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Index to Obituaries in the Southern Democrat
Blount County, AL 1915-1940

Edited, Published, and Copyrighted in 1982 by Clifton Warren Weaver, P.O. Box 45, Oneonta, Alabama 35121
Placed here by permission of Mr. Weaver - -

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15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27

Name of Deceased         Age at Death  Issue Date
================         ============  ==========
Tadlock, A. C.           63            8-28-24
Tadlock, Conway          2             5-3-19
Taff, Mrs. J. W.         56            10-2-19
Talley, B.M.             45            1-3-29
Talley, William          79            5-27-15
Taylor, James F.         71            3-8-34
Taylor, Lon              52            2-15-34
Taylor, Luther           33            6-11-31
Teele,                   infant        2-8-32
Temple, Mrs. James       85            4-8-26
Temples, C. V.           43            11-26-25
Terry, Belle             15            6-11-25
Thackerson, Mrs. J.W.    60            3-37-24
Thomas, Jim              60            11-15-28
Thomas, Benjamin         infant        1-6-21
Thomas, Berry            81            1-7-26
Thomas, Clark            15            3-23-28
Thomas, Exie Alldredge   38            2-8-40
Thomas, Mrs. G. C.       53            5-12-27
Thomas, Gussie           50            2-22-34
Thomas, John             20            2-18-37
Thomas, Mrs. Jeff        66            1-26-28
Thomas, Mrs. Lon         75            1-18-34
Thomas, Loranza                        10-10-18
Thomas, Margaret Naome   66            12-3-40
Thomas, Nora E.          64            8-9-40
Thomas, Mrs. P. T.       45            3-26-26
Thomas, R. H.            83            3-7-35
Thomas, R.S.             63            12-6-28
Thomas, Rebecca          80            4-12-28
Thomas, Sam              75            1-10-18
Thomas, Sarah E.         63            8-12-15
Thomas, W. W             55            1-11-17
Thompson,                infant        11-23-16
Thompson Billy           infant        8-27-36 a-18-37
Thompson, A. H.          66            3-9-33
Thompson, A. L.          19            12-5-29
Thompson, Prof. A. R.    30            9-20-34
Thompson, Billy          71            7-20-22
Thompson, Mrs. DeMaris   27            11-18-37
Thompson, Helen          36            1-8-31
Thompson, India          74            10-31-35
Thompson, J. H.          70            8-2-34
Thompson, Mrs. Lewis M.  31            11-13-19
Thompson, Lon                          6-l9-30
Thompson, Mrs. M. L.     77            3-9-39
Thompson, Rosa           35            12-19-35
Thompson, T. J.          46            3-20-19
Thompson, Virginia       17            1-2-36
Thornhill, Mrs. E. A.    71            2-21-18
Thornton, Helen          68            9-14-39
Thorton, W. U.           70            1-19-33
Thrasher, Mrs. Ellis     77            4-27-33
Thrasher, M. J.                        9-5-29
Thrasher, William        41            4-23-25
Tidmore, Curtis                        10-6-21
Tidmore, Daniel W.       62            9-28-39
Tidmore, Frances H.      76            4-28-38
Tidmore, Mrs. Julius     24            12-18-19
Tidmore, Kirk                          10-6-21
Tidmore, Margaret R.     infant        12-18-24
Tidmore, Maximillian     54            3-23-40
Tidmore, R. L.           54            2-24-24
Tidmore, Sylvester                     8-7-24
Tidwell,                 infant        1-18-40
Tidwell, Mrs. A. O.      28            3-31-27
Tidwell, Mrs. Albert     32            6-28-23
Tidwell, Allgood         infant        1-8-20
Tidwell, Alton B.        23            6-7-28
Tidwell, Mrs. Alton B.                 8-30-28
Tidwell, Auburn C.       28            1-11-23
Tidwell, B. Roden        37            1-17-24
Tidwell, Columbus        60            9-23-37
Tidwell, D. E.           83            8-19-40
Tidwell, Mrs. D. F       67            5-8-24 
Tidwell, Dallas          70            8-21-18
Tidwell, Dillard         44            4-1-15
Tidwell, Dr. E. L.       35            3-7-18
Tidwell, Fannie          75            3-3-38
Tidwell, Gertha                        11-25-20
Tidwell, Herman          16            7-16-25
Tidwell, Homer A.        22            2-8-34
Tidwell, Mrs. I. G.      75            10-3-29
Tidwell, Ida Mae         37            9-26-35
Tidwell, Mrs. J. M.      55            4-26-34
Tidwell, J. Peter        73            1-17-24
Tidwell, J. U.           66            5-17-40
Tidwell, James           85            12-14-33
Tidwell, Mrs. James      40            8-19-15
Tidwell, James C.        49            1-30-19
Tidwell, Jerry           88            8-24-39
Tidwell, Joanna                        5-29-24
Tidwell, Joe C.          64            9-16-20
Tidwell, Josephine       85            11-16-33
Tidwell, Mrs. Lon        53            9-19-29
Tidwell, Mary Will       10            1-28-32
Tidwell, Matilda                       6-5-18
Tidwell, Melvin          21            7-21-32
Tidwell, Mildred         23            3-14-35
Tidwell, Mrs. O. A.      28            5-12-27
Tidwell, Oscar           45            1-3-29
Tidwell, Pierce          18            5-6-15
Tidwell, Rev. David      86            3-22-17
Tidwell, Robert          74            11-24-21
Tidwell, Robert          82            9-13-17
Tidwell, Mrs. Robert     66            4-17-18
Tidwell, Tolbert         infant        5-23-35
Tidwell, Mrs. V. E.      72            8-3-33
Tidwell, Vivian Irene    3             10-15-31
Tidwell, W. B.           68            4-23-36
Tidwell, W. M.           91            3-1-23
Tidwell, W. R.           69            3-2-22
Tidwell, W. S.                         3-14-35
Tidwell, William         20            2-17-38
Tidwell, Wilson          22            12-30-15
Tidwell, Wilson                        5-4-16
Tilley, Mrs. Earsie      30            12-12-35
Tilley, R. C.            21            7-11-40
Tilly, Marvin            4             6-27-35
Timmerman, Buck          19            3-22-17
Timmerman, J. S.         70            10-3-35
Timmerman, Mrs. Louis    20            5-10-23
Timmerman, W. F.         75            2-28-35
Tipton, Mrs. E. W.       45            2-28-29
Tipton, Lucy             47            4-4-29
Todd, Jack               79            1-16-36
Todd, James              2             11-21-35
Todd, Mary               75            4-26-34
Todd, Sarah              102           11-17-21
Tolbert, Patsey          83            6-11-36
Tolbert, Reuben          75            6-25-36
Tolbert, Dona                          1-17-29
Tolbert, J. E.           32            3-28-29
Tolbert, Jesse                         12-25-30
Tolbert, Mrs. R. A.      63            7-28-32
Tolbert, N. C.           1             5-28-34
Tolbert, Rebecca Evelyn  82            1-31-29
Tolbert, Ruby            6             9-19-35
Tolbert, W. M.                         11-13-30
Towers, U. S.            40            1-30-19
Towles, Judge E. F.      68            12-10-25
Towns, Mrs. Jack         65            10-5-39
Tramell, McClellan Adeline             3-16-16
Trammel, R. F.           78            6-30-32
Trammell, Mrs. Celia     69            1-3-29
Trammell, Tom            30            12-6-28
Troulias, Roger                        12-27-28
Trout, Thyamary          5             2-10-17 
Tuck, H. F.              43            12-5-29
Tuck, John S.            51            9-8-27
Tuck, Mrs. R. A.         35            7-15-26
Tuck, Sarah Louiza                     8-7-40
Tuck, W. M.              47            1-21-32
Tucker, Newport          58            2-11-15
Tucker, O. J.            71            5-6-37
Tumlin, Rev. George W.   72            4-12-23
Tumlin, J. A.            70            9-16-15
Tumlin, James            35            2-13-19
Tumlin, Vessie                         4-17-24
Turley, Francis Lillian  26            11-16-11
Turley, H. H.                          7-24-30
Turner, A. B             61            1-3-31
Turner, Allen Leo        25            2-26-20
Turner, Amos Jackson     70            3 -1 -16
Turner, J. W.            65            1-31-40
Turner, Jack             63            11-4-26
Tyler, Alice             50            6-2-21
Underwood, Gustavia      34            8-8-35 
Underwood, T. W.         49            8-17-33 
Ustic, R. B.                           6-12-30

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