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Miscellaneous Early Coweta County, Georgia Marriages - K's Map showing location of Coweta County, Georgia

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - Y - Z

              BRIDE'S NAME                                            GROOM'S NAME
=======        ==========    ======      =============     =======        ==========   ======
Karr           D             F           15-Dec-1875       Guinad         M            C
Karr           Nancy         A           17-Jan-1880       Grinad         W            B
Karr           Mary          J           20-Sep-1874       Blair          John         F
Karr           Mary          E           22-Nov-1876       Meeks          Allen        P
Karr           Martha        I           7-Dec-1876        Cathcart       John         A
Kearns         Mattie                    14-Jun-1894       Prichard       Jeff
Kee            Emma                      11-Jan-1874       Green          Joseph       W
Keith          J             H           10-Nov-1890       Coggins        S            A
Keith          Flora                     1-Apr-1874        Smith          John         A
Keith          Caroline                  2-May-1869        Simms          Anthony
Keller         Cora          Hill        11-Nov-1896       Mclaughlin     Joseph       Brantley
Keller         Susan                     15-Sep-1870       Pitman         W            R
Keller         Ellen                     18-Sep-1870       Niel           George       M
Kelley         Carrie                    10-Apr-1894       Sewell         V            D
Kelley         Beatrice                  14-Nov-1897       Phillips       T            L
Kelley         Emma                      18-Dec-1884       Dennis         Jeff         D
Kelley         Willie                    1-Apr-1894        Tapley         Andrew
Kelley         Mary                      20-Apr-1837       Eason          Harrison
Kelley         Amanda                    21-Nov-1873       English        Aaron
Kelley         Zubie                     25-Jun-1895       Florence       George
Kellogg        A             M           18-Dec-1882       Gann           R            M
Kelly          Sophia        L           16-Dec-1847       Johnson        William      P
Kelly          Laura                     17-Dec-1879       Buchanan       Wade
Kelly          Lucy          D           17-Jan-1856       Morgan         John         D
Kelly          Susahan       Rc          19-Dec-1861       Davenport      C            J
Kelly          Elizabeth                 1-Apr-1835        Wright         John         C
Kelly          Mary          Am          1-Feb-1849        Dyer           H            B
Kelly          J             M           26-Nov-1893       Helms          Lindie
Kelly          Lula          J           27-Aug-1885       Hunter         N            Y
Kelly          Beatrice                  3-Jan-1888        Coggins        George       W
Kelly          Lou           Ella        6-Nov-1889        Richardson     W            L
Kelly          Sally                     8-Apr-1832        Bryant         Thomas
Kempson        Mary          L           22-Aug-1861       Tidwell        William      P
Kempson        Martha                    23-Dec-1866       Weathington    Jacob
Kempson        S             Aj          28-Feb-1866       Washington     J            J
Kempson        M             C           2-Oct-1872        Crawford       W            J
Kendrix        Rachiel                   4-Jan-1871        Geans          Caesar
Kennedy        Callie        J           23-Jun-1885       Stillwell      William      R
Kenney         Mary                      15-Mar-1831       Story          Milton
Kent           Mary          E           25-Sep-1872       Key            W            T
Kent           Ella                      26-May-1895       Tacket         W            E
Kent           Lena          Belle       28-Jun-1891       Jones          Arthur
Kersey         Mary                      29-Apr-1852       Ferrell        Richard      W
Kersey         Mallisie      A           8-Jan-1887        Allen          William      A
Kettner        Mary          Mrs         15-Jul-1880       Ives           Layton       M
Key            Lizzie        Estelle     1-Jul-1897        Sprayberry     W            N
Key            Minnie                    22-Sep-1886       Brooks         Walter
Kidd           Susie                     18-Dec-1898       Wiggins        Clifford     A
Kidd           Susan         E           26-Oct-1858       Storey         John         A
Kidd           Alice                     28-Dec-1899       Davis          B            V
Kilgore        M             E           13-Aug-1873       Stevens        John
Kilgore        Elvira                    1-Aug-1858        Woodward       Tobias
Kilgore        Susan                     23-Sep-1858       Neill          James
Kilgore        K             D           23-Sep-1894       Oneal          A            H
Kilgore        Elizabeth                 30-Apr-1854       Woodward       Jessie
Kilgore        Adaline                   30-Nov-1836       Holmes         James        M
Kilgore        Ella          E           4-Oct-1891        Payton         C            M
Kilgore        J             M           4-Sep-1873        Carmichael     M            F
Kilgore        Jemima                    7-Oct-1858        Mcgraw         Ephrian      W
Kimbral        Lucy                      31-Dec-1876       Calhoun        James
Kimbril        Nancy                     15-Jan-1879       Hubbard        M            C
King           R             E           13-Dec-1868       Hill           F            E
King           Epsey                     13-Sep-1863       Crutchfield    B            J
King           Mary                      14-Apr-1840       Sewell         William
King           Samantha                  14-Oct-1841       Thompkins      John
King           Epsie                     16-Jan-1872       Phillips       William
King           Sallie                    1-Jun-1876        Chadwick       John
King           Hittie        B           1-Jun-1892        Moore          Merrell      W
King           Blanche                   28-Apr-1897       Mimms          J            N
King           Annie                     28-Mar-1886       Scroggin       N            P
King           Alzada                    29-Jan-1860       Kilgore        B            J
King           Cora          Lee         31-May-1891       Austin         W            W
King           Martha        W           9-Dec-1847        Nichols        Henry        W
Kings          Mary          J           22-Nov-1881       Wright         William      T
Kingsberry     M             P           29-May-1873       Godfrey        B            J
Kinnard        Annie         Gibbs       29-Jun-1899       Upshaw         William      F
Kirby          Bettilu                   8-Nov-2000        Croft          George       Edgar
Kirby          Sarah         Jane        25-Apr-1848       Mcclendon      Jonathan
Kirby          May                       27-Dec-1881       Thomas         L            P
Kirkland       Susan         A           21-Dec-1845       T              Roberts      Nimrod
Kirkland       Susan         At          21-Dec-1845       Roberts        Nimrod
Kirkland       Laura                     21-Mar-1872       Farmer         Sanford
Kiser          Mattie                    7-Dec-1882        Strickland     Joseph
Kitchens       Lizzie                    21-Sep-1889       Jones          Rufus
Kitchens       Sarah         Ann         29-Mar-1869       Walker         Daniel
Kite           Betsie                    22-Jan-1835       Hughs          John
Kithcart       Betsy                     20-May-1849       Mcgraw         Stephen
Knight         Emily                     16-Dec-1837       Brown          James        C
Knight         Nancy         C           17-Nov-1859       Huggins        Daniel       T C
Knight         N             J           19-Dec-1848       Brantley       Reuben       J
Knight         Lucy                      6-Dec-1874        Mcclure        J            H
Knowels        Millie        J           30-Jan-1881       Davis          James
Kolb           Mary          Ann         10-Mar-1844       Martin         Benjamin     M

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