Floyd Schwartzwalder - - - - President Minnie Love - - - - - - - - Vice-President Betty McKee - - - - - - - - Secretary Wilbur Sortet - - - - - - - Treasurer ----------- CLASS SPONSORS Mr. Ricketts, Chairman Miss Hepburn Miss Wilcox Mr. Gunnoe Miss Shumate Miss Myers Miss Reil Miss Newman Miss Shepherd ----------- Well, here we are! Another year has sped by and we are now Junior A's, the backbone of old H. H. S. We have given our support to everything that has been - instituted for the good of the school. You know Wilbur Sortet and Tom Brooks, don't you? They are Junior A's. They have contributed much toward athletics this year. Then, too, there are Louise Pierce, Hazel Sumpter, and Marie Scarberry, who have helped the girls' basketball team win the state championship. However, we shine not only in athletics, but also in dramatics, literature, music, and in all school activities. Look out for us when we become "sedate Seniors." We shall surely make history! |
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Adkins, Mae Adkins, Maxine Allins, Virginia Allen, Marguerite Anderson, Chester Angel, Harry Arnett, Adrienne Ashworth, Anne Marie Atkins, Arthur Batchell, Lorena Beard, Pauline Berry, John Bickell, Hildegarde Bircher, Ila Booker, Leona Booten, Ruth Bosworth, Alma Bragg, Raymond Bray, Isabelle Brooks, Tom Brown, Maxine Bunch, Lois Butts, Isabel Cain, Berlin Calloway, Russell Catron, Jessie Caverlee, Clifford Chapman, Alta Chapman, Henry Chapman, Ivan Childers, Josephine Churton, John Caseley, Albert Clark, Merrill Cochrane, Kathleen Conleman, Frances Cometto, Alba Conner, Altha Mae Corder, Marie Cox, Wilma Crockett, Bill Cubbedge, Betty Cutts, Alice Darnell, Billie Davis, Paul J. Dean, Virginia Delaney, Raymond Denny, Don Dickerson, Jim Dillon, Margaret Dillon, Olena Doak, Ruth Dober, Josepha Doss, Faye Douglas, Bethel Doyle, Edith Dunn, Helen Dunn, Althea Dunn, Franklin Durkin, Mary Catherine Earl, Minnie Eastep, Verna Eddy, Don Elliott, Charles Emerson, Abbott Evans, Leroy Feeney, Lorna |
Ferguson, Jeromine Fisher, Allen Flannagan, Nancy Fletcher, Magdalene Floyd, Dorothy Fontaine, Jack Forgey, Evelyn Gerlach, Thelma Gibson, Roy Gilbert, Anne Ginn, Genevra Gioia, Sylvia Glassman, Harry Grant, John Grubbs, Claude Haldane, Agnes Hall, Margaret Hamilton, Edith Harker, May Jane Harp, Velma Harris, Elizabeth Haskell, Catherine Hauck, Lauretta Hedger, Clark Hogan, Mary Hollandsworth, Kathryn Holliday, Elsie Bell Holswade, Fred Hoy, Robert Huffman, Eva Humphries, George Huron, James Hwion, Mary Clark Husk, Lucille Hyman, Joe Jamison, Burr Jamison, Frank Jamison, Robert Jerrel, Clifford Jennings, Mary Justice, Frances Keifer, Herman Kincaid, Hugh Kincade, Pansy Kindberg, Albert Kopp, Robert Lacock, Henry Lambert, Elaine Lawton, Thomas Lay, Lahoma Leckie, Jean Levy, Sylvia Lieberman, Ruth Lewis, Elizabeth Mary Light, Ruth Lockwood, Sylvia Long, Catherine Love, Minnie Lowe, Harry Lynch, Ernest Lynd, Dolores Maier, Anne Matheny, Ruby Maxwell, Maxine Mayberry, Frank Mays, Blaine Mefford, Bertha |
Nundell, Ruth Miller, Don Miller, Forest Miller, Janet Miller, Wayne Mitchell, Helen Moore, Karl Moore, Mabel Moore, Marie Morris, Evelyn Morrison, Maurine Morrow, Max Mosser, Donald Murdock, Chester McCaffery, John McCaffery, Margaret McComas, Lottie McCown, Oliver McCutcheon, David McGee, Mary Belle McGinnis, Elizabeth McGlothlen, Gaye McKee, Betty McKiever, Gwendolyn McKendree, Anne MacPherson, Wilfred Nukamp, Theodore Neff, Patricia Napper, Charles Nichols, Hester Nixon, Robert O'Brien, Martha Oxley, Frank Paine, Jewell Parrish, Elizabeth Paul, Forest Peoples, Charles Perego, Hilda Perry, Aril Perry, Tennie Pierce, Louise Pene, Maxine Polan, Charles Pollard, Allene Powell, Bill Pratt, Elsie Ruth Price, Walter Prickett, Camden Rains, Dick Ramsey, Allen Ray, Sadie Reatherford, Evelyn Reinhart, Catherine Richardson, Bonnie Richardson, Harold Riley, Lillian Roberts, Claude Robinson, Avanelle Rose, Iva Rosenwie, Esther Sadler, Henrietta Sayre, Dorothy Sayre, Helen Sayre, Dorothy Schwartz, Jennie Schwartzwalder, Floyd Seegmiller, Joe |
Smith, Paul D. Sehon, John Shreve, Mae Shute, Maybelle Shy, Virginia Simms, Ernestine Sinclair, Mary Slack, Ernest Slaughter, Mary Ellen Sloan, Neva Smith, Clyde Smith, Lillian Smith, Maribelle Smith, Paul D. Solof, Harold Sonenberg, Bertram Snyder, George Sortel, Wilbur Spessard, Ruth Starkey, Walter Steiner, Dora Stewart, Thelma Stillwell, Harold Stuckey, Max Sumte, Ethel Stevenson, Florence Stevenson, Gertrude Sumpter, Hazel Swann, Claude Sydenstricker, Mae Tate, Oscar Terrill, Dorothy Thomason, Beulah Thornley, Virginia Thornburg, Arnold Trippe, Rosepha Turner, Gorman Umstead, Willard Verlander, Marie Vernatte, Nakoma Walter, Ester Wellman, Stanton Wright, Howard Wheeler, Joe Webb, Eloise Wilson, Frank Wheeler, Charles Wimmer, Percy Wells, Ellen Alberta Wallis, Gladys Wallace, Lella Willis, Oscar Wittenberg, Anne Wiles, Gertrude Wild, Robert Williams, Opal Weatherford, Mildred Watkins, Alma Wilson, Helen Withers, Frances Williams, Mable Warren, Boyd Warren, Stacy Young, Nellie Ziegler, Herbert Zihlman, Mildred Zihlman, Clara | -