Robert McIntosh - - - - - - - President Bliss Charles - - - - - - - - Vice-President Harold Carden - - - - - - - - Secretary & Treasurer -------------- CLASS SPONSORS Miss Koletka, Chairman Mrs. Beatty Mrs. Burgess Mrs. Grady In January of the year 1925, there was introduced to the halls of learning at H. H. S. another group of frightened Freshies. Now these Freshies are dignified Seniors and have made their mark in the history of Huntington High School. Representatives of the class are found in every club and activity of the school. A number are members of the National Honor Society. Anne Pauline Scott, editor-in-chief of both the weekly and annual Tatler, is one of the Senior stars. Bill Smythe, one of the best known athletes in H. H. S. is also a member of this distinguished class. In short, this class has made an enviable record and is one of the most progressive groups ever in H. H. S. |
Aldridge, Paul Atkins, Glen Atkins, Helen Bennett, Virginia Blankenship, Idella Brooks, Anna Lee Brizendine, Louise Burtless, Stanford Carden, Harold Carpenter, Sidney Carpenter, Ernest Carroll, Bernice Clements, Clarence Charles, Bliss Childers, Witcher Craig, Phala Curtis, Raymond Davis, Chella Davis, Mary D. Dean, Irving Dean, Madison Dickson, Wilbur Dickson, William Dugan, Davie Dunkle, Bernie Embry, Virginia Eubanks, Charles Forester, Juanita Fullerton, Robert Hagen, Dorothy Ann Hamlin, Urban Harris, Franklin Hay, Beckett Hay, Ruben Haynes, Lada Belle Hawkins, Leo Healy, William Henking, Dana Holbrook, Haskell |
Honchell, Carlisle Howes, Anne Wallace Hurt, Hattie Husk, Vaude Jeffers, Rudy Jones, Barton Jones, Forest Kelly, Forrest King, Maxine Klinzing, Lois Langdon, Virgil Lambert, Paul Lanthorne, Doc Lawwill, Beatrice Lefley, Helen Lemley, Harold Laveday, Tom Levinson, Victor Lewis, William Lindsey, Earl Linkfield, Erma Logan, Nester McCaffery, William McDonie, Virginia McFann, Bernice McIntosh, Robert McWilliams, Adelaide Main, Dorothy Lee Massey, Marguerite Massey, Pauline Miller, Tommie Mitchell, John Mynes, Audra Nagle, Raleigh Napier, Pauline Neal, Eloise Newlon, Lydia Ruth Odell, Anna Owen, Flora |
Parrish, Hulda Pollard, Louise Powell, Rowland Raiguel, Julia Ratcliffe, Cecil Ridenour, Esta Rider, Mary Danease Rist, Wilbur Robertson, Garland Rudy, Ralph Scott, Anne Pauline Schools, Elmer Seay, Thelma Sharer, Harry Alater, Janet Smith, Nevora Smythe, Bill Spencer, Katie Stahlman, Beunah Stettler, Kenneth Stratton, Helen Thacker, Edan Tingley, Harry Tingley, Walter Toney, Louise Tuckwiller, Glenna Tyler, Vera Vickers, Mary Rose Ward, Edward Ward, Lillian Warren, Stacey Wheat, Louise Williams, Kathryn Wilson, Lawrence Witten, Christline York, Louise Yost, Margaret Via, Orville York, Eugene | -