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Index to Obituaries in the Southern Democrat
Blount County, AL 1915-1940

Edited, Published, and Copyrighted in 1982 by Clifton Warren Weaver, P.O. Box 45, Oneonta, Alabama 35121
Placed here by permission of Mr. Weaver - -

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14
15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27

Name of Deceased       Age at Death  Issue Date
================       ============  ==========
Aaron, Alma            3             7-14-27
Ables, Mrs. Della      57            3-2-33 
Ables, Minerva         68            5-16-35 
Abney, Bill                          1-2-36 
Absher, Mrs. Elizabeth 80            4-12-28
Absher, Mrs. F. Marion 77            6-1-22
Acton, Donald          2             9-20-38
Acton, James Hoyt      6 mos.        8-16-28
Acuff, John            31            3-1-17
Adams, Bessie          38            11-17-38
Adams, Betty Mae       6             9-12-20
Adams, John Q.         64            9-11-19 & 12-11-19
Adams, Kenneth W.      13            9-12-35
Adams, S. Boyd                       12-22-38
Adams, Mrs. Sarah J.   83            12-3-25
Adams, Prof. W. Y.     77            1-15-25
Adcock, Opelee         2             4-29-26
Adcock, Rebecca        84            1-1-25
Addington, Bert        82            12-14-33
Addington, Mrs. Bettie 72            7-19-34
Addington, J. L.       45            3-18-26
Alexander, Abner       14            6-23-32
Alexander, Mrs. Maudie 23            4-9-31
Alexander, Paul                      7-9-36
Alexander, T. A.       77            12-27-28
Alexander, Vitta Jean                11-28-29
Alexander, William A.  60            6-12-18
Alfred, Jessie Holcomb 71            8-8-40
Allbright, James       34            6-8-39
Allbritton, J. B.      79            9-17-36
Allbritton, W. A.      74            8-16-17
Alldredge, E. C.       64            2-13-19
Alldredge, Sheriff E.C.68            7-17-24
Alldredge, Judge E.G.                2-1-23
Alldredge, Mrs. George 55            2-13-19
Alldredge, J. Leonard  44            6-3-37
Alldredge, Mrs. J. W.                10-9-30
Alldredge, L. C.       58            4-24-19
Alldredge, Mrs. Mary   74            1-3-29
Alldredge, Mrs. Mary   62            12-1-32
Alldredge, Miss Milda                12-2-26
Alldredge, Mrs. Onie   35            4-9-31
Alldredge, Parker      35            3-1-17
Alldredge, Mrs. R. U.  63            2-21-18
Alldredge, R. V.       7             8-8-40
Alldredge, Rufus U.                  9-19-19
Alldredge, Mrs. Shug   83            1-3-29
Alldredge, W. T.       67            6-15-39
Alldredge, Walter      39            3-8-23
Allen, Bonnie Ruth     infant        2-25-32
Allen, John W. Buman                 10-9-30
Allgood, Banister      63            3-10-21
Allgood, Dock          90            7-25-36
Allgood, Herman        2             3-1-17
Allgood, Mrs. John     71            9-14-15
Allgood, John Benson   75            12-20-40
Allgood, John D.       87            4-30-40
Allgood, Mrs. Lucinda  56            8-14-18
Allgood, Mrs. Manila   83            11-18-26
Allgood, Martha        84            9-1-38 [sic]
Allgood, Martha        84            9-1-39 [sic]
Allgood, Mrs. Mary     68            1-24-35
Allgood, R. A.         83            10-18-37
Allgood, Mrs. R. A.    65            12-21-22
Allgood, R. V.                       12-2-37
Allgood, Miss Ruby                   9-26-29
Allgood, Rev S. C.     81            8-23-17
Allgood, Sallie Jane                 6-19-30
Allgood, Rev. Stephen Leroy          9-16-40
Allgood, Dr. Wm. Barnett 83          1-10-24
Allison, Columbus        38          2-4-15
Allison, Mrs. Margaret   60          1-17-35
Allison, R. A.                       1-6-27
Allison, T. A.           47          6-1-33
Allison, W. A.           20          1-12-39
Allman, C. L.            63          9-21-33
Allred, A. R             79          9-8-32
Allred, Mrs. Elma        26          4-10-19
Allred, Mrs. Loa         76          10-30-24
Allred, Mrs. Sarah R.                2-24-38
Allred, Vincent                      2-27-30
Amberson, Mrs. C. H.     40          6-16-21
Amberson, Charles        55          4-13-33
Amberson, Esther         27          10-13-32
Amberson, Grace E.                   1-27-30
Amberson, Mrs. Gus 0.    25          7-26-17
Amberson, P. A.          76          3-22-34
Amberson, Vera           infant      2-24-15
Amos, Mrs. Bob           40          4-17-19
Anderson, Frances        1           6-28-34
Anderson, Rufus Elbert   74          7-25-40
Armstrong, A. E.         70          3-25-20
Armstrong, Arthur        31          11-11-20
Armstrong, Belle         48          1-11-23
Armstrong, E. S.                     7-8-20
Armstrong, F. M.         75          5-9-23
Armstrong, Mrs. Henry J. 31          4-31-32
Armstrong, Howard        4           1-11-23
Armstrong, Isaac         70          7-4-35
Armstrong, Isaac H.      83          2-23-39
Armstrong, Mr. J. H.                 11-29-17
Armstrong, J. T.         78          9-23-26
Armstrong, Mrs. Jasper               12-7-33
Armstrong, Mrs. James    80          4-22-15
Armstrong, Jesse C.      61          7-5-40
Armstrong, Jim           74          6-6-35
Armstrong, Jimmie        87          12-14-16
Armstrong, Mrs. John B.  59          11-19-40
Armstrong, Mrs. Lee      37          6-25-36
Armstrong, Mrs. Mary     87          4-16-31
Armstrong, Mrs. Mattie   82          5-23-35
Armstrong, Mrs. Nancy Amanda 86      2-12-31
Armstrong, Oliver E.     35          7-23-31
Armstrong, W. Robert                 6-4-25
Armstrong, Tom           78          8-30-17
Arnold, Alton Jordan     infant      10-29-31
Arnold, Arnet            32          10-1-25
Arnold, Mrs. Bulah       47          8-1-35
Allgood, J. B.           70          4-19-23
Arnold, J. B.            67          10-24-35
Arnold, J. D.            67          9-17-31
Arnold, N. A.            66          8-31-22
Arnold, Walker           37          8-2-28
Ashley, Mrs. Ellie       31          9-21-33
Ashley, J. H.            80          1-2-36
Ashley, Mrs. J. H.       41          2-17-16
Ashworth, Marion W.      45          5-11-39
Ashworth, Mary Sue       1           6-26-24
Ashworth, Ollie Vae                  7-22-26
Attaway, Willie                      11-23-22
Atkins,                  infant      2-2-39
Atkinson, Henry          70          4-19-34
Austin, John             65          6-11-36
Austin, Miss Lora                    7-15-26
Austin, Mrs. W. W.       18          5-11-33
Autrey, Joseph A.        82          8-30-40
Autrey, Joseph Andrew    4           2-23-39
Avers, Mrs. Alice                    4-1-26
Avery, Wm. E.            71          4-16-31

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