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Highland Cemetery
Barber County, Kansas
Miscellaneous Burials - 11

A-B - C-E - F-H - I-L - M-O - P-R - S - T-Z

HIGHLAND CEMETERY at Medicine Lodge is one of the older urban cemeteries within the county, 
August 26, 1880, George W. Ellis sold to the city of Medicine Lodge the following described 
land: NE 1/4 2-32-12, to be used as a city cemetery. The plat was drawn April 14, 1881, and 
filed in the county registrar's office. John Ramsey purchased the first lot December 22, 
1882, for the burial of Ann Ramsey.

Burials from 1948-1988

Last Name           First/Second           Place of death         Date buried            Undertaker            Undertaker Address
=========           ============           ==============         ===========            ==========            ==================
Fair                Burnetta               Wichita, KS            May 13, 1963           Culbertson & Forsyth  Wichita, KS
Fairleigh           John H.                Wichita, KS            April 25, 1950         Broadway Mortuary
Fairleigh           Avis                   Topeka, KS             February 15, 1984      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Falen               Edith Holmes           Medicine Lodge, KS     March 11, 1965         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Feldkamp (baby)     Bridgette Lee                                 January 24, 1968       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Fenton              Jan McKee              Sharon, KS             February 6, 1981       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Fisburn             Roy A.                 Medicine Lodge, KS     April 4, 1983          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Fishburn            Helen LUcille          Medicine Lodge, KS     September 16, 1983     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Fisher              John Frank             Larned, KS             January 9, 1948        J. W. Haag            Larned, KS
Fisher              Fred                   Medicine Lodge, KS     July 3, 1973           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Fisher              Emma                   Medicine Lodge, KS     September 12, 1986     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Fitzsimmons         Cecil Royce            Medicine Lodge, KS     July 27, 1954          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Fitzsimmons         Janet Kay              Medicine Lodge, KS     February 13, 1961      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Fitzsimmons         Hattie M.              Medicine Lodge, KS     July 6, 1987           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Fleming             Bathsheba Delila       Larned, KS             December 26, 1953      F. Jay Moser          Larned, KS
Flery               Hazel Fishburn         Lawrence, KS           December 29, 1959      Rumsey Funeral Hm.
Ford                Emeretta Painter       Medicine Lodge, KS     August 6, 1954         Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Ford                Daniel Lee             Los Angeles, CA        December 3, 1954       Pierce Brothers       Burbank, CA
Ford (infant)       Chad Michael                                  January 13, 1984       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Forsyth             William Robert         Medicine Lodge, KS     January 16, 1957       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Forsyth             Helen                  Medicine Lodge, KS     January 29, 1960       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Forsyth             Mary                   Medicine Lodge, KS     January 29, 1960       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Forsyth             Caleb                                         March 13, 1968         Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Forsyth             Charles                Wichita, KS            February 4, 1972       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Forsyth             Rachel Mary            Medicine Lodge, KS     March 6, 1981          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Forsyth             Charles Leslie         Pratt, KS              October 12, 1981       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Forsyth             Estella G.             Medicine Lodge, KS     October 1, 1985        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Foster              Theresa Sue            Medicine Lodge, KS     January 19, 1962       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Fowler              Jane Nixon             Medicine Lodge, KS     August 28, 1950        Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Fowler              Mrs. D.L. (Nellie)     Medicine Lodge, KS     February 6, 1976       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Fowler, Jr.         Delmar Lee             Medicine Lodge, KS     December 15, 1986      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Frederick           Louise Theresia        Phoenix, AZ            June 27, 1950          Brazill-Whitney
Frederick           Francis                Medicine Lodge, KS     February 25, 1966      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Freeman             William Solomon        Hardtner, KS           May 15, 1949           Forsyth & Sons        Medicine Lodge, KS
Freeman             Mary Annis             Hardtner, KS           July 12, 1950          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Freeman             Ralph Thornton         Medicine Lodge, KS     September 26, 1950     Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Freeman             Richard Arlo           Sumner Co., KS         July 12, 1955          Rendt                 Arkansas City, KS
Freeman             Manie E.                                      July 27, 1968          Yost-Gwynn Funeral    Wellington, KS
Freeman             Dillman                Rapid City, SD         March 8, 1971          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Freeman             Adrian S.              Pratt, KS              December 30, 1977      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Freeman             Elsie S.               Medicine Lodge, KS     November 12, 1984      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Freeman             William Clifton        Medicine Lodge, KS     October 26, 1987       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Freeman (Peters)    Ella M.                Mt. Vernon, MO         February 23, 1974      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Freman              Sammuel                                       June 3, 1974           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
French              Roud Miller            Medicine Lodge, KS     September 10, 1987     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Fritz               Eliza M.               Medicine Lodge, KS     March 23, 1965         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Fritz               George L.              Salina, KS             November 7, 1966       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Froman              Annie E.               Kingman, KS            December 29, 1955      Brant Funeral Home
Froman              Hugh Collins           Medicine Lodge, KS     December 20, 1957      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Froman              Mary N.                                       February 1, 1971       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Fullerton           Marjorie B.                                   February 19, 1973      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Fullerton           Chester B.             Wichita, KS            December 15, 1987      Quiring Mortuary
Fulton              Eliza                  Alva, OK               March 22, 1948         Stiles - Howerton     Alva, OK
Funk                David Crockett         Hardtner, KS           March 14, 1950         Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Funk                Sadie Mary             Medicine Lodge, KS     October 8, 1958        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Funk                Bessie Jewell          Kiowa, KS              March 23, 1973         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Funk                Dale                                          April 6, 1984          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Fussell             Tessie May             Medicine Lodge, KS     March 3, 1955          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Fussell             Joseph Reed            Medicine Lodge, KS     October 1, 1957        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Fussell             Jewel Karp                                    March 3, 1984          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Gallaugher          W.J.                   Medicine Lodge, KS     March 30, 1965         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Gallaugher          Helendcen Angel                               February 17, 1977      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Gallaugher          Frances E.                                    September 25, 1986     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Gallaway            Edwin Bloom            Winfield, KS           April 21, 1956         Swisher Mort.         Winfield, KS
Gallogher           Thomas F.              Kent, WA               December 29, 1955      Edline Chapel
Gant                Joseph Lee             Medicine Lodge, KS     June 14, 1950          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Gant                Luther Thomas          Medicine Lodge, KS     June 23, 1952          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Gant                Bessie V.                                     October 17, 1968       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Gant                Mildred                Medicine Lodge, KS     June 27, 1981          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Gant                James Edward           Medicine Lodge, KS     December 7, 1982       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Garrett             Lillian M. (Cushenbery)                       September 15, 1971     Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Garrett             Steven                 Wichita, KS            January 4, 1978        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Garrison            Minnie Wells                                  February 28, 1972      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Garten              Arvilla Farley                                August 28, 1979        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Garten              Harold Herbert         Medicine Lodge, KS     March 8, 1984          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Gaschler            Theodore               Wichita, KS            December 3, 1962       Byrd-Snodgrass        Wichita, KS
Gaunt               Burl                   Aransas Pass, TX       December 7, 1972       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Gehelen             Alphons Francis                               December 29, 1984      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Gehlen              Charlie                Medicine Lodge, KS     March 26, 1988         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Geiger              Edward Theron          Medicine Lodge, KS     October 10, 1981       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Geiger              Louise Swayden                                October 19, 1983       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Geiswein            Theodore               Medicine Lodge, KS     October 18, 1982       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Ghere               Maurice                                       January 25, 1978       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Gibson              Donald Ray             Anthony, KS            May 28, 1961           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Gibson              Gladys                                        May 1, 1968            Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Gibson              Clyde                                         June 6, 1972           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Gibson              Leslie B.              Pratt, KS              August 11, 1973        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Gibson              Tracey M.                                     February 15, 1980      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Giddeon             Raymond                                       December 29, 1984      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Gigstad             Alfred Irwin           Medicine Lodge, KS     December 28, 1979      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Gigstad             Mary S.                Medicine Lodge, KS     March 3, 1987          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Gilbert             Hardin                 Medicine Lodge, KS     January 29, 1952       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Gilbert             Hardin                 Medicine Lodge, KS     June 28, 1966          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Gilbert             Mrs. Erie                                     April 5, 1971          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Gilbert             Grace Lalia                                   September 20, 1971     Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Gilbert             Carl Raleigh                                  May 13, 1972           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Giles               Charley Thomas         Medicine Lodge, KS     July 8, 1959           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Gilmore             Nellie                 Medicine Lodge, KS     October 8, 1987        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Goff                Fannie                 Dodge City, KS         February 18, 1948      John C. Dunsford      Dodge City, KS
Goodburn            Nellie Beatrice        Medicine Lodge, KS     September 29, 1958     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Goodburn            George                 Medicine Lodge, KS     December 24, 1966      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Gordon              Grover R.              Medicine Lodge, KS     July 3, 1958           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Gordon              Charlie                Medicine Lodge, KS     April 1, 1968          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Gould               Arthur (Bill)          Cunningham, KS         April 13, 1958         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Gragson             Flora M.               Pawnee, OK             April 8, 1963          Poteet's              Pawnee, OK
Graham              Blanche                Wichita, KS            August 16, 1986        Byrd-Snodgrass        Wichita, KS
Graves              James Clyde            Wellington, KS         April 5, 1962          Frank Funeral Home
Graves              Temperance M.          Wichita, KS            January 27, 1967       Frank MOrtuary
Gray                Aca                                           September 12, 1988     Broadway Mortuary     Wichita, KS
Green               Patrick Marion         Medicine Lodge, KS     January 17, 1967       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Green               Freida Lanelle Orr     Wichita, KS            December 18, 1980      Ebersole Mortuary
Gregson             Everett Leslie         Hardtner, KS           April 25, 1954         Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Gress               John Walter            Medicine Lodge, KS     January 4, 1953        Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Gress               Emma Katherine         Medicine Lodge, KS     December 4, 1959       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Gress               Herb                                          January 21, 1977       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Griffin             Samuel                 Wichita, KS            July 27, 1949          Gordon Funeral Home   Wichita, KS
Griffis             Jo Lynn                Medicine Lodge, KS     November 3, 1952       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Grigsby             Daniel Sylvester       Medicine Lodge, KS     March 11, 1963         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Grigsby             Frankie Axtell                                January 24, 1973       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Grigsby             Mayme Cole Holmes                             February 10, 1975      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Groendycke          C.A.                                          May 28, 1974           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Groendycke          L.R.                                          August 20, 1975        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Groendycke          Elma Hensley           Medicine Lodge, KS     February 13, 1988      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Groendyke           Robert Lee             Medicine Lodge, KS     May 28, 1949           Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Groendyke           Ruth                                          October 17, 1984       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Grover              Eugene Spencer                                May 3, 1982            Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Grover              Mildred Spencer        Colorado               July 25, 1983          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Guild               Frank M.                                      April 12, 1969         Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Gutherie            Thomas                 Medicine Lodge, KS     November 17, 1978      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Haas                Mary Matilda           Medicine Lodge, KS     January 12, 1955       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Haas                Anna Elizabeth                                June 14, 1973          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Haas                Christina              Anthony, KS            October 22, 1974       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Haas                Henry                  Medicine Lodge, KS     August 14, 1976        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Haas                Dora                   Medicine Lodge, KS     December 15, 1980      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Haas                John                   Medicine Lodge, KS     March 12, 1986         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Haggard             Robert Leon            Pratt, KS              December 9, 1981       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hall                Florence Gueletta      Medicine Lodge, KS     May 13, 1949           Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Hall                Floyd E.               Medicine Lodge, KS     December 12, 1951      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Hall                Jack E.                Mingona twp., KS       June 2, 1964           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hall                Mrs. Grace                                    February 6, 1969       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Hall                Charles A.                                    August 4, 1969         Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Hall                R.G.                                          May 16, 1972           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hall                Velma (Mrs. Charles)                          February 26, 1973      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hall                Edward S.              Halstead, KS           February 24, 1976      Draper-Cannon         Newton, KS
Hamilton            Fred                   Albuquerque, NM        November 1, 1963       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hamilton            Helen                                         May 25, 1967           Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Hamilton            Mary                                          December 23, 1983      Elliott Mortuary
Hamm                Jerry Gene             Hardtner, KS           February 26, 1949      Forsyth & Sons        Medicine Lodge, KS
Haner               Arthur                 Des Moines, IA         March 6, 1949          Evan Lilly's Funeral
Haner               George B.              Graham, TX             February 8, 1966       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Haner               Glen                                          June 16, 1977          French Mortuary       Albuquerque, NM
Haner               Faye                   Holiday, TX            February 15, 1982      Owens & Brumley       Wichita
Hanville            Harry Harrison                                August 20, 1974        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Harbaugh            Laura Lynn             Medicine Lodge, KS     September 15, 1954     Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Harbaugh            Jacob Benjamin         Medicine Lodge, KS     January 8, 1957        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Harbaugh            Mayme Lee Wilson       Kiowa, KS              July 22, 1977          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Harbaugh            Ulrich Benjamin        Medicine Lodge, KS     March 22, 1984         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Harbaugh            Arthur N.              Medicine Lodge, KS     January 29, 1986       Fisher Funeral Hm.
Harbaugh            Julia Louise           Medicine Lodge, KS     February 3, 1986       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Harbaugh            Mabel A.               Medicine Lodge, KS     December 17, 1987      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Harger              Nobel                  Medicine Lodge, KS     April 13, 1988         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hargus              Ralph Eugene           Hardtner, KS           January 20, 1951       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Hargus              Jimmie Ray             Wichita, KS            May 15, 1952           Broadway Mortuary
Harper              James E.               Arkansas City, KS      April 22, 1967         Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Harris              Lee Alexander          Medicine Lodge, KS     July 16, 1958          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Harris              Elmer                  Halstead, KS           August 6, 1965         Mile's Funeral Hm.
Harris              Dixie (Mrs. Herb)      Wichita, KS            February 13, 1975      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Harris              Jessie                 Wichita, KS            April 9, 1975          Miles Mortuary
Harris              Stanley W.                                    October 20, 1984       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Harris              Herbert Eugene         Medicine Lodge, KS     April 22, 1985         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Harris (Mrs. Lee)   Bertha                 Medicine Lodge, KS     November 2, 1978       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Harrison            Carter                                        September 20, 1973     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Harrison            Samuel Abraham         Salina, KS             August 21, 1974        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Harrison            Josephine Helen        Medicine Lodge, KS     July 21, 1987          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hart                Luther Vernon          Medicine Lodge, KS     January 26, 1965       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hart                Craig Eugene           Medicine Lodge, KS     April 4, 1968          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Hart, Jr.           Chester R.             Medicine Lodge, KS     November 23, 1985      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hartley             Henry P.               Nashville, KS          February 19, 1950      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Hartley             Samuel Ware            Medicine Lodge, KS     October 1, 1954        Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Hartley             Wilbur Wesley          Mingona twp., KS       July 18, 1957          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hartley             Jack                   Wakeeney, KS           August 26, 1975        Hendricks Funeral     Wakeeney, KS
Hartzell            Lula Belle (Flora)     Medicine Lodge, KS     October 5, 1954        Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Hartzell            Benjamin Farnklin      Medicine Lodge, KS     June 7, 1957           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hartzell            Riley I.               Kiowa, KS              June 22, 1966          Hill Funeral Hm.      Kiowa, KS
Hartzell            Susan                  Medicine Lodge, KS     January 27, 1978       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hartzell            Edith May              Kiowa, KS              September 4, 1980      Hill Funeral Home     Kiowa, KS
Haskin              Jack E.                                       October 27, 1976       Ford Funeral Home
Hawk                Della                  Winfield, KS           December 31, 1966      Morris Funeral Hm.    Winfield, KS
Hayes               Lee P.                                        August 21, 1980        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Haynes              Harvey H.              Medicine Lodge, KS     October 5, 1967        Livingston Mortuary   Medicine Lodge, KS
Hays                Geraldine                                     April 28, 1984         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Heacock             Judson Lester          Medicine Lodge, KS     August 23, 1956        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Heacock             Lennie                                        August 18, 1977        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hedenreick          Roy                                           January 3, 1969        Hill Funeral Hm.
Helton              Mary Jane              Medicine Lodge, KS     April 17, 1951         Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Helton              William L.                                    May 18, 1973           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Henderson           Clyde Leonard          Medicine Lodge, KS     October 22, 1954       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Hendrickson         Fred W.                Larned, KS             March 8, 1952          F. Jay Moser
Hendrickson         Earl                   Nevada, MO             February 10, 1966      Hill Funeral Hm.
Hensley             Bruce                  Medicine Lodge, KS     December 6, 1958       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hensley             Oral Dean              Wichita, KS            January 3, 1980        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hensley             Oral                   Wichita, KS            February 20, 1984      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hensley             Lois McMillen          Medicine Lodge, KS     January 21, 1988       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hernden             Charles Benjamin       Medicine Lodge, KS     November 27, 1961      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Herrington          Olive Pearle           Medicine Lodge, KS     February 21, 1986      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Heydenreich         Lila Christine         Cunningham, KS         May 4, 1955            Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Heydenrich          Anna Louise Emma       Medicine Lodge, KS     May 18, 1958           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hibbard             George Augustus        Hardtner, KS           May 25, 1948           Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Hibbard             George Allan           Medicine Lodge, KS     February 6, 1980       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hibbard             Fay                    Medicine Lodge, KS     August 2, 1980         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hicks               Albert                 Little Rock, AR        December 28, 1965      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hill                Carol                                         October 17, 1981       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hindman             George Lincoln         Medicine Lodge, KS     March 31, 1958         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hindman             Jim                    Medicine Lodge, KS     March 31, 1981         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hindman             Hyla                   Valley Center, KS      November 23, 1981      Ayres-Galbeck
Hinkle Hart         Geneva Ruth            Medicine Lodge, KS     March 22, 1988         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hinshaw             Joseph C.              Wichita, KS            April 14, 1977         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hinshaw             Glenola Wilkins        Wichita, KS            February 21, 1987      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hittle              Truman Ernest          Medicine Lodge, KS     July 27, 1950          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Hittle              Thomas Alvin           Deerfield, KS          April 26, 1951         Garnand's             Lakin,
Hittle              Clifford Alvin         Norwich, KS            January 4, 1956        Livingston
Hittle              Mrs. William (Eva)     Wichita, KS            February 16, 1971      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Hittle              Guy P.                                        May 4, 1972            Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hittle              Raymond                                       August 2, 1978         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hittle              Fred William           Hugoton, KS            February 3, 1983       Phillip Funeral
Hittle              W.H. (William)         Medicine Lodge, KS     August 15, 1966        Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Hogan               John Karl              Pratt, KS              December 31, 1965      Ayres-Calb
Hogan               Carl Wesley            St. John, KS           September 10, 1973     Breitenbach Mort.
Hogan               Lee                    Medicine Lodge, KS     March 3, 1982          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hogan, Sr.          George S.              Medicine Lodge, KS     April 22, 1986         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hogarth             Wilford LeRoy          Wichita, KS            June 26, 1963          Downing Mortuary      Wichita, KS
Hogarth             Hazel                  Medicine Lodge, KS     October 21, 1966       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Holder              John Croft             Nashville, KS          October 11, 1950       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Holder              Helen Lucille          Medicine Lodge, KS     June 24, 1953          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Holder              Mrs. Jack (Laura)                             July 9, 1977           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Holder              Lester R.              Medicine Lodge, KS     January 28, 1978       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Holland             Margaret Jane          Medicine Lodge, KS     June 27, 1953          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Hollar              Henry Frost            Medicine Lodge, KS     April 15, 1966         Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Hollar              Mrs. Ruby              Medicine Lodge, KS     April 12, 1976         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hollister           Loree Barbara          Medicine Lodge, KS     July 25, 1965          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Holmes              James Rutherford       Wichita, KS            August 6, 1955         Gordon Mortuary       Wichita, KS
Holmes              Wilson Houston         Medicine Lodge, KS     August 25, 1956        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Holmes              Benjamin Earl          Hardtner, KS           July 6, 1965           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Holmes              Elmer E.                                      May 19, 1977           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Holser              Ethel Eulalia          Medicine Lodge, KS     November 26, 1958      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Holser              Mary Frances                                  April 19, 1969         Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Holser              Geroge Allison         Kiowa, KS              February 10, 1972      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Holt                Alice Jo               Nashville, KS          June 14, 1954          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Hopkins             Jesse Ralston          Medicine Lodge, KS     March 8, 1959          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hoppes              Mrs. Thelma                                   May 24, 1967           Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Horn                Larry Dean             Medicine Lodge, KS     September 14, 1979     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Horn                Homer                  Medicine Lodge, KS     October 28, 1988       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Horney              William J. (Geo)                              December 1, 1975       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Horton              Ruth Pumpnill          Pratt, KS              September 17, 1984     Ayers-Colbeck Mort.   Pratt, KS
Houlton             Bill                                          October 1, 1973        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Houlton             Lorena Faye            Medicine Lodge, KS     May 19, 1986           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Howard              Henry K.                                      April 2, 1974          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Howard              Erma Lorene            Medicine Lodge, KS     May 12, 1977           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hoyt                Fred                   Medicine Lodge, KS     April 14, 1965         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hoyt                Alta                                          February 27, 1969      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Hudson              Garry                  Wichita, KS            February 29, 1988      DeVorss Flanagan-Hunt Wichita, KS
Huff                Manley D.                                     October 28, 1978       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Huff                Una Opal                                      March 6, 1982          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hull                William Clifford       Medicine Lodge, KS     November 29, 1952      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Hull                Olive Virginia         Medicine Lodge, KS     January 27, 1953       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Hull                Leila May              Wichita, KS            August 9, 1961         Downing Mortuary      Wichita, KS
Hull                Raymond                Anthony, KS            May 26, 1984           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hull                Wendell                                       January 30, 1985       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hunter              John Turner            Nashville, KS          October 22, 1963       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Hunter (baby)       Brian Joe                                     December 16, 1978      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Huston              Lorren Dale            Wichita, KS            August 5, 1954         Lahey
Hyatt               Etta Johnson                                  December 6, 1982       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS

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