01/2000
Singer              Minnie             (annie)      09/12/1902
Singer              Ted                             04/19/1965
Sinkovich           John                            02/21/1968
Sipe                Agnes                           12/13/1965
Sirguy              Esther                          11/18/1974
Sirguy              Vernon             C.           01/29/1987
Siros               Leah               S.           06/30/1995
Sisson              Elizabeth                       12/19/1980
Sisson              M.                 Burton       11/27/1944
Sisson              Ralph              C.           11/23/1953
Sitton              Mamie              E.           01/23/1956
Six                 John                            08/27/1906
Six                 John               J.           04/30/1931
Six                 Julius             Frank        02/03/1965
Six                 Mary               Lou          12/06/1939
Skatbo              E                               12/09/1901
Skatbo              Josephine                       10/22/1905
Skittlethrope       Charles                         07/27/1937
Skogstrand          Eilif              M            08/05/1959
Skogstrand          Helga              Marie        05/06/1954
Skrump              Mathew                          07/27/1959
Slaninka            John                            10/31/1966
Slaninka            Marion                          07/08/1957
Slaninka            Mary                            04/19/1979
Slate               A                  Marie        08/04/1978
Slate               George             O            04/08/1965
Slater              Anna               May          05/31/1950
Slater              George             A.           05/26/1951
Slater              George             W.           07/07/1904
Slater              Melinda            O.           11/29/1919
Slater              Warren             Bryan        09/17/1913
Slattery            Thomas                          10/09/1890
Sletto              Carry                           07/15/1907
Sligh               Mary               L.           10/22/1904
Slivinski           Claudia            K.           06/06/2000
Slotterbeck         Harry              W            11/15/1965
Slotterbeck         Marguerite         E            02/26/1983
Slusser             (infant)                        10/07/1904
Sly                 Isaac                           01/27/1907
Sly                 John                            08/09/1947
Sly                 John               B            08/03/1925
Sly                 Joshua             A.           02/10/1924
Sly                 Mary                            10/03/1934
Sly                 Susan              M.           12/28/1942
Sly                 William            Alfred       03/12/1912
Small               Chester            D            02/13/1974
Small               James                           05/15/1929
Small               Mary                            11/28/1998
Smallwood           Calista            Nora         10/28/1965
Smallwood           Francis            N.           04/09/1958
Smallwood           George             W.           11/02/1948
Smallwood           Susie                           12/16/1902
Smart               Mrs                C            08/04/1902
Smart               Thomas             F            06/03/1908
Smith               (infant)                        02/25/1918
Smith               Aaron              L            03/08/1993
Smith               Alfred             M.           05/02/1913
Smith               Alvira                          02/10/1902
Smith               Ann                             03/06/1937
Smith               Anna                            10/16/1906
Smith               Archie             Minor        03/08/1957
Smith               Belle                           03/26/1930
Smith               Bertha             M.           04/08/1905
Smith               Caleb              Gardner      10/20/1953
Smith               Catherine                       05/16/1908
Smith               Celesta            A.W.         06/14/1938
Smith               Charles            F.           09/27/2004
Smith               Charlotte          E.           12/30/1969
Smith               Charlotte          R.           09/13/2002
Smith               Chris                           07/26/1920
Smith               Clara              E.           11/24/1964
Smith               Darin              L            07/08/1993
Smith               Donald                          10/26/1989
Smith               Earl               A.           10/15/1949
Smith               Edward             W.           02/25/1920
Smith               Ella                            02/17/1947
Smith               Elmer                           11/17/1895
Smith               Elvina             C.           10/21/1992
Smith               Ethel              Ann          11/08/1991
Smith               Florence           H.           12/02/1983
Smith               Frank              A            04/02/1971
Smith               Frank              S.           10/14/1910
Smith               George             W.           11/09/1913
Smith               Gertrude           C            07/02/1997
Smith               Harold             Merten       02/12/1993
Smith               Hazel              H            05/12/1997
Smith               Helen              Mar          12/27/1996
Smith               Herman             W.           02/06/1905
Smith               Homer              E            03/18/1995
Smith               Howard             A.           05/06/1905
Smith               James                           03/22/1906
Smith               Jay                E.           12/03/1901
Smith               Jeanne             C            09/21/1999
Smith               Jennis             O.           08/03/1907
Smith               Jerome             M            05/18/1908
Smith               Jessie             De           06/08/1953
Smith               Joseph             Edgar        10/14/1913
Smith               Katherine          Kellogg      07/29/1994
Smith               Katherine          L.           05/08/1961
Smith               Lewis                           12/24/1924
Smith               Lillie             Dale         10/08/1944
Smith               Louis              J.           10/21/1992
Smith               Lydia              A            02/16/1893
Smith               Marguerite                      07/15/2002
Smith               Marie              M.           01/21/1985
Smith               Marion             L.           04/25/1975
Smith               Marshall           M.           09/13/1948
Smith               Martha             E.           05/20/1949
Smith               Mary               C.           10/29/1907
Smith               Mary               C.           10/17/1907
Smith               Mary               C.           01/10/1916
Smith               Mary               L.           12/10/1947
Smith               May                             01/25/1907
Smith               May                Reasoner     11/14/1980
Smith               Minor                           09/12/1937
Smith               Mrs                E            07/30/1896
Smith               Mrs                R            03/17/1905
Smith               Orrin              B.           01/29/1954
Smith               Paul               W            12/13/1973
Smith               Peter                           11/02/1923
Smith               Queen              R.           08/31/1967
Smith               R                  W            02/20/1891
Smith               Raymond            C.           12/13/2001
Smith               Richard                         11/08/1980
Smith               Richard            B            01/20/1988
Smith               Robert             B            01/12/1938
Smith               Roderick           K.           07/02/1951
Smith               Rose               Johnson      03/03/1987
Smith               Ryan               James        03/14/1999
Smith               Sammuel            C.           06/30/1906
Smith               Wallace            B.           05/02/1983
Smith               William            E.           03/04/1909
Smithson            Robert                          02/13/1928
Smrekar             John                            10/10/1974
Smrekar             Mary                            04/05/1984
Smull               Robert                          07/03/2002
Smythe              Mary               B.           12/26/1908
Smythe              Roscoe             G.           10/24/1943
Snider              Ada                E.           10/05/1992
Snider              Alice              A.           04/11/1990
Snider              Frank              O.           11/30/1976
Snitzler            Charles                         09/10/1946
Snortland           Anna               Thomina      01/20/1942
Snortland           Ole                J.           01/13/1958
Snow                Pattie                          09/03/1891
Snyder              Ed.                             10/24/1901
Snyder              Ella               A            02/08/1999
Snyder              Mary                            01/19/1898
Snyder              Roberta            E            01/08/1981
Snyder              Thomas             P            06/27/1984
Sobers              John               Edgar        01/23/1927
Sobers              Sarah              S.           06/26/1915
Sobjack             Donald             FG           09/29/2003
Soderquist          Aileen                          06/17/1974
Soderquist          Edna               E            02/19/1998
Soderquist          Fred               M            07/27/1974
Soderquist          Gilbert            T.           10/16/1958
Soderquist          Marvin             L            11/30/1990
Soderquist          Ted                             02/14/1992
Solafson            (infant            John)        08/30/1904
Solberg             Peter                           05/02/1905
Solbert             Andrew                          12/21/1950
Solby               Edward                          04/29/1905
Solley              Harry              N.           03/13/1987
Solley              Martha             A            06/16/1974
Solley              Olaf                            09/18/1964
Solley              Ruth               E.           02/04/2004
Solomon             Fred                            05/13/1931
Solomon             Fritz                           11/03/1961
Solomon             Louisa                          11/20/1936
Solvang             Barney                          07/28/1952
Solvang             Borghild           P.           11/29/1989
Solvang             Borghild           P.           12/13/1988
Solvang             Torkil                          07/20/1982
Solvey              Amy                             12/16/1892
Solvik              Bernard                         08/25/1943
Solwold             Joyce              E            12/01/1995
Solwold             Richard            O.           01/08/2001
Somerville          William            E.           01/13/1903
Sonneland           Bess               Hayne        02/19/1991
Sooter              John               H.           05/11/1995
Sooter              Marion             A.           09/08/2000
SoRelle             Belle                           11/12/1931
SoRelle             Lillian                         11/23/1988
Sorensen            Clara              L            07/14/1998
Sorensen            Walter             N            09/08/1997
Sorenson            Caroline                        12/14/1981
Sorenson            Clara                           01/22/1892
Sorenson            Samuel                          10/21/1977
Sorrick             Henry              G            10/24/1897
Sorstokke           Carl               O            07/05/1983
Soulia              Jerry              Eugene       09/08/1928
Southern            Earl               H            02/11/1957
Southern            Eva                             08/24/1924
Southern            Rosanna                         12/10/1918
Southworth          Blanche                         04/28/1993
Southworth          Earl               E.           01/13/1983
Souve               Dolphus                         11/13/1951
Sowersby            Victoria           Emilie       11/15/1951
Spangler            Daniel             W.           09/22/1906
Sparf               Ethel              Cornelius    05/29/1945
Sparks              Richard                         05/21/1928
Sparman             Alma               Sofia        10/07/1963
Sparman             John               F.           12/17/1958
Sparr               Velara             M            01/06/1964
Spearin             A                  B            01/18/1942
Spearin             Emmons             P            03/20/1962
Spearin             Herbert                         07/15/1933
Spearin             Herbert                         01/20/1998
Spearin             Lois               A.           09/08/2004
Spearin             Ruth               Esther       09/25/1960
Spedding            Alta               Belle        05/17/1971
Spedding            Isabelle                        06/23/1928
Spedding            John                            02/19/1941
Spedding            Margaret           M.           03/25/1903
Speirs/Spears       Charlotte          E.           07/30/1974
Speirs/Spears       Christie           M.           03/20/1927
Speirs/Spears       Hazel              Helen        10/16/1906
Speirs/Spears       John                            04/30/1922
Speirs/Spears       Sarah              E.           04/05/1933
Speirs/Spears       William            (W.)         08/29/1949
Spencer             Dorothy                         06/18/1902
Spencer             Emma               A            12/16/1916
Spencer             J                  B            07/08/1897
Spencer             J.                 S.           01/18/1908
Spencer             Mary                            02/07/1908
Spencer             Mary               Catherine    09/09/1943
Sperry              Mary                            01/11/1983
Spindel             Florence           M.           07/10/1990
Spindel             Loyal                           10/29/1992
Spinks              son                of           01/30/1890
Sponberg            Charles                         12/02/1905
Sprague             Eva                Lutz         01/01/1978
Sprague             Francis                         12/04/1972
Springer            Robert             Dean         06/09/1998
Spurlin             Norah              H.           01/09/1904
Spurway             Mary                            05/04/1905
Spyksma             Nicole             M.           01/23/2004
Squarebriggs        Doris                           11/10/1986
Squire              Emily              Samantha     07/15/1907
Squirry             S.                 G.           09/30/1904
St                  John               Catheryn     03/12/1982
St                  John               John         10/01/1979
St                  John               Joseph       05/03/1977
St                  John               Mary         10/01/1956
St                  John               Paul         04/09/1947
St                  John               Paul         09/29/1977
St                  Lawrence           Henry        01/27/1964
St.                 Pierre             Mary         02/13/1959
St.Pierre           Peter              W.           12/26/1952
Stacy               Clara              Mona         07/13/1938
Staffanson          Ernest                          03/18/1960
Staffanson          John                            02/10/1961
Staffird            N.                 M.           08/03/1890
Stalker             Alexander          E            07/25/1958
Stalker             Bessie                          10/29/1962
Stall               Henry              irvin        07/02/1907
Stamey              Ellen              E.           03/15/1954
Stamm               Cordelia                        04/17/1974
Stamm               Jessie                          09/24/1985
Stamm               Joseph                          10/17/1992
Stanfield           Bessie             Luella       02/16/1909
Stange              Martha             Amelia       03/24/1907
Stanley             C.                 W.           03/03/1906
Stanley             E                  P            08/26/1897
Stanley             Grant              Edward       02/13/1953
Stanovich           Frank              N            07/19/1999
Stansell            Arthur             M            07/30/1958
Stansell            Elleanor                        03/10/1975
Stark               Richard                         06/29/1987
Starry              Belle                           11/18/1925
Starry              Etta                            04/13/1980
Starry              Lola               May          06/21/1907
Starry              W                  B            09/19/1963
Stearns             Anna                            12/29/1928
Stearns             Charles            Willis       04/19/1941
Stearns             Hattie                          03/25/1891
Stearns             John               J.           09/17/1908
Stedman             Althea             Latheda      09/19/1909
Stedman             Laura              M.           03/04/1908
Steele              (Mike)             Quincy       08/27/1953
Steele              Coleman            R            02/04/1993
Steele              Della              Ann          07/18/1926
Steele              Deloris            J.           10/02/1991
Steele              Edith              L            11/16/1891
Steele              Fredrick           W.           05/08/1974
Steele              Howard             R.           12/07/1961
Steele              Lillian            G.           10/09/1957
Steenmeyer          Joseph                          10/27/1972
Steenmeyer          Mary               Ann          07/05/1962
Steenmeyer          Paul               Andrew       04/22/2002
Steenmeyer          Susan                           09/13/1965
Steffan             Geraldine          E            12/16/1997
Steffans            John                            09/28/1966
Stendal             Doris              Nadene       08/26/1966
Stenger             Carl               Walter       10/18/1963
Stenger             Clara                           03/08/1945
Stenger             Edward             L            11/23/1950
Stenger             Elizabeth                       03/28/1915
Stenger             Hazel                           04/03/1986
Stenger             John                            02/07/1919
Stenger             Leonard                         02/23/1917
Stenger             Lewis                           07/27/1939
Stenger             Lola                            05/02/1958
Stenger             Maud               Lillian      07/23/1951
Stenger             Nina               F            08/07/1981
Stenger             Walter             W            02/24/1959
Stenvig             Mathilda           C            10/06/1923
Stenvig             Mrs                A.           10/26/1899
Stephens            Clara              Josephine    08/07/1939
Stephens            Glen               L            05/09/1963
Stephens            Huldah                          01/10/1972
Stephens            Ira                             10/03/1906
Stephens            Mary               F.           01/31/1924
Stephens            William            Reynolds     03/02/1943
Stephenson          W                               11/28/1892
Stephenson          W                  M            08/26/1890
Sterling            Marion             Y            01/09/1991
Sterling            Marion             Y            06/17/1958
Sternhagen          John               Francis      12/26/1946
Sterrett            Sherman            W.           11/24/1945
Stevens             Joseph             T.           04/18/1955
Stevens             Leonard            P            02/25/1959
Stevens             Sarah              M.           01/09/1953
Stevenson           Doretta            E            07/09/2003
Stevenson           Eleanore                        04/17/1972
Stevenson           Etta                            01/22/1891
Stevenson           James              Harold       11/22/1988
Stevenson           Pauline            N            07/13/1997
Stevenson           Robert                          07/23/2001
Stevenson           S                  J            03/30/1898
Stewart             Charles            D.           11/14/1946
Stewart             Charles            Reed         04/06/1971
Stewart             Claude             M            12/06/1985
Stewart             Doris                           02/07/1996
Stewart             Ernest                          08/10/1904
Stewart             Mary               E.           02/17/1989
Stewart             Robert             B.           03/30/1930
Stewart             Timothy            Carl         12/14/1910
Still               Charlotte          Jane         07/17/1963
Still               Frank                           03/03/1965
Stimpson            Catharine          C            07/29/1998
Stimson             Francis            B.           02/15/2001
Stimson             Marie              S.           03/20/2002
Stinde              Delbert            Lyle         10/14/1946
Stinde              Leonard            H.           05/01/1972
Stinde              Lola               M.           04/28/1982
Stinson             Earl                            04/02/1951
Stinson             Ellen                           07/05/1911
Stinson             Jacquelyn          Rush         09/11/1998
Stocklin            Henry              Jos.         02/22/1907
Stocklin            Joseph                          05/27/1908
Stocklin            Margaret                        05/26/1922
Stoddard            Alfred             T            08/10/1967
Stoddard            Ethel                           07/31/1907
Stoddard            Iris               L            04/26/1998
Stoddard            John               H.           04/21/1913
Stoddard            Koral                           07/24/1974
Stoddard            Mary               A.           12/21/1929
Stoddard            Millard            Frank        04/10/1963
Stofer              Clyde                           07/23/1971
Stokes              Elizabeth                       06/12/1951
Stokes              George             R.           03/09/1992
Stokes              John               N.           07/07/1971
Stokes              Mabel                           12/30/1970
Stone               Alice                           09/21/1981
Stone               Chas               William      03/27/1910
Stone               Edith              T.           01/28/1909
Stonedahl           Elwood                          10/26/1992
Stonehouse          Charlotte          Strong       02/06/1959
Stoneking           Bessie                          03/19/1899
Stoner              Paul               H.           12/30/1994
Storey              Adelaide           L            06/01/1919
Storey              Joseph                          05/28/1901
Storey              Sarah              S            07/14/1926
Storey              William                         01/21/1894
Storey              William            Scott        06/09/1911
Stowell             Charles                         02/16/1928
Stowell             Child              Of           04/05/1898
Stowell             George                          05/30/1901
Stowell             Maude                           08/12/1960
Stowell             Mrs.                            03/20/1901
Stowers             Eliza              E            01/14/1905
Strachen            Frank              C.           01/16/1967
Strahl-Wallen       Doris                           08/08/2002
Strand              Anna                            04/27/1965
Strand              Edward             P.           10/02/1923
Strand              Louis              O.           02/21/1931
Strand              Maren                           11/01/1922
Strand              Margareth          Willumson    11/30/1921
Strandberg          Mabel              I.           02/29/1956
Strange             Lizzie                          09/27/1896
Stratford           Clark              N.           04/03/2000
Stratton            Margaret           A            11/25/1916
Stratton            R.                 M.           08/24/1903
Straub              Mrs                A            10/09/1897
Streed              David              W.           06/19/1970
Streed              Ivar               A.           07/13/1972
Streubel            Elizabeth          H            02/19/1991
Streubel            Leonard            H.           07/17/1992
Streubel            Rudolph            F.           06/13/1979
Stricklin           Ann                M            04/22/1998
Strom               Bertha             G.           05/17/1971
Strom               Frank                           05/29/1951
Strong              Charles                         08/09/1906
Strong              Ethel              E            05/24/1995
Strong              George                          05/28/1983
Strong              Michael            H            06/03/1998
Strong              Sylvester          Paul         10/19/1942
Strother            Hattie                          09/09/1936
Strother            Willie                          01/11/1893
Stubbs              Harriett                        12/22/1905
Stubbs              Sam'l                           12/26/1898
Sturgeon            Anna                            07/21/1898
Sturgeon            E                               11/08/1923
Sturgeon            Harriet                         12/01/1913
Sturgeon            Theodora           A            07/04/1990
Succa               Linda                           03/17/1988
Sudlow              Sabina             F            03/06/1890
Suh                 Mary               K.           10/30/2001
Suito               Yasukichi                       03/21/1890
Sulios              Gust               Eli          02/05/1912
Sullivan            Charles            J.           05/24/2002
Sullivan            Dorothy                         01/16/2004
Sullivan            Grace              M.           04/29/1968
Sullivan            Harold             M.           11/15/1965
Summers             Brett              J            08/25/1983
Summers             Heather            M            12/22/1995
Summers             Mary               C.           04/22/2002
Summerville         Sam                             05/23/1909
Sumner              Edward                          07/30/1973
Sundean             Karen              L.           01/06/1986
Sundstrom           Vivian             E.           05/06/2002
Sunel               Minnie                          05/03/1965
Surig               Lucy                            01/14/1997
Sutherland          Catherine                       09/28/1951
Sutherland          Harold             B.           04/22/1906
Sutherland          J.                 B.           03/01/1904
Sutherland          James              T            05/13/1929
Sutherland          Jessie                          09/30/1911
Sutherland          Jessie                          05/14/1903
Sutherland          Josephine                       01/30/1908
Sutherland          Lucy               A            10/18/1958
Sutherland          Margret            Jean         02/19/1922
Sutherland          Mary               Grace        04/09/1908
Svidran             Thyra                           12/10/1973
Swanger             Alvin              E.           05/27/1926
Swanger             Zaida                           03/08/1906
Swank               Leon               M            10/25/1957
Swank               Minnie                          09/16/1963
Swank               Nora               P.           07/26/1909
Swank               Wilson             Wheeler      04/13/1959
Swann               Albert             J.           03/24/1970
Swann               Howard             David        05/15/1967
Swanson             Adolph             Y.           09/23/1991
Swanson             Andrew             E.           04/06/1946
Swanson             August                          08/02/1943
Swanson             Charles            A            02/16/1920
Swanson             Child              Of           03/21/1897
Swanson             Clyde              A.           03/02/1972
Swanson             Clyde              A.           07/06/1970
Swanson             Dorothy            Nancy        04/30/1962
Swanson             Emma               C.           08/01/1905
Swanson             Ester              Christina    11/25/1904
Swanson             Florence                        03/10/1975
Swanson             Florence           M.           03/24/1980
Swanson             Helen                           03/26/1965
Swanson             Jennie                          03/06/1901
Swanson             John                            01/12/1913
Swanson             John               A.           09/25/1957
Swanson             John               O.           08/23/1941
Swanson             Kenneth            L            06/23/2000
Swanson             Lizzie             L.           03/27/1961
Swanson             Lydia              Amanda       09/20/1941
Swanson             Myra               A.           04/17/1945
Swanson             Nels                            12/12/1896
Swanson             Oscar              William      09/06/1908
Swanson             Roger              Andrew       03/15/1999
Swanson             Samuel                          01/10/1912
Swanson             Starr              A.           01/15/1976
Swartters           Marion             D            06/07/1896
Swartz              Dora               Bell         11/18/1922
Swartz              Frank              C.           09/26/1914
Swearingen          SR.                Thomas       01/15/1905
Swearingen          Sarah              Jane         05/05/1917
Sweetland           R.                 S.           01/16/1906
Swendt              Mabel              B            10/09/1999
Swenson             Anna               M.           11/22/1963
Swenson             Olava                           10/31/1961
Swenson             Olava                           10/31/1961
Swenson             Samuel                          05/03/1945
Swift               Charles            W.           08/24/1943
Swift               Earl               Rexford      08/01/1983
Swift               Floyd              LeLand       08/23/1944
Swiger              Arthur             E.           02/01/1935
Swiger              Clara                           08/09/1901
Swiger              Florence           Marie        07/24/1961
Swiger              Jane                            01/14/1918
Swiger              Jeremiah                        08/05/1924
Swiger              John               A.           09/28/1904
Switzer             Frances            Tuttle       04/03/1946
Switzer             Fred                            10/20/1904
Swobody             Jacob                           11/16/1920
Swobody             Josephine                       01/20/1906
Swope               John               C.           06/18/1982
Sybouts             Render                          12/24/1952
Sylte               Marion                          12/23/1968
Sylte               Peter              O            06/01/1962
Syre                Nellie                          03/27/1980
Syre                Olaus              S            01/23/1967
Syre                Oline                           01/16/1953
Syre                Roy                             10/12/1962
Sztuk               Benjamin           P.           09/16/1963
Szymanski           SR.                Michael      11/19/1956
Szymanski           Katarzyne                       03/15/1963

Sale                Vernon             F.           04/30/2004
Savage              Ronald             A.           07/25/2000
Scherrer            Edward             C.           04/26/2002
Schramer            Gerald             J.           06/21/2001
Slivinski           Stanley            C.           06/06/2000
Smith               Alice              D.           08/28/2000
Smitham             Matthew            Duane        02/05/2004
Sorenson            William            I            03/27/1981
Stang               Jacob              H.           08/21/2002
Sullivan            Robert             E.           05/24/2002


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