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Miscellaneous Early Coweta County, Georgia Marriages - T's Map showing location of Coweta County, Georgia

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - Y - Z

              BRIDE'S NAME                                            GROOM'S NAME
=======        ==========    ======      =============     =======        ==========   ======
Tacket         Elizabeth                 4-Dec-1844        Lankford       Edward
Tackett        Susan         E           19-Apr-1868       Washington     George       E
Takewell       W             M           24-Aug-1876       Adcock         R            E
Taliaferro     Rebecca                   28-Jul-1857       Broyles        William      H
Tally          Mary          Ane         13-Oct-1895       Gentry         Charles      A
Tannant        Sallie                    4-Jul-1886        Wilburn        Henry
Tapley         Fannie                    7-Nov-1898        Vesser         Thomas       J
Tate           Catherine                 13-Sep-1843       Holman         Marshall     M
Tate           M             H           25-Dec-1891       Thornton       W            M
Tate           Mary                      30-Sep-1838       Cruce          Richard
Taylor         Etna          May         6-Jun-1900        Harris         Earl         R
Taylor         Sarah                     14-Sep-1830       Hall           Caleb
Taylor         Elizabeth                 18-Jun-1848       Brasher        William      W
Taylor         Louisa        C           1-Mar-1843        Sibley         William      W
Taylor         Elizabeth                 20-Jun-1852       Connell        Benjamin
Taylor         Carrie                    21-Nov-1888       Ector          W            B
Taylor         R             M           23-Jul-1861       Bowles         J            T Rev
Taylor         Mary          Ann         24-Mar-1852       Hardison       Luther       W
Taylor         Sallie                    3-Dec-1892        Culpepper      J            W
Taylor         Lillian       E           5-Oct-1899        Odom           Erastus      H
Teadwell       L             M           30-Jul-1885       Williams       J            M
Teal           Sarah                     19-Feb-1865       Spinks         Martin
Tenant         Emily         S           22-Aug-1880       Davidson       George       W
Tennant        Corena                    13-Jan-1882       Hale           J            A
Tennant        Nannie                    14-May-1886       Dial           D            W
Tennant        Anna                      21-Mar-1887       Dial           Osker        B
Tennant        Kate                      25-Jun-1882       Smith          Willie
Tenney         Maggie                    25-Mar-1900       Smith          J            D
Tenney         Myrie                     12-Mar-1895       Masengale      W            B
Terrell        Lela                      10-Nov-1876       Maderis        T            W
Terrell        Elizabeth     P           18-Sep-1851       Wingfield      Charles      E
Terrell        J             F           9-Aug-1894        Byram          M            A
Tetterson      Margaret                  6-Oct-1829        Roberson       John
Thomas         Sarah                     15-Jul-1834       Sayers         Jefferson
Thomas         Vassie                    16-Dec-1891       Sprayberry     Will
Thomas         Rosa          W           19-Jul-1858       Broadnax       Joel         C
Thomas         Nancy         H           22-Nov-1860       Johnson        Linton       Z
Thomas         Mary                      22-Oct-1848       Langley        Henry
Thomas         Nannie                    23-Oct-1895       Houston        J            R
Thomas         Bunchie                   27-Dec-1891       Brown          Jordan
Thomas         Martha        H           29-Jan-1856       Story          Pinchney
Thomas         Ida                       3-Nov-1895        Eady           Edward
Thomasson      Ann                       8-Oct-1843        Cox            Henry
Thomisson      E                         28-Aug-1871       Butts          C            H
Thompson       Terah         Lee         6-May-1995        Chappell       Michael      Todd
Thompson       Birdie        V           10-Mar-1895       Gorman         Roscoe       W
Thompson       Elizabeth                 10-Oct-1848       Moseley        Elijah       S
Thompson       Abigail                   11-Dec-1835       East           Richard      W
Thompson       Mary          Mrs         12-May-1869       Hendrix        Garrett
Thompson       M             A           13-Jan-1875       Duke           W            A
Thompson       Lizzie        C           14-Nov-1877       Johnson        J            J
Thompson       Jimmie        Lou         15-Nov-1899       Goodrum        Thomas       Milos
Thompson       Lilla         Ann         16-Jan-1845       Rainwater      T            M
Thompson       Frances       E           16-Sep-1847       Lesley         Robert       A
Thompson       Ida           V           19-Jul-1898       Harris         Charles      J
Thompson       Effie         Lee         1-Jun-1886        Smith          A            J
Thompson       Mary                      21-Dec-1843       Burney         Linsey       M
Thompson       Mary          F           24-Dec-1867       Hurst          Samuel       D
Thompson       Fannie                    24-Jun-1886       Smith          F            B
Thompson       Melvina                   25-Dec-1842       Readling       John
Thompson       Margaret                  25-Nov-1879       Lockwood       John
Thompson       N             E           27-Aug-1885       Cannon         John
Thompson       Martha        Ann         29-Aug-1869       Bearden        Franklin     W
Thompson       Nannie                    30-Dec-1888       Renfroe        J            E
Thompson       Ola                       3-Apr-1898        Gilley         Gene
Thompson       Sallie                    3-Nov-1886        Argo           Jim
Thompson       Emma                      4-Dec-1878        Longino        James        H
Thompson       Mary          Ann         4-Jan-1837        Hughs          Simeon
Thompson       Georgia                   4-Jul-1895        Evans          J            A
Thompson       Darlis                    5-Sep-1872        Price          Munroe
Thompson       Nancy                     8-Dec-1841        Adams          John
Thornton       M             E           13-May-1900       Sprayberry     J            D
Thornton       M             C           10-Oct-1880       Byrom          J            D
Thornton       Mary                      11-Dec-1890       Smith          J            W
Thornton       Martha                    13-Oct-1892       Fordam         G            G
Thornton       A                         17-Jan-1871       Ector          A
Thornton       Emma          C           18-Apr-1880       Brooks         Thomas       F
Thornton       Mary          L           21-Dec-1880       Carter         Berrin       A
Thornton       W             M           25-Dec-1891       Tate           M            H
Thornton       Henrietta                 4-Aug-1871        Costley        W            D
Thornton       Mollie                    7-Apr-1875        Elliott        John         H
Thrower        Delila        A           10-Dec-1874       Jackson        Levi         N
Thrower        Delia                     31-May-1894       Steed          G            W
Thrower        Delia                     31-May-1894       Steele         G            W
Thrower        Margaret      A           4-Jan-1877        Todd           James        M
Thurman        Caroline                  14-Jan-1872       Jackson        Ned
Thurman        Alice                     24-Nov-1890       Allen          John         Thomas
Thurman        M             T           5-Nov-1872        Beadenbough    L            W P
Thurman        Bettie        L           9-Jun-1869        Shannon        J            N
Thurmond       Eudosia       A           18-May-1836       North          Marcus       D
Thurmond       Mary          E           18-Nov-1875       Bedenbaugh     John         L
Thurmond       Catherine     G           19-Feb-1861       Hilton         William      L
Thurmond       Elizabeth                 1-Nov-1860        Carter         Arthur       H
Thurmond       Sarah         A           25-Feb-1892       Urqhart        Henry        A
Thurmond       Frances       R           26-Dec-1860       Lot            Andrew       J B
Thurmond       Gussie                    27-Apr-1892       Edwards        W            B
Thurmond       Lucy          G           27-Sep-1860       Smith          James        C
Thurmond       Lucy                      31-Jan-1860       Nixon          Joseph
Thurmond       Virginia                  8-May-1883        Bailey         Luther       C
Tidwell        Ann           M           13-Nov-1865       Williams       Jonathan     C
Tidwell        Roxie                     27-May-1899       Brown          G            E
Tidwell        M             L Mrs       28-Feb-1866       Washington     M            E
Tidwell        L             E           4-Oct-1870        Bailey         A            M
Tidwell        Council       D           5-Jul-1832        Hasty          Franky
Tidwell        Mary          E           6-Mar-1856        Byrum          John         F
Tidwell        Clementina                8-Dec-1867        Merthvin       William      J
Tidwell        Harriet                   8-Mar-1888        Morrison       S            P
Timbs          Mary                      3-Aug-1899        Donaldson      John         W
Timms          Eleanor                   3-Sep-1828        Burgess        Benjamin
Tinch          Elizabeth     Se          24-Dec-1856       Smith          Andrew       J
Tinney         Nannie                    28-Aug-1900       Mealer         J            T
Tinney         Janie                     28-Dec-1893       Strickland     J            E
Tinnon         Elizabeth                 22-Mar-1852       Moore          William      J
Tiny           Eddie                     12-Apr-1891       Morgan         Columbus
Tiuney         Susan         V           2-Aug-1864        Needham        A
Toberta        Fannie                    16-Oct-1875       Mabrey         Thomas       H
Todd           Annie         W           18-Nov-1900       Mccollum       H            I
Todd           Ida           Lee         25-Nov-1900       Raines         William      T
Todd           Elizabeth     L           28-Dec-1851       Webb           James
Todd           Sarah                     29-Sep-1852       Smith          Daniel       L
Tolbert        Jane          C           15-Nov-1843       Whatley        Simeon
Tolbert        Mary          E           22-Dec-1868       Scroggin       Glenn        O
Tomlin         Elizabeth                 10-Jan-1855       Reynolds       Wilson       L
Tomlin         Millie                    19-Jan-1865       Gordon         W            D
Tomlin         Jennie        Lou         8-Aug-1893        Pitman         E            D
Tomlin         Susan         Ann         9-Feb-1860        Hendricks      Henry        H
Tomlin         Mary          Jane        9-Jan-1852        Talley         William
Tomlinson      L             J           22-Mar-1859       Theus          Benjamin     O
Tompkins       Maud          Springer    14-Feb-1895       Perry          Ed           Jonathan
Tormby         Lucinda       E           3-Mar-1872        Wood           Winston
Towns          Mary          E           10-Jun-1896       Banks          W            W
Towns          Lula          Belle       27-Feb-1890       Maddox         J            H
Towns          E             H Mrs       27-Nov-1898       Benton         W            L
Townsand       Sarah                     30-Jun-1874       Fowler         William      H
Townsend       Sarah         Mrs         15-Dec-1864       Brewster       Hugh
Townsend       Emma                      28-Aug-1870       Champ          F            C
Townsend       Mollie                    30-Jan-1867       Arnold         Hugh         M
Tramell        Emma                      9-Jan-1871        Duncan         Robert
Travis         W             S           27-Nov-1884       Vining         E            D
Treadwell      Elizabeth                 27-Dec-1832       Lawrence       Jacob
Trent          Addie                     1-Jan-1877        Minty          Joseph       E
Trimble        E             V           13-Jul-1865       Austin         John         M
Trimble        Frances                   16-Mar-1871       Watson         Green
Tuck           Parthena                  20-May-1834       Garrett        Henry
Tucker         Annie                     7-Mar-1900        Tucker         J            E
Tuckwell       Charlotte                 23-Dec-1871       Merrick        James
Tule           Permelia                  29-Oct-1829       Spraggins      Thomas
Tule           Permelia                  29-Oct-1829       Spraggins      Thomas
Tuller         Clara         E           21-Aug-1895       Zellars        Thomas       M
Turner         Vickie        Lynn        16-Feb-1994       Jerrell        Jeffery      Stephen
Turner         Mary                      14-Aug-1832       Rowling        Green
Turner         W             A           16-Nov-1870       Reese          E            J
Turner         J             W           19-Jan-1886       Wood           A            L
Turner         Mary          Wesley      21-Apr-1897       Hodnett        Robert       F
Turner         Martha                    22-Jan-1829       Williamson     William
Turner         Mary          Jane        26-Jan-1845       Watkins        James        R
Turner         M             E           26-Jul-1891       Beavers        J            B
Turner         Lucy                      28-Sep-1873       Lovelady       William
Turner         Ruth          L           2-May-1897        Vickory        A            J
Turner         Lola          May         2-Oct-1898        Morgan         Arthur
Turner         Callie                    3-Dec-1885        Meadows        Walter
Turner         Rebecca       Ann         7-Jul-1842        Kilgore        John
Turner         Mary          E           7-May-1868        Wood           Aristarchus
Twiggs         Nora          Lee         31-Dec-1884       Bryom          John         Lee
Tyler          Minie                     13-May-1883       Russell        R            B
Tyree          Pamela        Janene      9-Dec-1994        Addison        Richard      Dennis

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