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Miscellaneous Early Coweta County, Georgia Marriages - H's Map showing location of Coweta County, Georgia

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - Y - Z

              BRIDE'S NAME                                            GROOM'S NAME
=======        ==========    ======      =============     =======        ==========   ======
Hackney        Etta          A           10-May-1877       Nolan          Thomas       F
Hackney        Eva           May         13-Jan-1893       Haines         J            D
Hackney        Elizabeth     F           6-Oct-1853        Beavers        Joseph       T
Hackney        Mary          A           9-Dec-1874        Kittener       Daniel
Hagan          Lavania                   12-Jul-1831       Watson         Henry
Hagan          Mary          Elizabeth   13-Nov-1853       Hallman        David
Hagans         Sallie        A           10-Dec-1867       Evans          Bennett
Hagans         Martha                    15-Mar-1864       Gilbert        Joshua
Haines         M             E           19-Dec-1867       Johnson        W            A
Haines         Rachael       F           1-Jan-1863        Cole           James        M
Haines         Laura         E           20-Nov-1890       Barron         Charles      J L
Haines         E             D           24-Dec-1872       Beavers        S            M
Haines         Rachel        J           2-Jan-1866        Addy           Jesse
Haines         Celia         Ab          30-Jul-1835       Johnson        John         P
Haines         Eunice                    4-Dec-1898        Smith          Coleman
Haines         Lucinda                   5-Sep-1880        Gaston         Samuel
Hairston       Anna          A           30-Dec-1883       Alsabrook      James        L
Hairston       Sally         Ann         7-Jan-1841        Echols         Alfred       M
Hairstron      Anne                      23-Jan-1882       Holland        Jackson      W
Haisten        Mollie                    18-Dec-1884       Pearson        John         D
Haisten        Susie                     28-Nov-1878       Grimes         James
Haiston        Virginia      S           20-Dec-1860       Merk           James        E
Haiston        Louisa        E           7-Nov-1884        Kelley         Charles      H
Hale           Fannie                    19-Jun-1881       Garrett        S            O
Hale           Georgia                   24-Dec-1882       Hammond        E            W
Hale           Mollie                    29-May-1881       Thrower        Richard
Hall           Morn                      16-Aug-1892       Mckoy          Jesse        H
Hall           Susan                     19-Jan-1892       Peobles        Ferry
Hall           L             M           3-Oct-1894        Leach          N            A
Hall           Anna          B           6-May-1874        Anderson       Lewis        F
Hallman        Elizabeth                 14-Oct-1855       Ragland        Edward
Hallman        Maria                     29-Nov-1855       Gill           Thomas
Hallman        S             E           28-Dec-1876       Thomas         A            N
Ham            V             A           26-Oct-1887       Moses          C            N
Hambrick       Martha                    19-Oct-1869       Head           Benjamin
Hammet         Susan         C           21-Jan-1852       Mitcham        William      D
Hammock        Alethia       Ann         15-Apr-1845       Land           Joseph       J
Hammock        M             A           18-Aug-1878       Smith          Isaac        M
Hammock        Martha                    20-Sep-1838       George         Pendleton
Hammock        Rachael                   5-Sep-1838        Davenport      James
Hammon         Elizabeth                 7-May-1840        Douglas        David
Hammond        Hattie        M           16-Nov-1858       Elmore         Elijah
Hammond        Lucinda                   19-Dec-1877       West           W            F
Hammond        C             M           23-Sep-1863       Roberts        S            T
Hammond        E             M           4-Jan-1876        Wier           D            F
Hammond        Nancy                     6-Nov-1879        Garner         Columbus
Hammond        Mollie        Jane        7-Dec-1871        Prichard       William      E
Hammond        F             Ea          7-Nov-1871        Garmon         C            M
Hamrick        M             F           10-Nov-1887       Watson         Virgie
Hamrick        M             E           30-Nov-1876       Chandler       John         T B
Hamrick        Lenora        J           30-Nov-1881       Summers        Charles      E
Hamrick        Sally         L           31-Oct-1883       Hill           Lewis        A
Hamrick        Orrie                     9-Feb-1897        Clower         R            H
Hancock        Frances                   12-Oct-1837       Carroll        Jasper       N
Hancock        Mary                      15-Jan-1898       Felman         William
Hancock        Mary                      16-Jan-1898       Feltman        William
Hancock        Caledonia                 20-Dec-1880       Langford       William
Hancock        Ella                      25-Jan-1884       Couch          James        R
Hancock        Emma                      4-Jan-1882        Aycock         M            D
Hancock        Mary          Ann         9-May-1870        Shaw           Edmond
Hand           Ada                       29-Mar-1892       Arnall         R            L
Handcock       Mattie                    17-Nov-1889       Feltman        J            R
Hanes          Sarah         Ann         9-Dec-1830        Wood           John         S
Hanes          Milley        Ta          9-Dec-1870        Smith          James        H
Hanner         Estelle       G           20-May-1894       Linch          Grief        R
Hannon         Ella          N           16-Jul-1868       Cavender       Obadiah      M
Hany           J             E           18-Dec-1895       Hunter         Vernon       Y
Harban         Ala           M           2-Mar-1843        Maddox         John         R
Hardaway       Mattie        King        16-Oct-1890       Strickland     J            Henry
Hardaway       Jennie        R           18-Apr-1894       Mcbride        William      C
Hardegree      Leila                     10-Dec-1891       Story          A            B
Hardegree      Mollie                    21-Jan-1885       Rhodes         P            M
Hardegree      Minnie        L           2-Feb-1898        Grimes         C            B
Harden         Nancy                     23-Feb-1854       Hunter         Terrell
Harden         Elizabeth                 3-Jul-1833        Melton         Charles
Hardigree      Julian                    23-Oct-1856       Lovelady       Benjamine    F
Hardigree      Eldora                    28-Nov-1894       Hurndon        W            L
Hardigree      Ann           Elizabeth   3-Mar-1844        Jackson        Andrew
Hardigree      Ann                       3-Mar-1844        Elizabeth      Jackson      Andrew
Hardy          Elizabeth                 13-Apr-1837       Christopher    William
Hardy          D             L           17-Aug-1893       Tinsley        G            O
Hardy          Willie        M           19-Dec-1899       Lovelace       L            E
Hardy          Lula                      20-Dec-1886       Couch          Andrew       G
Hardy          F             B           20-Dec-1896       North          E            B
Hardy          W             D           23-Dec-1869       Carmical       N            J
Hardy          M             F           25-Oct-1884       Hardy          J            C
Hardy          Susan                     27-Jun-1841       Christopher    William
Hardy          Mary          F           28-Dec-1848       Christopher    Samuel
Hardy          Ella                      30-Jan-1874       Freeman        H            L
Harecrow       Ortney        Mrs         25-Dec-1882       West           Isham
Harkins        Sarah         K           30-Jul-1829       Summers        Beverly
Harkins        Elizabeth     Ann         7-Dec-1828        Harris         Elbert
Harkins        Martha                    9-Sep-1841        Ingraham       Tilman
Harlan         Gabriella     A           18-Jan-1855       Grogan         Andrew       N
Harlan         Mary          Kate        24-Dec-1872       Stevenson      William      F
Harlan         Josie                     2-Dec-1880        Phillips       John
Harlan         Malinda                   2-Dec-1880        Bartlett       John
Harlan         Mary          C           30-Sep-1849       Cornell        Julius       Ca
Harlan         N             B           5-Nov-1872        Hancock        J            W
Harlin         Lou           Ella        16-Dec-1900       Bartlett       Charles      Daniel
Harlin         Ozella                    16-Dec-1900       Belcher        A            R
Harlin         E             J           4-Oct-1875        Guinad         W            M
Harp           Henry                     1-Nov-1894        Farmer         Perry
Harp           Catherine                 27-Aug-1829       Martin         George       W
Harpe          Nicie                     1-Nov-1876        Modisett       Burrel
Harper         Ann                       13-Dec-1827       Hamp           William
Harper         Elizabeth                 6-Nov-1851        Lang           William      W
Harper         Clemie                    8-May-1884        Mcwaters       Frank
Harrel         Sarah         Elizabeth   17-Mar-1848       Hilton         William
Harrell        Isabel                    16-Feb-1848       Caldwell       William      P
Harrell        Louise        M           20-Aug-1845       Corley         Andrew       B
Harrell        Susan                     23-Feb-1854       Harden         James        Y
Harrell        Gena                      25-Dec-1895       Allen          William      Leigh
Harrington     Matilda       C           22-Jul-1860       Walker         Henry        W
Harris         Mary          A           4-Nov-1900        Moore          Clarence
Harris         Davis         S           12-Apr-1849       Dyer           Letitia
Harris         Addie                     13-Apr-1873       Mance          John
Harris         Bula          Cc          14-Apr-1875       Spence         J            T
Harris         Fannie                    14-Dec-1869       Houseworth     Robert
Harris         Patsy                     14-Sep-1828       Pinman         Starling
Harris         Lucy                      14-Sep-1837       Anderson       John
Harris         C             S           15-Nov-1870       Harriston      W            M
Harris         Elizabeth                 16-Aug-1836       Colbert        John
Harris         Fannie                    16-Jun-1872       Meriwether     John
Harris         Sarah         Ah          20-Aug-1848       Black          Washington   M
Harris         Myrtice                   21-May-1891       Hutchinson     Joseph
Harris         Rebeckah      Ann         25-Mar-1845       Fleming        Robert
Harris         Mary          F           26-Feb-1861       Hurst          A            L C
Harris         Mattie                    27-Nov-1892       Plant          Rush
Harris         Mary          M           28-Dec-1862       West           Jessie       J
Harris         Louisa                    28-Jan-1873       Jenkins        Floyd
Harris         Beverly       S           28-Jun-1860       Lipard         Nancy        J
Harris         Jimmie        A           29-Dec-1891       Powel          E            H
Harris         Lucy          A           29-Nov-1853       Liddell        M            F
Harris         Lily          M           4-Aug-1885        Glower         G            G
Harris         Susan                     4-Jul-1847        Kelley         Thomas
Harris         Addie                     6-Dec-1881        Russell        John         P
Harris         Caroline                  6-Nov-1864        Bailey         Eli
Harris         Emmer                     8-Jan-1893        Davis          Ben
Harris         Lizzie                    9-Dec-1884        Brown          Charles
Harrison       Martha        R           17-Nov-1868       Williams       B            W
Harrison       M             C           18-Jun-1895       Baggarly       W            B
Harrison       Peggy                     21-Sep-1870       Martin         George
Harrison       Susan         Mrs         28-Dec-1853       Newman         Wormly
Harrison       H             H           31-Oct-1872       Laprade        C            E
Hartley        Mollie                    13-Nov-1887       Winkles        Robert
Hartley        Jane                      18-Feb-1869       Holley         Thomas       R
Hartley        Elizabeth                 22-Nov-1868       Young          Austin
Hartley        Ella          L           23-Nov-1888       Morris         M            E
Hartsfield     Connie                    18-Jul-1895       Brown          Lewis        L
Hartsfield     Fannie        L           1-Aug-1893        Drake          B            S
Harver         Phronia                   9-Dec-1869        Clark          Aaron
Harwell        Martha        A           14-Dec-1856       Johnson        William
Harwell        M             J           15-Nov-1877       Brown          N            J
Harwell        Emma          T           26-Jan-1881       Bailey         John         H
Haskins        Mary                      14-Mar-1843       Ingram         Tilman
Hastley        Anna                      20-Sep-1838       Doster         James
Hasty          Franky                    5-Jul-1832        Tidwell        Council      D
Hatchett       Susan                     1-Feb-1880        Daniel         Enos
Hatin          Mary                      17-Oct-1869       Liles          James        A
Hatten         B                         27-Jul-1890       Smith          Russell
Hayes          Jane                      17-Feb-1848       Collins        James        M
Hayes          Jane                      24-Apr-1853       Blackstock     John
Hayes          Dorkas                    24-Oct-1852       Blackstock     William
Hayes          Lena                      30-Jan-1859       Bachus         John
Hayler         Polly                     10-Dec-1842       Lee            Lewis
Hayners        Milley        Ann         6-Nov-1852        Hammock        William      R
Haynes         C             A           10-Dec-1874       Phillips       J            W
Haynes         Minnie                    13-May-1899       Wells          Thomas       J
Haynes         Nannie                    21-Feb-1892       Brack          J            A
Haynes         Josie         Annie       25-Dec-1895       Webb           J            A
Haynes         S             A           30-Oct-1870       Smith          S            B
Haynes         Alice                     7-Dec-1890        Crook          W            A
Haynes         Amanda        E           7-Sep-1866        Corley         Jeremiah     J
Haynes         Jane                      9-Sep-1863        Moore          James        M
Haynie         Jennie        B           22-Apr-1897       Hunter         Richard      T
Hays           Dora          Allice      24-Jul-1886       Noles          George       W
Hays           Margaret                  27-Apr-1841       Hilton         Ezekiel
Hays           Mary          A           8-Nov-1895        Herndon        Edward
Hayse          Mary          J           22-Feb-1854       Corley         Jeremiah     J
Hea            Jane          C           5-Dec-1839        Champain       Welles
Head           Elizabeth                 10-Oct-1844       Brown          Oliver
Head           Frances                   14-May-1871       Houseworth     Andrew
Head           M             A           23-Dec-1873       Drewery        N            J
Head           Nancy         E           2-Nov-1856        Tomlinson      John         W
Head           Amanda                    3-Aug-1848        Brown          Madison
Head           Mildred                   6-Dec-1877        Shepherd       S            J
Head           Mary                      9-Jun-1895        Ward           Burk
Heard          Sallie        B           14-Jun-1876       Cock           William      J
Heard          Frances                   18-Dec-1843       Thompson       John
Hearn          Sarah         Adline      20-Dec-1876       Conder         Sion         P
Hearn          Mary          Ann         4-Jun-1840        Skates         Thomas       J
Hearren        Lucy                      9-Oct-1892        Brook          Willie
Hearty         Susan                     15-Aug-1867       Glenn          James
Heath          Sallie        Ra          23-Mar-1865       Leigh          Anselm       B
Heflin         Margaret      Ae          22-Dec-1844       Hardman        William      B
Helma          Ida                       21-Jan-1894       Todd           Griff
Helton         Elizabeth                 26-Jan-1848       Bowen          William      C
Henderson      Gilla         Ann         19-Jan-1862       Thompson       John         R
Henderson      Elizabeth                 25-Apr-1880       Moody          Benjamin     F
Henderson      Addine                    5-May-1874        Blanks         William
Henderson      Mary          J           6-Oct-1858        Thomas         John         C
Henderson      Martha                    7-Jan-1851        Craven         John         S
Hendon         Laura         J           11-Dec-1873       Montcrief      John         D A
Hendon         Mary          A           25-Dec-1884       Callahan       W            T
Hendon         Malissa                   9-Feb-1854        Wester         James        M
Hendricks      Sarah                     9-Aug-1848        Christopher    Beverly
Hendrix        Nancy         J Mrs       11-Sep-1867       Bryant         George       W
Hendrix        Isabella                  12-Mar-1865       Hendrix        William      W
Hendrix        M             Aj          13-Mar-1870       Upchurch       A            G
Hendrix        M             Aj          13-Mar-1870       Upshaw         A            G
Hendrix        M             E           16-Nov-1871       Malone         T            R
Hendrix        Elizabeth                 19-Oct-1851       Smith          John         M
Hendrix        Elizabeth     J           20-Mar-1870       Methvin        R            R
Hendrix        Elizabeth                 22-Dec-1836       Plunkett       James
Hendrix        Ottalee                   22-Feb-1887       Harmick        W            D
Hendrix        Comma                     24-Sep-1899       Mckenzie       Joe
Hendrix        Mollie        E           25-Dec-1881       Fry            John         H
Hendrix        Ellen                     26-Sep-1878       Mccollum       Dan          W
Hendrix        May                       2-Oct-1898        Hendrix        Elisha
Hendrix        Lula                      4-Dec-1889        Cates          J            P
Hendrix        Cornelia                  4-Nov-1880        Earnest        T            W
Hendrix        Elizabeth     J           4-Oct-1874        Shaddix        Thomas       W
Hendrix        Margaret      Jane        6-Jan-1853        Sprinkle       Isaac
Henely         Emma          Mrs         12-Nov-1879       Cox            Carey        S
Henley         Arminta                   25-Jun-1881       Thompson       Wallis
Henley         Winona                    25-Nov-1891       Williams       W            H
Henry          Martha        C           14-Sep-1854       Elder          David        G
Henry          Sarah         P           22-Jun-1829       Hutcherson     James
Henry          Katherine                 30-Dec-1828       Cleghorn       Charles
Henson         Elender                   11-Dec-1845       Reeves         Samuel
Henson         J             L Mrs       1-Dec-1880        Tackett        Trussell
Henson         Rebecca                   6-May-1849        Camp           T            Pascal
Herbert        E             O           12-Jun-1890       Meadows        O            H
Herman         Caroline                  3-Oct-1844        Mccullock      Thomas
Herndon        Adah                      20-Mar-1889       Boynton        G            A
Herndon        Amanda        F           24-Dec-1882       Moody          James        W
Herrage        Mary          E           6-Jun-1861        Smith          Jordan       T
Herredge       Susan                     16-Sep-1847       Webb           Milton
Herren         Ida                       9-May-1886        Gaddy          Samuel
Herridge       Eveline                   13-Oct-1844       Webb           John         A
Herridge       Emila         C           19-Dec-1847       Evans          Stephen      H
Herrin         F             M           20-Apr-1879       Elmore         R            K
Herrin         Matilda                   21-Dec-1837       Spreuwell      William      B
Herrin         Mary          E           24-Dec-1866       Bennet         William      B
Herrin         Elizabeth                 29-Nov-1866       Black          Green        R
Herrin         Julia         H           5-Feb-1874        Akins          Henry
Herring        Elizabeth     A           17-Aug-1843       Auger          Neadom
Herring        Maude                     20-Oct-1887       Sewell         James        R
Herring        Lizzie                    20-Sep-1885       Lee            W            P
Herring        Stella                    22-Aug-1896       Bean           J            H
Herring        Sophronia                 29-Nov-1885       Odom           J            D
Herring        Sarah         F           2-Dec-1860        Jordan         John         E
Herring        Mary          S           2-Nov-1887        Wallace        S            W
Herring        Roda          A           3-Jul-1861        Patman         John         J
Herring        Mamie                     3-Sep-1896        Allen          W            A
Herring        Lela          E           9-Dec-1880        Cole           James        H
Herrod         Polly                     14-Jul-1835       Hayes          Solomon
Herrod         Sarah                     28-Feb-1834       Congletch      David
Hiatt          Martha        E           16-May-1872       Cornell        John         A
Hicks          M             D           11-Dec-1898       Neill          Sam
Hicks          Salana                    14-Oct-1858       Ward           John         M
Hicks          Mary          M           30-Nov-1876       Thornton       George       A
Hicks          N             A           7-Jan-1875        Jenkins        L            M
Higgins        Mary          Mrs         12-Dec-1872       Bailey         Eli
Higgins        Nancy                     12-Nov-1868       Bond           J            B
Higgins        Sarah         E           19-Jan-1860       Nixon          Samuel
Higgins        Nancy                     1-Oct-1833        Jones          Burford
Higgins        Lizzie                    25-Dec-1890       Caldwell       John         Westley
Higgins        Jennie                    27-Dec-1883       Crook          O            Z
Higgins        W             A           2-Dec-1880        Chapel         Adler
Higgins        Mary          J           5-Dec-1880        Entrekin       Amenuel      M
Higgins        Mariah                    8-Jun-1872        Dean           Peter
Hightower      Nancy                     16-May-1865       Willingham     S            A
Hill           Ruth                      14-Nov-2000       Hill           Lewis        H
Hill           Fannie                    10-Oct-1874       Scroggins      Ben
Hill           Callie        Clark       10-Oct-1888       Freeman        Robert       W
Hill           Bittie                    11-Dec-1870       Johnson        Rich
Hill           Willie        F           11-Oct-1893       Mccaslin       R            M
Hill           Fannie                    12-Nov-1878       Cole           R            D Jr
Hill           F             E           13-Dec-1868       King           R            E
Hill           Susan                     13-Nov-1870       Cureton        William
Hill           Amanda                    16-Feb-1872       Jackson        Andrew
Hill           Sue           A           1-Dec-1881        Orr            W            B
Hill           Hennie        J           1-Nov-1883        Herring        James        R
Hill           Martha                    20-Feb-1848       Mitchell       Christian
Hill           Lizzie        P           20-Nov-1858       Wilson         Benjamin     J
Hill           Nannie        Sue         23-Nov-1898       Carter         Walter       C
Hill           Lizzie        M           27-Jan-1874       Smith          Peter        F
Hill           Sina                      27-Oct-1870       Meriwether     S
Hill           Louvonia                  28-Feb-1892       Riggins        Porter
Hill           Nancy         M           28-Sep-1880       Hamrick        A            H
Hill           Nancy                     2-Oct-1860        Brown          Andrew       J
Hill           Mattie        C           4-Apr-1871        Thomas         M            L
Hill           Catherine                 4-Dec-1833        Skipper        Henry
Hill           Susan         Saphia      4-Jan-1858        Loyd           Alexander    C
Hill           Jane                      5-Oct-1870        Malcomb        Joe          Henry
Hilley         C             A           3-Mar-1874        Cox            H            E
Hilton         Elizabeth                 19-Nov-1833       Reece          Joel
Hilton         F             M           27-Feb-1870       Garner         M            E
Hilton         Sarah                     29-Nov-1835       Mccorkle       James
Hindsman       Nancy                     11-Feb-1858       Trammell       John         W
Hindsman       Susan         A           11-Sep-1856       Wilson         A            Wn
Hindsman       Anis                      12-Sep-1867       Morris         John
Hindsman       Sallie        Kate        15-Nov-1899       Gable          Thomas       J
Hindsman       Mary          Ann         16-Dec-1856       Scroggins      William      M
Hindsman       Mary          Ann         16-Dec-1858       Fry            Henderson    H
Hindsman       S             E           26-Dec-1875       Hayes          Samuel       R
Hindsman       M             S           26-Sep-1874       Morris         M            E
Hindsman       N             E           27-Dec-1885       Jones          J            H
Hindsman       Elizabeth     M           28-Dec-1854       Caldwell       Andrew       J
Hindsman       Maria                     28-Dec-1872       Elders         Charles
Hindsman       Maria         C           3-Jan-1866        Mcwilliams     John         H
Hindsman       Lucy          Ae          7-Jan-1855        Stevens        George       S
Hindsman       Emmie         E           8-May-1889        Fife           Robert       E L
Hines          Susan                     17-Dec-1840       Longino        Absolom
Hines          Dora                      28-Feb-1897       Turner         Tarpley
Hines          Parthenia                 6-Mar-1898        Butler         Minor
Hines          R                         8-Jan-1871        Dillard        Jasey
Hines          Eugenia                   8-Jan-1873        Jordan         R            J
Hinson         A             B           26-Dec-1880       Tease          Franklin
Hinton         Sarah                     10-Aug-1832       Dickson        Malcom
Hinton         Mary          Ann         29-Jul-1828       Caldwell       John
Hinton         Mary                      5-Dec-1837        Taylor         James
Hoddnott       Rebecca       Louisa      15-Jun-1893       Eads           Francis      M C
Hodge          Martha                    19-Oct-1870       Williams       Felix
Hodge          Allie         D           27-Feb-1895       Williams       Oscar
Hodge          Fanny                     2-Mar-1835        Marshall       William
Hodge          Catherine                 6-Dec-1833        Lee            Jontahan     W
Hodnett        Minnie        C           15-Nov-1892       Wyatt          Walter
Hodnett        Julia         L           18-Feb-1891       Fuller         C            H
Hodnett        Elizabeth                 2-Jan-1849        Caldwell       John         H
Hodnett        Mary          E           31-Aug-1865       Addy           Reuben       L
Hodnett        Sarah         E           4-Sep-1894        Garrison       H            M
Hodnett        T             F           5-Feb-1887        Frank          Willie
Hogan          Lizzie                    11-Nov-1872       Camp           George
Hogan          Smith                     22-Dec-1853       Crutchfield    Phillip
Hogan          Georgia                   23-Dec-1896       Walton         O            P
Hogan          Martha                    23-Nov-1859       Donahoo        John         A
Hogan          Frances                   2-Jan-1876        Thomas         Nathan
Hogan          Emmer                     30-Apr-1894       Jordan         W            M
Hogan          Lucy                      7-Mar-1883        Cook           T            L
Hogan          Missouri                  9-Mar-1877        Bearden        F            M
Holcom         Malinda                   2-May-1872        Henson         William
Holcomb        H             Mrs         18-Mar-1880       Lane           Jeremiah     A
Holcomb        Mary                      20-Dec-1869       Carter         B            N
Holden         Anna                      27-Dec-1832       George         Jesse
Holder         Susan         E           25-Oct-1868       Leigh          Whitfield
Holland        Mary          J           17-Mar-1864       Moore          James        M
Holland        Mattie        M           19-Dec-1865       Farmer         G            W
Holland        Matilda                   27-Dec-1878       Phillips       Ahag         B
Holland        Harriett      A           27-Jun-1847       Pucket         Douglas      J
Holland        E             A           6-Oct-1864        Lenderman      William      B
Hollandshead   Martha                    25-Dec-1844       Downs          Daniel       S
Hollinghead    Lucinda                   2-Oct-1851        Winfrey        John
Hollingsworth  L             V           14-Dec-1890       Johnson        A            L
Hollinsworth   L             A           17-Dec-1872       Hudson         F            W
Hollis         Mary          F           13-Jul-1871       White          H            V
Hollis         Gussie                    26-Dec-1887       Ethridge       W            T
Hollis         Willie        K           8-Feb-1883        Perkerson      J            A
Hollis         Leta                      9-Apr-1889        Lanier         L            L
Hollis         Gena                      9-Jul-1899        Benton         W            F
Hollman        Catherine                 15-Jul-1848       Hendrix        George       W
Hollman        Winnie        Af          7-Aug-1869        Tenant         Robert       J
Holman         Julian                    20-Jun-1847       Black          Emanuel
Holman         M             L           28-Mar-1873       Head           Daniel       B
Holman         L             T Mrs       31-Jul-1879       Anderson       J            W
Holmes         Ophelia       Mrs         21-Oct-1890       Brown          J            L
Holmes         Lounette                  8-Aug-1894        Merrell        Hugh         L
Holt           Willa         Little      25-Feb-1897       Wakefield      Henry        David
Homes          Sarah                     15-Apr-1855       Lee            John         C
Hood           Nora          Mays        25-Jul-2000       Holmes         W            P
Hood           C             E           22-Dec-1874       Pyrem          M            M
Hood           Celia         E           22-Dec-1874       Bryam          M            M
Hood           Lucinda       Mrs         3-Nov-1886        Jones          J            D
Hood           R             L           9-Sep-1883        Carmical       M            A
Hopkins        Susan         A           15-Jul-1856       Pearce         George       W
Hopkins        N             A           26-Dec-1866       Miller         A            E
Hopkins        Wiley                     8-Jan-1835        Smithwick      Frances
Hopson         Pauline       Mciver      21-Nov-2000       Miller         Robert       W
Hopson         Antonette                 12-Dec-1882       Okelley        P
Hopson         Callie        S           24-Nov-1886       Upshaw         W            S
Hopson         Talua         A           9-Feb-1880        White          John         W
Hordy          M             A           2-Jan-1861        Curry          T            A
Horsley        Sarah         E           18-Dec-1856       Skipper        Henry
Horton         Mary          E           10-Jul-1873       Harris         David
Horton         Martha                    12-Feb-1867       Powell         H            N
Horton         Sarah                     16-Sep-1880       Norwood        Daniel       I
Horton         Cele          Anne        28-Dec-1852       Moore          Allen        P
Horton         Nancy                     2-May-1835        Parish         Sherman
Houghton       Louisa        Jane        23-Mar-1851       Davis          William
Houston        Martha        K           11-Feb-1851       Lay            Samuel       N
Houston        Mary                      12-Dec-1848       Dennis         Elijah
Houston        V             A           15-Oct-1868       Hubbard        S            C
Houston        Belle                     1-Apr-1889        Brassell       W            D
Houston        Georgia                   1-May-1887        Chappell       J            W
Houston        Mattie        P           23-Dec-1877       Alread         Phillip      C
Houston        Mary          S           26-Jan-1851       Boring         David
Houston        Nica          Mrs         27-Feb-1855       Boring         Quintus
Houston        Martha                    28-Dec-1871       Madden         John
Houston        Cyntha        Ann         2-Sep-1848        Sandford       James
Houston        Jane                      31-Dec-1871       Norwood        John
Houston        M             Ec          3-Jan-1866        Moore          William      J
Houston        Dovie         Daniel      4-Feb-1882        Johnson        Saul
Houston        Texas                     7-Nov-1852        Stevenson      Augustus     R
Houston        A                         8-Jan-1871        Jones          A
Houston        Arkansas                  8-Jun-1858        Witt           H            H
Houston        Sarah                     9-Apr-1852        Chalmers       William      H
Howard         Savannah      J           11-May-1876       Folds          Thomas
Howard         Nettie                    13-Oct-1894       Tennant        W            E
Howard         Sophia                    19-Jun-1881       Goins          Icabod
Howard         Elizabeth                 26-Nov-1829       Motes          Ezekiel
Howard         Lucinda       Mrs         28-Nov-1867       Hayse          Amos         M
Howard         Nancy         Ann         30-Dec-1847       Ray            George
Howell         Bertha                    23-Jun-1893       Camp           George       A
Hubbard        S             C           15-Oct-1868       Houston        V            A
Hubbard        Emma                      26-Dec-1888       Sims           J            W L
Hubbard        Hattie        M           26-Dec-1893       Dickerson      Thomas       C
Hubbard        Emma                      27-Dec-1888       Simms          John         W L
Hubbard        Martha        E           5-Jul-1865        Beavers        John         A
Hubbard        M             F           5-Nov-1867        Pearson        Wesley       W
Hubbard        Theodosia                 6-Apr-1890        Ross           C            R
Huckaby        Nancy                     28-Apr-1836       Green          John         C
Huddleston     Missouri                  9-Dec-1894        Nichols        John         Henry
Hudgens        Ida                       5-Jan-1888        Herring        W            A
Hudgins        Sarah         J           14-Feb-1861       Powers         James
Hudgins        Lodiska       Ann         21-Feb-1844       Persens        Amos         J
Hudson         F             W           1-Jan-1884        Collingsworth  M            E
Hudson         Lucy          J           20-Nov-1878       Pinson         Millard      B
Hudson         Malissa                   23-Nov-1836       Holmes         Jesse        M
Hudson         Mary          Frances     26-Nov-1863       Astin          John         J
Hudson         Rebecca                   4-Nov-1827        Smith          Benjamin     B
Hudson         Lucinda                   6-Jan-1842        Dickson        William      W
Huff           Louvie                    13-Aug-1887       Cruse          J            T
Huff           Nancy                     19-Nov-1843       Collins        James        M
Huff           Sara          Frances     26-Dec-1867       Clarke         John         B
Huffmaster     Annie         Laura       1-Dec-1893        Habel          Charles      H
Huffmaster     Mary          V           2-Jul-1892        Cavender       W            H
Huffmaster     L             A           3-Sep-1896        Wells          J            A
Huffmaster     M             L           6-Jan-1897        Vineyard       Z            R
Hugens         Rebecca       A           21-Feb-1861       Waldrop        Stephen      H
Hugerford      Daisey        R           18-Dec-1895       Kirby          Ben          H
Huggins        A                         16-Oct-1870       Calhoun        Washington
Huggins        A             E           20-Nov-1877       Caldwell       Thomas       M
Huggins        Mary          E           24-Oct-1867       Swinney        O            F
Huggins        Elizabeth                 26-Jul-1835       Goldsmith      Mathew
Huggins        Sarah                     2-Jun-1834        Harrington     James
Hughen         M             P           10-Dec-1872       Sharp          J            W
Hughen         Zepora                    7-Feb-1884        Broadwater     Robert       O
Hughens        Vandelia                  11-Oct-1874       Stephens       James        F
Hughens        Laura                     15-Feb-1888       Robertson      J            C
Hughens        Mollie                    18-Dec-1892       Jackson        W            W
Hughens        Susie                     21-Jul-1887       Spratlin       J            R
Hughens        Malissa                   22-Nov-1883       Bean           J            L
Hughens        Jennie        L           23-Dec-1888       Jones          Robert       A
Hughens        Maud                      24-Jan-1889       Bridges        N            C
Hughens        Cora          A           2-Nov-1882        Foster         W            David
Hughens        Mary          D           4-Dec-1866        Gilbert        John         W
Hughes         Sophia                    17-Oct-1832       Watson         James
Hughes         Mamie                     18-Oct-1893       Thompson       Young
Hughes         Lennie                    21-Dec-1898       Ballard        Oliver       L
Hughey         Kate                      12-Apr-1877       Austin         John         C
Hughey         Emeline                   9-Nov-1874        Hightower      Isaac
Hughie         Carrie                    19-Dec-1888       Sponcler       Jacob
Hughie         W             L           1-Oct-1882        Vineyard       P            B
Hughie         C             T           27-Feb-1894       Murphy         Orrie
Hughins        Martha        Jane        18-Dec-1851       Hendrix        Robert       W
Hughs          Elizabeth                 11-Oct-1838       Minich         George
Hughs          Lydia                     24-Aug-1845       Whitten        William
Hughs          Temperance                7-Jun-1834        Cooley         John         H
Hugley         Susannah      M           8-Jan-1880        Wiley          Benjamin     N
Hull           Susan         J           7-Jul-1869        Evans          H
Human          Mary          F           19-Dec-1867       Sewell         Thomas       M
Humphries      Mary          E           12-Feb-1863       Green          Samuel       H
Humphries      Ada                       17-Aug-1890       Hogan          J            M
Humphries      Sallie                    25-May-1890       Driver         W            M
Humphries      Sallie                    2-Apr-1865        Mcbride        Henry
Hungerford     Lillie        M           2-Sep-1897        Okelly         Benjamin     I
Hunnicutt      Mary          Jp          4-May-1869        Turner         J            W
Hunt           Arcada                    11-May-1858       Braswell       Josiah       L
Hunt           Tamar         A           13-Jun-1836       Hasly          James
Hunt           Delilah                   1-Sep-1832        Hughs          Simeon
Hunt           M                         26-Mar-1871       Bird           Isiah
Hunt           Amanda        Ann         5-Aug-1847        Thompson       Daniel       J
Hunt           Martha        J           5-Dec-1841        Bone           Wootson
Hunt           Martha                    7-Mar-1857        Merriweather   James
Hunt           Elizabeth                 7-Oct-1838        Foster         John         G
Hunter         Almeda        A           10-Dec-1878       Hunter         John         C
Hunter         E             F           10-Oct-1883       Young          A            L
Hunter         Myrtice       A           12-Jul-1896       Matthews       W            T
Hunter         Mary          S           13-May-1858       Addy           W            H
Hunter         A                         14-Jan-1886       Ragsdale       W            C
Hunter         Frances       E           15-Nov-1855       Lesley         John         J
Hunter         Rebecca                   19-Dec-1877       North          C            N
Hunter         Pattie        Z           19-Dec-1894       Drake          Charles      S
Hunter         Margaret                  20-Feb-1878       Hardy          T            C
Hunter         E             B Mrs       20-May-1875       Hunter         R            F
Hunter         Mary          M           22-Oct-1856       Carmical       Oliver       B
Hunter         Vetar                     23-Dec-1890       Cock           B            J
Hunter         Pat                       26-Jan-1898       Johnson        W            S
Hunter         Emma          May         26-Jul-1888       Towns          Jerald       Beaslty
Hunter         Holly         Ann         28-Oct-1852       Bailey         William      S
Hunter         Ida           B           3-Dec-1884        Reeves         T            H
Hunter         Elizabeth                 8-Dec-1842        Summers        John         G
Hunter         Tommie                    9-Jul-1893        Tracy          W            W
Hurst          Pheaby                    1-Jan-1854        Blackstock     Thomas
Hurst          Eddy          J           9-Sep-1860        Estep          William      P
Hurston        Mary          R           21-Feb-1875       Elder          Joseph       M
Hustin         Fannie                    21-Feb-1883       Johnson        Beauregard
Hutchens       Leila                     18-Dec-1898       Ragland        C            E
Hutchens       W             B           7-Aug-1870        Webb           A            S
Hutchins       Mollie                    15-Sep-1885       Chappell       Thomas
Hutchins       J                         28-Apr-1871       Cole           J
Hutchinson     Mattie        O           16-Dec-1890       Hodnett        H            J
Hutchinson     Sarah                     5-Dec-1871        Redwine        John         M
Hutchinson     Mary          B           9-Jan-1889        Hardy          R            L
Huye           W             C           17-Oct-1872       Drake          M            F
Hyatt          Cynthia       Ann         26-Apr-1832       Thompson       James
Hyde           Mary                      11-Mar-1848       Smith          Daniel       F
Hyde           Millie                    16-Nov-1896       Gable          J            M
Hyde           Alice         D           22-Sep-1889       Dial           Francis      B
Hyde           Lucy                      23-Mar-1851       Lipham         Sanford
Hyde           Mattie        Lou         30-Nov-1898       Crawford       Abbott
Hyde           Texas         Mrs         4-Sep-1887        Atchison       James        R
Hyde           Louisa        M           8-Jan-1852        Smith          Jasper       N
Hyde           J             H           9-Feb-1882        Mann           M            V

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