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Bayview Cemetery
Bellingham, Whatcom County, Washington
Partial Index

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

SURNAME             GIVEN NAME         MIDDLE       DEATH DATE
=======             ==========         ======       ==========
Gaasland            Hazel              M.           01/05/1990
Gaasland            Lillian            J            02/13/1956
Gaasland            Raymond            C.           12/20/1971
Gaasland            Ruth               A.           11/24/1958
Gaasland            Ruth               H            01/31/1997
Gaasland            Andrew                          09/30/1958
Gaasland            Roy                             05/09/1968
Gaddelin            Gustof                          02/06/1906
Gage                George             E            05/10/1938
Gage                Lena               A            12/12/1945
Gage                Leona                           06/17/1902
Gageby              Belle                           06/18/1971
Gainer              Avery              Edgar        12/07/1945
Galagan             Mary                            02/27/1962
Galagan             Mike                            11/08/1951
Galen               Emil                            02/19/1971
Galen               Gertrude                        11/15/1990
Gallagher           Ellen                           02/26/1924
Gallagher           Martin                          04/21/1909
Gallant             Jack               S.           06/08/1967
Gallant             John               S.           01/05/1994
Gallant             Beatrice                        08/31/1989
Galligher           SECTION            G            06/16/1900
Gallinger           Ellen                           07/19/1904
Galloway            Kenneth            Moyes        06/17/1998
Galloway            Norman             D            09/03/2004
Gallup              Ernest                          02/17/1972
Gallup              Gaunce`                         04/24/2002
Galoti              (Wilson)           Anna         07/17/1967
Galovin             George             P.           12/05/1995
Galovin             Martha                          07/25/1975
Galovin             Miska                           06/17/1977
Gammon              Gertrude           E.           01/18/1955
Gammon              Jess                            01/12/1970
Gander              Mary               Jane         12/15/1928
Gander              Maud               Eugenia      10/09/1952
Gander              Annie                           10/24/1962
Gander              Thomas                          05/07/1920
Gandy               Lorella            Frink        10/08/1908
Gandy               Lyle               F.           10/16/1970
Gannon              Michael            Hen          09/13/1923
Gannon              Alfretta                        09/23/1927
Gardanar            Steven                          10/10/1957
Gardene             Alfred                          04/26/1943
Gardine             Hilda                           07/23/1901
Gardner             Bertha             A.           03/22/1991
Gardner             Earl               B.           03/04/1969
Gardner             Ed                 C            05/10/1941
Gardner             Warren             G.           03/13/1986
Gardner             Mamie                           09/16/1948
Gardner             Robert                          07/22/1971
Garenzini           Frank              H.           07/24/1984
Garland             Charles            W.           01/09/1942
Garland             Mary               Elizabeth    11/02/1910
Garner              Ilo                E            09/13/1997
Garner              Jake               B            06/05/2001
Garness             Anna                            02/21/1909
Garrett             Elizabeth                       03/26/1921
Garrett             Sammuel                         02/16/1907
Garris              Frederick          J.           04/20/1939
Garris              Martha                          02/17/1972
Garrison            Joseph             O.           07/17/1962
Garrison            Mark               T.           07/26/2002
Garrison            Vera               Ann          04/21/1998
Garrison            Henry                           04/12/1899
Garrison            Jessie                          04/17/1896
Garrison            Roy                             09/04/1896
Gaskill             Roderick           M.           07/25/1951
Gaskill             Patience                        07/21/1961
Gaslin              Joseph             LaForest     11/19/1927
Gaston              Harrison           G.           12/11/1963
Gaston              Martha             Rose         10/19/1946
Gates               Julia              Junett       10/26/1954
Gates               S                  E            02/28/1896
Gates               W.                 B.           09/30/1902
Gates               Etna                            02/02/1896
Gates               Geache                          02/17/1894
Gawley              Louise             Anna         05/06/1958
Gebauer             Kate               S.           11/20/1967
Gebauer             Kurt               W.           01/24/1946
Geer                Wiliiam            L.           12/31/1919
Geer                Arminas                         07/12/1911
Geer                Iva                             03/28/1961
Geer                Jonas                           10/03/1896
Geer                Sarah                           07/20/1901
Genry               Louise                          04/10/1891
Genung              Catherine                       04/19/1903
George              Agnes              O'Conner     05/14/1918
George              Daniel             Warren       05/14/1916
George              Lydia              A            03/28/1933
George              Mamie              G            12/03/1898
George              Oasis              B.           06/18/1970
George              Olga               M.           04/19/1988
George              Robert             Henry        08/24/1921
George              Wellington         A.           06/29/1995
George              Arthur                          12/31/1896
George              Catherine                       10/29/1902
George              Edward                          04/02/1898
George              Georgianie                      07/10/1908
George              Gust                            04/12/1952
George              H                               10/20/1911
George              Stanley                         02/14/1901
Gerard              Josephine                       08/24/1932
Gerarde             Mrs.               A.           01/30/1889
Gerde               Antoon             E.           09/02/1970
Gerecke             Carl                            04/24/1903
Gerecke             Henry                           02/07/1964
Gerhart             Kendra             M.           03/30/2001
Geri                Catherine          D            09/12/1999
Geri                Joyce              E            01/11/1998
Geron               John               J.           09/18/1989
Geron               Joseph                          04/18/1966
Geron               Valeria                         10/06/1947
Gerry               Carol              G.           09/08/2004
Gerry               Mary               Eva          01/22/1953
Gerry               Thomas             Hugh         09/17/1928
Gerry               Norah                           08/18/1904
Gerry               William                         10/21/1955
Gerwig              Edward             V.           06/06/1935
Gerwig              J.                 H.           06/06/1935
Gerwig              Rosina                          09/01/1908
Gesdahl             Alma               Leta         06/02/1923
Gesdahl             Leta               Lucretia     08/10/1959
Gesdahl             Alfred                          06/06/1964
Geske/Geschke       Rinehart                        07/08/1906
Geyer               John                            01/06/1904
Giaconi             Alma               M            03/10/2004
Giaconi             Frank              J            10/26/1992
Giaconi             Drago                           06/22/2001
Gibb                Brian              Joshua       03/17/1986
Gibb                Melissa            Shay         09/27/1985
Gibb                Tyson              Melvin       09/27/1985
Gibb                W.                              08/07/1970
Gibbons             Harriet            H.           03/15/1907
Gibbons             Walter             M.           06/04/1985
Gibbons             Glenn                           08/30/1968
Gibbs               Alice                           01/03/1989
Gibbs               Stuart                          10/31/1975
Gibson              William            E            12/27/1996
Gibson              Loma                            07/28/2004
Gicks               George             W.           03/24/1976
Giese               Adlai              E.           11/07/1969
Giese               Otto                            01/15/1944
Giger               Steven             R.           07/09/1969
Giger               Walter                          07/27/1897
Gilbert             Clyde              Elsworth     06/28/1947
Gilbert             Elizabeth          J.           06/26/1959
Gilbert             Mahala                          12/26/1907
Gilbert             Maud                            01/31/1983
Gilbertson          Dorah                           08/29/1904
Giles               Andrew             J.           10/26/1934
Giles               James              Espy         06/05/1947
Giles               Mary               B.           12/26/1963
Gilfilen            Alpha              O.           11/11/1952
Gilfilen            Clarence           R            01/13/1914
Gilfilen            Clayton            R            01/13/1914
Gilfilen            Edgar              Herald       08/02/1912
Gilfilen            Francis            D            06/18/1909
Gilfilen            Hermon             M.           07/14/1967
Gilfilen            Margret            J            04/02/1920
Gilfilen            Robert             Edgar        04/01/1943
Gilfilen            Vernice            E.           05/08/1984
Gilfilen            Barbara                         07/05/1925
Gilfilen            Elin                            06/24/1950
Gill                Mary               Elizabeth    09/22/1944
Gill                Robert             T            01/17/1895
Gill                Virginia           I            10/26/1964
Gill                William            Henry        03/31/1943
Gillam              Ernest                          03/01/1884
Gillespie           Harry              Wallace      04/02/1931
Gillespie           Henry              S.           04/20/1926
Gillespie           Mary               H.           12/16/1959
Gillespie           Mae                             04/13/1974
Gillespie           Roy                             06/20/1997
Gilligan            Ed.                             09/03/1904
Gilligan            Tessie                          06/17/1901
Gillis              John               A.           06/06/1980
Gillis              Virginia                        08/25/2000
Gillius             Elten                           01/24/1972
Gilmore             Cora               Francis      02/19/1917
Gilmore             Gertrude           K.           03/25/1982
Gilmore             Otto               (Homer)      08/26/1981
Gilmore             Getsie                          09/02/1898
Gimurtu             John               S            09/18/1968
Gimurtu             James                           09/17/1952
Gimurtu             Marika                          03/05/1980
Ginnett             Samuel             J.           05/06/1955
Ginnett             Alice                           10/26/1950
Ginnett             Naomi                           03/19/2002
Giroux              Norman                          12/05/1988
Gislason            B.                 R.           02/16/1904
Gjesdahl            Andrew             A            02/12/1925
Gjesdahl            Caroline                        08/30/1927
Glander             Edward             G.           08/16/1960
Glasgow             Miss               L.           01/27/1903
Glasgow             Mrs.                            09/21/1903
Gleason             Dean                            06/14/1973
Glenovich           Antone                          12/05/1955
Glenovich           Jennie                          06/19/1953
Glenzke             Louise             M.           03/12/1953
Gloman              Brian              J.           02/22/1972
Gloman              Evelyn             E.           04/14/1986
Gloman              Joseph             S.           12/13/1951
Gloman              Louis              B            12/14/1917
Gloman              Katherine                       06/11/1937
Glopen              Opal               Mar          01/17/1999
Glopen              Vera               M.           02/11/2002
Gloppen             Leo                E.           05/11/2001
Goddard             Jacob              D            04/14/1994
Godfray             Arlene             E            10/29/1911
Godfrey             David              Cecil        02/25/1896
Goe                 Sarah              E.           08/12/1909
Goeke               Herman             Roy          05/10/1956
Goenen              Gertrude           M            07/22/1992
Goenen              Patrick            Vincent      07/12/1988
Goenen              Vincent            C            04/20/1989
Goff                Mathew             Lee          03/15/1951
Goldsmith           Joseph                          02/15/1954
Golobovich          Blagota                         11/01/1964
Gomez               George                          10/18/1907
Gonzales            Rudy               T.           02/23/1993
Gooch               Mary               Ellen        05/30/1919
Gooch               Mildred            E            10/22/1978
Gooch               W                  G            04/17/1926
Gooch               William            Milton       10/21/1907
Gooch               John                            03/11/1931
Good                David              O.           03/10/1995
Goodchild           George             S.           09/07/1979
Goodell             Annie              A            06/27/1915
Goodell             H                  M            04/30/1905
Goodell             Nettie                          11/10/1901
Gooding             Donald             P            09/14/2001
Gooding             Alfred             Ray          05/09/1963
Gooding             Alice              J            10/21/1975
Gooding             Charles            W            02/19/1920
Gooding             David              P            01/16/1946
Gooding             Jesse              P            03/02/1920
Gooding             Edna                            06/18/1961
Gooding             Emma                            11/18/1924
Gooding             Harvey                          04/21/1921
Gooding             Hettie                          06/03/1930
Gooding             Mattie                          08/05/1892
Gooding             Miles                           04/09/1932
Goodman             Travis                          10/15/1996
Goodwin             Charles                         03/30/1964
Goodwin             Edna                            10/06/1980
Goodwin             Eliza                           10/12/1906
Gookins             William            Henry        11/01/1956
Goolsby             Carrie                          11/01/1951
Gordon              Margaret           V.           02/15/1944
Gordon              Mary               Ellen        11/03/2000
Gordon              William            H.           12/27/1920
Gordon              Ada                             09/14/1987
Gordon              Jesse                           04/22/1895
Gorman              SECTION            F            05/09/1890
Gormley             Lester             W            02/22/1993
Gorne               Viola              Marie        10/05/1993
Gorne               Hurbert                         12/30/1987
Gorton              Lilly              A.           11/18/1940
Gospodinovich       Anthony                         10/29/1982
Gossage             Alonzo             D.           07/16/1958
Gossage             Gladys             Irene        03/23/1959
Gossage             Iva                D.           01/22/1968
Gossage             James              E.           10/01/1959
Gossage             O.                 B.           09/05/1972
Gossage             Elsie                           03/04/1966
Gossage             Emma                            02/04/1969
Gossage             Orval                           10/29/2003
Gossard             Nellie                          01/27/1892
Gossman             Mrs.               John         02/06/1892
Gowens              Alivn              Bradley      12/07/2000
Gowers              Blanche                         11/05/1943
Gowler              Marie                           07/03/1917
Goxpodinovich       Laurie             Ann          08/22/1984
Grabert             Matilds            Jane         09/08/1998
Grabert             Garland                         10/30/1987
Grad                Gilbert                         04/19/1974
Grad                Mary                            06/30/1952
Grad                Michael                         10/01/1907
Gradke              Ollie                           01/22/1933
Grady               Margaret           Virginia     09/03/1907
Graffunder          James              P.           02/05/1991
Grafmyre            Willard            Boyd         02/06/1947
Graham              Charles            D.           12/18/1927
Graham              Chas.              Robert       02/09/1936
Graham              Clara              J            08/24/1914
Graham              Emily              J            04/19/1903
Graham              Emma               F            07/30/1944
Graham              F                  Ellis        06/02/1902
Graham              George             Speirs       10/04/1995
Graham              George             W.           10/26/1923
Graham              Harry              H            04/22/1919
Graham              Howard             M            11/06/1904
Graham              John               K.           12/20/1907
Graham              Marguerite         M.           11/08/1994
Graham              Clifford                        01/23/1907
Graham              Florence                        06/01/1936
Graham              Harriett                        11/10/1920
Graham              Jennie                          11/17/1950
Graham              John                            10/11/1913
Graham              Thomas                          06/24/1917
Grahame             W                  C            02/23/1894
Gran                Peter              M.           02/06/1910
Granger             Eunice             Anne         04/07/1951
Granity             Dorothy                         07/31/2002
Grant               Helen              C.           03/26/1970
Grant               John               Allen        03/18/1996
Grant               Mary               Anne         04/21/1892
Grant               Alex                            06/24/1893
Grant               Donald                          05/11/1950
Grant               Margaret                        03/18/1996
Gravem              Hannah                          03/24/1980
Graves              Elizabeth          C            10/10/1905
Graves              F                  D            01/06/1899
Graves              Francis            Jane         12/23/1936
Graves              Frank              B            01/08/1943
Graves              Helen              Gooderham    09/04/1954
Graves              Henerietta         B            01/07/1934
Graves              P                  M            01/31/1957
Graves              Elvira                          05/14/1990
Gray                Anna               May          01/13/1977
Gray                Ardis              L.           04/13/1984
Gray                George             S            11/24/1956
Gray                Harold             C.           02/09/1970
Greed               Chas               Horace       11/27/1899
Green               Annie              B            01/20/1948
Green               C                  H            08/13/1896
Green               D                  L            02/06/1897
Green               Dora               Marie        09/07/1906
Green               Elsie              A.           05/06/1992
Green               Helen              E            12/31/2002
Green               John               T.           01/18/1982
Green               Julia              M.           11/20/1995
Green               Julius             P.           09/21/1990
Green               Karl               M            02/15/1993
Green               Leonard            Haywood      11/10/1958
Green               Richard            J.           09/23/1985
Green               Bessie                          03/24/1890
Green               Bessie                          03/24/1890
Green               Garland                         07/22/1977
Green               Isabella                        07/25/1908
Green               Jennie                          09/05/1899
Green               Myrtle                          12/21/1899
Green               Richard                         08/05/1900
Green               Thos                            05/22/1902
Green               W.                              06/24/1890
Greene              Jean               A.           01/07/1907
Greenwalt           Alfred             A            11/01/1998
Greenwalt           Evelyn             Elaine       11/29/1956
Greenwalt           Elizabeth                       07/17/1948
Greenwalt           John                            08/30/1972
Greenwood           Alice                           12/18/1953
Greenwood           Lucile                          03/01/1968
Gregory             Margaret           M.           07/25/2003
Gregory             Jeffrey                         05/11/1972
Gregory             Ruby                            03/09/1971
Grenier             Clarence           B.           06/25/2003
Grenier             Marjorie           A.           08/23/1977
Grenier             Mary               C.           03/15/1972
Grenier             Albert                          08/11/1954
Grenier             Bertha                          08/28/1980
Grenier             Waldorf                         03/16/1972
Grey                Bessie             W            12/27/1918
Griemsmann          Elizabeth"Bette    E.           04/14/1983
Griffin             Harriet            E.           09/19/1958
Griffin             (infant)                        07/26/1891
Griffin             Augustus                        02/10/1909
Griffin             Dewey                           06/09/1981
Griffin             Florence                        02/16/1973
Griffin             Lewis                           03/03/1952
Griffith            Bessie             P            04/21/1981
Griffith            Carolyn            A.           07/11/2001
Griffith            Edna               S.           02/16/1952
Griffith            Pinder             W.           01/06/1967
Griffith            Susan              Bowman       04/10/1923
Griffith            John                            04/24/1923
Griffith            William                         08/23/1978
Grimes              Alton              J.           05/03/2002
Grimes              Kern                            03/07/2003
Grimes              John               R.           04/02/1973
Grimes              Ransom             Arthur       10/30/1952
Grimes              Ellener                         12/18/2002
Grimes              Sara                            02/06/1980
Grimes              William                         03/04/1969
Grimlund            Arnold             J.           05/28/1968
Grimlund            Emil               H.           04/06/1951
Grimlund            Josephine                       08/18/1949
Grist               Beatrice                        05/28/1982
Groat               Frank              W.           08/08/1944
Groat               Clara                           06/15/1959
Groom               Bert               William      02/05/1963
Groom               Garna              R.           06/16/1958
Groom               L.                 P.           08/31/1904
Groom               Margaret           Amelia       09/22/1971
Gross               Mary               Ann          09/02/1902
Grossman            Jas.                            08/03/1891
Grossman            Mary                            04/22/1906
Grossman            William                         03/19/1903
Grothahn            Helmuth            Franz        09/21/1994
Grothahn            Mary               F            05/02/1982
Grothe              Henry              M.           10/31/2000
Grothe              Olaf               S.           11/03/1967
Grover              Myrtle                          03/28/1974
Gruber              Claire             O            08/05/1898
Grue                Carlton            E.           05/29/1991
Grue                Carrie                          02/22/1946
Grue                Christian                       02/22/1946
Grue                Viola                           05/29/1991
Grunden             Eva                Pauline      04/23/1971
Grunden             Blossom                         06/15/1908
Grune               William            Frederick    06/06/1969
Gudbranson          August                          10/13/1970
Gudbranson          Ruth                            07/12/2004
Guercio             Maria                           01/03/1980
Guerro              Christy            Suzanne      08/17/1995
Guiler              Alta               M.           06/08/1953
Guiler              Francis            Asbury       08/15/1945
Guinnup/Gwinnup     Arthur             Colvin       03/25/1940
Gullikson           Carl               O.           09/04/1975
Gullikson           Veda                            03/25/1964
Gundel              John               A.           01/11/1979
Gundel              Beatta                          09/14/1983
Gunder              Child                           05/27/1892
Gunderson           Aric-John          Peter        04/02/1998
Gunderson           Beverly            A            11/23/1999
Gunderson           Deborah            Karen        02/13/1961
Gunderson           Nels               Arle         08/23/1941
Gunderson           Olaf                            03/17/1903
Gunderson           Robert             G.           12/29/1953
Gunderson           (baby)                          02/16/1899
Gunderson           Gunval                          09/12/1951
Gunderson           Hans                            04/28/1949
Gunderson           Sigrid                          10/06/1944
Gunn                Helen              B            08/06/1954
Gunn                Jno.               R.           06/06/1902
Gunstrom            Gustave            R.           10/04/1947
Gunststrom          Jessie             Maude        10/27/1961
Gurvich             Edith                           02/22/1980
Gustafson           Anna               M            12/28/1951
Gustafson           Albin                           07/22/1974
Gwin                Monna              S            11/07/1929
Gwin                William                         10/24/1909
Gwinnett            Daniel             E.           03/30/1962
Gwinnett            Susan              A.           12/12/1957
Gwinnup             Anna               S            07/14/1924
Gwinnup             Clayton                         01/20/1899
Gwinnup/Guinnup     Philip             B.           05/24/1907
Gwyn                Gerald             C.           02/20/1990
Gwyn                Thelma             A.           12/16/1996


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