Terryville, Connecticut
May 15, 1937
Volume II, Number II
"THE JOLLY JUNIORS" Class Officers:
The Junior Class chose as its play "A Million-Dollar Joke." After many rehearsals, which must have been very discouraging to our able director, Miss Blakeslee, it was given on December 11, 1936. The social life of Terryville reached new heights that night for there were such rival attractions as a dance, a guitar recital, a critical basketball game with Leavenworth High, and a three-hundred dollar bank night. In spite of these drawbacks "it was Town Hall Tonight", for Mr. Miller couldn't find a seat after he'd directed the T.H.S. orchestra in the overture and had to come backstage to read instead of to see the play. The business manager stated the play was a financial success and the favorable comments proved it a dramatic success. Can You Imagine: Paul Finan - not being
a practical joker
Faculty: Miss Blakeslee - not
being proper
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