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Highland Cemetery
Barber County, Kansas
Miscellaneous Burials - 12

A-B - C-E - F-H - I-L - M-O - P-R - S - T-Z

HIGHLAND CEMETERY at Medicine Lodge is one of the older urban cemeteries within the county, 
August 26, 1880, George W. Ellis sold to the city of Medicine Lodge the following described 
land: NE 1/4 2-32-12, to be used as a city cemetery. The plat was drawn April 14, 1881, and 
filed in the county registrar's office. John Ramsey purchased the first lot December 22, 
1882, for the burial of Ann Ramsey.

Burials from 1948-1988

Last Name           First/Second           Place of death         Date buried            Undertaker            Undertaker Address
=========           ============           ==============         ===========            ==========            ==================
Illingerworth       Kenneth Knight         Newton, KS             August 18, 1954        Drapers
Illingerworth       Jessey Knight          Medicine Lodge, KS     May 4, 1958            Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Inslee              Clifford Dale          Medicine Lodge, KS     September 26, 1980     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Inslee              Zelma O. Rucker                               June 4, 1984           Fisher Funeral Hm.
Ireland             Mrs. Grace                                    August 9, 1969         Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Ireland             William D.             Medicine Lodge, KS     June 14, 1977          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Ives                Hattie Susan           Medicine Lodge, KS     May 6, 1963            Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Ives                Ray D.                 Medicine Lodge, KS     July 13, 1965          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Ives                Lucy                   Medicine Lodge, KS     August 1, 1987         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Jackson             Estella Alice          Cunningham, KS         April 21, 1956         Brant Funeral Home
Jackson             Cloyde                 Kiowa, KS              January 5, 1976        Fisher Funeral Hm.    Kiowa, KS
Jackson             Marcella               Medicine Lodge, KS     October 18, 1988       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Jacobs              David Ronald           Hardtner, KS           January 27, 1950       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Jacobs              Earl                   N. Little Rock, AR     October 13, 1954       Owens & Co.
Jacobs              Maude E.               Wichita, KS            December 28, 1956      Downing Mortuary      Wichita, KS
Jacobs              Gary Duane                                    April 29, 1975         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Jarnagin            Maude                  Medicine Lodge, KS     July 13, 1973          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Jennings            Blanche H.                                    February 19, 1984      Byrd-Snodgrass        Wichita, KS
Jester              Ann Elizabeth          Hardtner, KS           January 23, 1948       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Jester              Alva                                          March 3, 1986          Fisher Funeral Hm.
Jewell              Isabel Alison          Medicine Lodge, KS     December 5, 1958       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Jewell              Clifford F.                                   August 30, 1979        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Johnson             Zeal Ernest            Medicine Lodge, KS     March 3, 1957          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Johnson             Fred H.                Kingsdown, KS          September 15, 1959     Minnis Mortuary
Johnson             Florence               Wichita, KS            October 23, 1965       Downing Mortuary      Wichita, KS
Johnson             Helen                                         December 27, 1967      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Johnson             Ida                                           August 11, 1971        Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Johnson             Kelly Jo                                      June 2, 1977           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Johnston            Harvey O.                                     February 18, 1976      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Johnston            Bessie Moore           Medicine Lodge, KS     September 26, 1977     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Jones               Hamilton Blaine        Nashville, KS          December 19, 1949      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Jones               Amsa                   Medicine Lodge, KS     May 11, 1951           Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Jones               Rose Etta              Medicine Lodge, KS     November 23, 1958      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Jones               Esther M.              Long Beach, CA         April 15, 1963         Mottell's & Peek      Long Beach, CA
Jones               Ed                                            October 18, 1969       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Jones               Jim Melvin             Wichita, KS            May 21, 1973           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Jones               James Reece                                   August 26, 1975        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Jones               Mrs. Freda (Macy)                             March 13, 1976         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Jones               Margaret               Chickasha, OK          June 24, 1983          Sevier Funeral Hm.    Chickasha, OK
Jones (Amsa)        Mrs. Rusia                                    February 12, 1969      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Joseph              James T.               Wichita, KS            January 31, 1950       Downing Mortuary      Wichita, KS
Justus              Tom F.                 Medicine Lodge, KS     March 2, 1964          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Justus              Mary                                          November 26, 1968      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Kahmeyer            Malinda E.                                    June 5, 1975           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Kahmeyer            Ernest                 Medicine Lodge, KS     September 12, 1984     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Kasney              Joseph E.              Medicine Lodge, KS     September 6, 1967      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Keith               Kristine Diane         Wichita, KS            June 27, 1951          Cochran               Wichita, KS
Keith               Susannah Lynn          Wichita, KS            December 21, 1953      Cochran Mortuary      Wichita, KS
Keith               Floyd E.               Medicine Lodge, KS     September 17, 1962     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Keithly             Cora Belle             Hardtner, KS           February 10, 1950      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Kelsheimer          James Vernon           Medicine Lodge, KS     November 30, 1958      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Kelsheimer          Estella Mae            Medicine Lodge, KS     May 13, 1965           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Keltner             Haskell Owen           Medicine Lodge, KS     December 8, 1986       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Kennedy             Millard Clay                                  September 13, 1969     Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Kennerly            John Samuel            Medicine Lodge, KS     December 29, 1952      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Kennerly            Mrs. Ella                                     December 30, 1969      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Kenny               Robert                 Wichita, KS            July 24, 1954          Downing Mortuary      Wichita, KS
Kernahan            Leafa                                         December 31, 1981      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Kernohan            John                   Sharon, KS             January 15, 1948       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Kernohan            Margaret Glenn         Nashville, KS          November 12, 1956      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Kernohan            William                                       July 23, 1971          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Kernohan            Mary G.                Harper, KS             January 21, 1974       Elliott Mortuary
Kernohan            Opal DeWitt            Medicine Lodge, KS     April 5, 1988          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Kerns               Marsha Darien          Hays, KS               September 26, 1950     Mosher Bros.
Kieth               Gertrude               Medicine Lodge, KS     October 28, 1966       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Kiltz               Ada L.                 Wichita, KS            July 17, 1954          Byrd & Snodgrass      Wichita, KS
Kimball             Harry Everett          Medicine Lodge, KS     December 6, 1956       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Kimball             Lillian Mae            Pratt, KS              July 23, 1958          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Kimball             Glenn Harold           Medicine Lodge, KS     January 22, 1963       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Kimball             Wilbur H.              Medicine Lodge, KS     April 8, 1966          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Kimball             Mrs. Katie             Medicine Lodge, KS     September 15, 1967     Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Kimball             Michael Duane                                 June 23, 1973          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Kimball             Mrs. Harry (Jessie)                           December 27, 1974      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Kimball             Jane                   Medicine Lodge, KS     July 31, 1982          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Kimball             Claire Elbert          Medicine Lodge, KS     October 24, 1983       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Kimsey              John F.                Medicine Lodge, KS     December 19, 1979      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Kindig              Bruce A.                                      November 14, 1969      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Kindig              Hyacinth               Medicine Lodge, KS     April 12, 1982         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
King                Lloyd Russell          Medicine Lodge, KS     September 26, 1960     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
King                Mrs. Henry (Zedna)                            March 30, 1972         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Kingsolver          Thomas Howard          Medicine Lodge, KS     January 11, 1955       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Kingsolver          Ethyl A.               Medicine Lodge, KS     May 4, 1982            Fisher Funerals       Kiowa, KS
Kinkaid             Nellie Maude           Medicine Lodge, KS     September 1, 1962      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Kinkaid             Louis Benton           Medicine Lodge, KS     July 5, 1966           Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Kinkaid             Harrry Thomas                                 January 22, 1974       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Kinkaid             Erple                  Medicine Lodge, KS     July 24, 1976          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Kinkaid             Donald                                        February 8, 1982       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Kinkaid             Charles Ralph          Medicine Lodge, KS     February 22, 1983      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Kinkaid             Sybil Ezma                                    November 4, 1985       Burkhart Funeral
Kinney              William R.             Oklahoma City, OK      December 19, 1981      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Kinsey              Jeannie Joe            Wichita, KS            June 11, 1952          Downing Mortuary      Wichita, KS
Kinsey              Virgil H.              Haviland, KS           January 21, 1959       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Kinsey              Rosie May              Medicine Lodge, KS     October 5, 1982        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Kinsey              Mildred Clarice        Medicine Lodge, KS     December 24, 1985      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Kirkbride           David                                         January 25, 1971       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Kiser               George R.              Medicine Lodge, KS     March 25, 1981         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Kiser               Neva Lucille           Medicine Lodge, KS     August 7, 1982         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Kness               Opal Lillian           Medicine Lodge, KS     September 23, 1959     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Knight              Frank Ernest           Hardtner, KS           March 22, 1948         Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Knight              William Francis        Norton, KS             November 20, 1954      Scott-Brantley
Knight              Ralph                  Medicine Lodge, KS     January 21, 1957       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Knight              Marion                                        June 9, 1969           Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Knowles             Frank Storrs           Medicine Lodge, KS     April 16, 1951         Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Knowles             Robert Shaw            Medicine Lodge, KS     October 28, 1955       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Knowles             Jospehine              Medicine Lodge, KS     March 25, 1964         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Knowles             Naomi C.                                      January 28, 1977       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Knowles Jr.         Frank                  Hot Springs, AR        June 24, 1965          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Kreps               Daniel                 Medicine Lodge, KS     August 24, 1949        Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Kumberg             Lucky Joe              Medicine Lodge, KS     April 23, 1965         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Kumberg             Merlin                 Lakin, kS              November 20, 1978      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lackey              Fehl                   Wichita, KS            March 14, 1966         Downing Mortuary      Wichita, KS
Lacy                Albert Warren          Medicine Lodge, KS     November 12, 1948      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Lacy                Don Albert             Medicine Lodge, KS     April 13, 1965         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lahey               Rebecca Ellen          Cunningham, KS         September 15, 1957     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lahey               Thelma Laura           Colorado Springs, CO   November 19, 1960      Law Mortuary          Colorado Springs, CO
Lahey               Ruby Barrows                                  September 20, 1971     Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Lahey               Merlin N.                                     November 30, 1973      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lake                Jessie Esther          Medicine Lodge, KS     February 13, 1956      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lake                Roy William            Medicine Lodge, KS     December 18, 1961      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lake                Mary Mills             Junction, TX           March 6, 1962          Aubrey C. Fife
Lake                Ervin Eddy                                    March 30, 1973         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lake                Mrs. E.E. (Lenore)     Medicine Lodge, KS     August 10, 1976        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lake                Robert Ervin           Tucson, AZ             January 24, 1983       Larrison Mortuary
Lalicker            Lloyd Bryon            Nashville, KS          June 12, 1954          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Lalicker            Leslie William         Medicine Lodge, KS     November 24, 1980      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lalicker            Ella                   Medicine Lodge, KS     December 28, 1982      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lalicker            William E.             Ellis, KS              October 2, 1986
Lamkins             Martha Elizabeth       Medicine Lodge, KS     November 7, 1957       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lance               Glenn                                         January 22, 1985       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Larkin              Fred                                          April 13, 1972         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lasswell            Allen Benton           Kansas City, KS        November 24, 1954      D.W. Newcomes         Kansas City, KS
Lasswell            Pauline                Oklahoma City, OK      January 8, 1971        Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Lasswell            Bertha                                        August 18, 1984        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lasswell (urn)      Fred                                          August 18, 1984        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lawson              Robert Lynn            Hardtner, KS           August 8, 1950         Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Lawson              Myrtle Alice           Anthony, KS            February 5, 1962       Parsons Funeral Hm.
Leader              Maude Elizabeth                               September 21, 1972     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Leazenby            Richard                Rochester, MN          April 7, 1972          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lemaster            Homer                                         December 22, 1972      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lenkner             Sophie B.                                     April 3, 1985          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lenkner             William J.             Cunningham, KS         March 15, 1986         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Leslie              Meryle                 Medicine Lodge, KS     December 30, 1976      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Leslie              Forrest                                       June 4, 1985           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lichlyter           Pearl                  Wichita, KS            February 17, 1981      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Liebst              George Lewis           Medicine Lodge, KS     June 11, 1986          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lillieqvist         Walter                                        March 22, 1971         Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Lindley             Gordon                 Topeka, KS             July 6, 1977           Penwell-Gabel Mort.   Topeka, KS
Lindley             Ester                                         June 27, 1980          Penwell-Gab?
Lindsey             Grace Lucille          Wichita, KS            November 10, 1953      Gill Mortuary         Wichita, KS
Lomas               Leon                   Medicine Lodge, KS     April 8, 1986          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Long                Ralph Norman           Medicine Lodge, KS     March 11, 1955         Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Long                Jenny Alma             Medicine Lodge, KS     May 20, 1955           Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Long                Clifford Rogin         Medicine Lodge, KS     October 28, 1959       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Long                Jefferson              Medicine Lodge, KS     November 24, 1959      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Long                Lucy Ann               Medicine Lodge, KS     April 24, 1961         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Long                J.W.                   Medicine Lodge, KS     November 11, 1963      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Long                Anna M. Dye                                   July 11, 1969          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Long                Gussie M.              Medicine Lodge, KS     July 7, 1981           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Long                Margaret G.                                   October 6, 1981        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Long                Joann Ruth             Lake City, KS          August 18, 1982        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Long                Norman                 Medicine Lodge, KS     December 16, 1988      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lonker              George Simpson         Medicine Lodge, KS     October 6, 1953        Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Lonker              Ocea Ola               Medicine Lodge, KS     September 6, 1957      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lonker              Roy H.                 Larned, KS             December 11, 1958      Beckwith Morthuary    Larned, KS
Lonker              Melvah Ernest          Eagle Twp., KS         May 19, 1959           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lonker              Earnest Theodore       Medicine Lodge, KS     December 20, 1960      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lonker              Baby                   Medicine Lodge, KS     September 30, 1966     Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Lonker              Marjorie Luallen                              June 5, 1975           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lonker              Ms. Melvah (Mildred)   Wichita, KS            August 12, 1977        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lonker              Jim                    Medicine Lodge, KS     July 13, 1988          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lonker (Pat)        Ralph W.               Harper, KS             October 9, 1967        Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Louis               Rudolph                Medicine Lodge, KS     December 22, 1964      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Louis               Anna                   Medicine Lodge, KS     December 27, 1967      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Louis               Madge A.                                      November 19, 1973      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Louthan             Edith May              Nashville, KS          January 12, 1962       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Louthan             Oliver C.              Medicine Lodge, KS     July 28, 1962          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Louthan             Donald E.              Spokane, WA            August 23, 1979        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lovern              Arch                   Medicine Lodge, KS     January 2, 1961        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Luallen             Harry Elder            Medicine Lodge, KS     December 11, 1956      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Luallen             Maude Irene            Medicine Lodge, KS     May 16, 1957           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lubbers             Madge (Colburn)        Medicine Lodge, KS     February 5, 1986       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lukens              George                 Medicine Lodge, KS     December 28, 1966      Hill Funeral Hm.      Kiowa, KS
Lukens              Clay                                          November 15, 1977      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lukens              James Earl             Medicine Lodge, KS     November 8, 1980       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lukens              Billy Franklin                                August 9, 1985         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lunsford            Joel Melton            Medicine Lodge, KS     April 10, 1963         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lunsford            Gilbert M.             Pratt, KS              December 9, 1972       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lunsford            Flora                                         October 31, 1981       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Lusk                Teresa Lydia           Medicine Lodge, KS     October 5, 1954        Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Lytle               George Vernon          Hardtner, KS           April 20, 1948         Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Lytle               Mrs. George                                   May 11, 1983           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS

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