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Highland Cemetery
Barber County, Kansas
Miscellaneous Burials - 16

A-B - C-E - F-H - I-L - M-O - P-R - S - T-Z

HIGHLAND CEMETERY at Medicine Lodge is one of the older urban cemeteries within the county, 
August 26, 1880, George W. Ellis sold to the city of Medicine Lodge the following described 
land: NE 1/4 2-32-12, to be used as a city cemetery. The plat was drawn April 14, 1881, and 
filed in the county registrar's office. John Ramsey purchased the first lot December 22, 
1882, for the burial of Ann Ramsey.

Burials from 1948-1988

Last Name           First/Second           Place of death         Date buried            Undertaker            Undertaker Address
=========           ============           ==============         ===========            ==========            ==================
Tanner              Mary Jane              Medicine Lodge, KS     January 9, 1948        Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Tate                Howard                 Medicine Lodge, KS     October 11, 1988       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Tatera              Valerie                Medicine Lodge, KS     January 12, 1977       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Taylor              James Vincent          Medicine Lodge, KS     March 19, 1950         Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Tedrow              Louis Long             Hardtner, KS           November 5, 1948       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Tedrow              Harve Alexander        Medicine Lodge, KS     September 30, 1950     Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Tedrow              James Lyle             Medicine Lodge, KS     October 8, 1960        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Tedrow              Mae Bertie             Medicine Lodge, KS     September 4, 1961      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Tedrow              Iverna                 Medicine Lodge, KS     August 26, 1963        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Tedrow              Ernest                 Kiowa, KS              September 23, 1967     Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Tedrow              Lois Eliza                                    April 24, 1968         Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Tedrow              Gary Lyle                                     April 10, 1976         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Teverbaugh          William E.             Fort Supply, OK        December 1, 1952       Franklin Stecher
Tharp               Opal Jones                                    May 17, 1979           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Tharp               Clifford (Jerry)       Wichita, KS            September 26, 1986     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Thom                John T.                Hardtner, KS           04/31/1950             Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Thom                Oscar Taylor           Medicine Lodge, KS     July 4, 1953           Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Thom                Dorothy E.             Plainville, KS         September 24, 1957     Mosher's
Thom                Margaret Anna          Kiowa, KS              October 10, 1972       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Thom                Carl                   Wichita, KS            July 10, 1985          Lakeview Mortuary
Thom                Gladys E.              Kiowa, KS              October 14, 1987       Fisher Funeral Hm.    Kiowa, KS
Thomas              Della                  Perry, OK              December 19, 1948      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Thomas              Olive Arnette          Wichita, KS            October 11, 1951       Byrd & Snodgrass      Wichita, KS
Thomas              Mary                   Portland, WA           November 1, 1952       Dryer Mortuary
Thomas              Al                     Medicine Lodge, KS     August 28, 1967        Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Thomas              Elmer A.               Medicine Lodge, KS     July 27, 1973          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Thomas              Benjamin               Farmington, NM         August 8, 1980         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Thomas              Ina Belle              Medicine Lodge, KS     October 10, 1981       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Thomas              Archie                 Havilane, KS           May 20, 1982           Ayres-Calbeck         Pratt, KS
Thomas              Mabel Laura Stone      Medicine Lodge, KS     January 27, 1988       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Thompson            Owen Elmer             Pratt, KS              February 4, 1948       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Thompson            Richard Charles        Medicine Lodge, KS     March 25, 1953         Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Thompson            Judith Ann             Medicine Lodge, KS     September 22, 1953     Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Thompson            Ulysses Lincoln        Medicine Lodge, KS     July 9, 1958           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Thompson            Infant Page            Oklahoma City, OK      September 17, 1960     Guardian Funer. Hm.   Oklahoma City, OK
Thompson            David Allen            Anthony, KS            February 19, 1963      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Thompson            Elma                   Bethany, OK            July 25, 1966          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Thompson            Malinda Conn                                  April 26, 1976         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Thompson            Robert Eldred          Medicine Lodge, KS     January 6, 1984        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Thompson            Mariam                 Liberal, KS            December 29, 1986      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Tibbetts            Eldora O.              Tulsa, OK              June 23, 1952          Moore Funeral Home
Tibbits             Richard W.             Tulsa, OK              October 20, 1980       Moore Funeral Hm.     Tulsa, OK
Tilletson           Robert Eugene          Medicine Lodge, KS     July 16, 1949          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Tillotson           Merle Orvel            Medicine Lodge, KS     September 14, 1987     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Tilton              Lawrence Artman        Medicine Lodge, KS     May 29, 1958           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Tilton              Maude Emily            Medicine Lodge, KS     November 27, 1964      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Timmis              William Harvey         Wellington, KS         March 31, 1950         Frank Funeral Home    Wellington, KS
Timmis              Maxine                 Wichita, KS            December 15, 1964      Downing Mortuary      Wichita, KS
Timmis              Harry James            Medicine Lodge,KS      May 15, 1979           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Timmis              Thelma Pearl (Conn)    Medicine Lodge, KS     July 11, 1984          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Tipton              Beatrice Clark         Hutchinson, KS         November 14, 1983      Johnson & Johnson     Hutchinson, KS
Toms                Levi (Lovey)           Medicine Lodge, KS     September 29, 1987     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Toombs              John Thomas            Medicine Lodge, KS     November 10, 1949      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Toombs              Mamie Frances          Medicine Lodge, KS     October 12, 1951       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Toombs              Edna                   Medicine Lodge, KS     November 27, 1965      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Trantham            Darlene Rose           Medicine Lodge, KS     January 4, 1961        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Trantham            Harold (Bud)                                  December 24, 1974      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Trenary             Rose Louisse           Alva, OK               September 12, 1980     Wharton Funeral Chap  Alva, OK
Trotter             Jack                                          November 2, 1982       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Truelove            Louis Charles          Herington, KS          April 27, 1952         Donahue Mortuary
Tryon               Leonard                                       February 14, 1977      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Turnage             Emily Pearl            Wichita, KS            September 17, 1949     Gordon Funeral Home   Wichita, KS
Turnage             Nellie Dacy                                   July 16, 1971          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Turnbull            George                 Medicine Lodge, KS     December 13, 1958      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Tyrell              Charley Alfred         Paola, KS              January 4, 1959        Runyan Funeral Home   Medicine Lodge, KS
Tyrell              Minnie Myrtle          Kansas City, KS        August 11, 1959        Johon-Fleming Mort.
Ullstrom            Ethel Smith                                   November 11, 1968      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Underwood           Alma Lagusta           Cunningham, KS         August 22, 1958        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Unger               Mildred Gano           Wichita, KS            March 5, 1948          Downing Mortuary      Wichita, KS
Updegraff           Clara Belle            Berkeley, CA           January 15, 1955       McNary-Berg Chapel    Berkeley, CA
Updegraff           Chester Derrick        Medicine Lodge, KS     October 6, 1955        Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Urton               Allen Samuel           Medicine Lodge, KS     January 11, 1951       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Urton               Zarah Mertie           Medicine Lodge, KS     July 5, 1961           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Urton               Leona "Sally" Hayes                           June 10, 1983          Fryberger Mortuary    Great Bend, KS
Utz                 Luella                 Wellington, KS         October 23, 1948       Frank Funeral Home
Vance               Ruth Vaughn                                   September 18, 1969     Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Vance               Howard V.              Colorado Springs, CO   August 23, 1980        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Vanderwork          Howard G.              Medicine Lodge, KS     April 14, 1961         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Vann                Louis                  Medicine Lodge, KS     September 17, 1988     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Vaughn              Earl                                          May 1, 1978            Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Venters             Homer                                         November 1, 1975       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Vincent             John Dennis            Medicine Lodge, KS     July 21, 1982          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Wadsworth           Fred Jason             Medicine Lodge, KS     July 14, 1952          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Wadsworth           Albert                 Wichita, KS            July 6, 1965           Downing Mortuary      Wichita, KS
Wadsworth           Florence P.                                   December 17, 1968      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Walker              George Washington      Medicine Lodge, KS     July 14, 1951
Walker              Robert                                        December 15, 1981      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Waller              Pamela Gail            Medicine Lodge, KS     October 17, 1958       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Waller              Geraldine Hilde        Medicine Lodge, KS     February 21, 1962      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Waller              Fern O.                Medicine Lodge, KS     April 16, 1985         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Ward                William Edward         Anthony, KS            June 26, 1954          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Warden              Ernest A.                                     August 30, 1974        Byrd-Snodgrass        Wichita, KS
Warden              Marie (Sproat)         Wichita, KS            August 26, 1977        Byrd-Snodgrass        Wichita, KS
Ware                Gladys Faye            Coffeyville, KS        June 15, 1954          Ford Funeral Home
Warren              Sarah Emily (Emma)     Medicine Lodge, KS     June 2, 1952           Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Warren              Howard LeRoy           Medicine Lodge, KS     November 5, 1960       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Warren              Cora Edith             Medicine Lodge, KS     July 6, 1964           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Warren              Margaret Ellen         Kiowa, KS              July 22, 1966          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Warren              Claud                  Medicine Lodge, KS     July 17, 1967          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Warren              Keith                                         September 11, 1969     Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Warren              Ruth                                          December 18, 1969      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Warren              Mrs. Donna                                    May 17, 1973           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Warren              Ivy                                           June 19, 1973          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Warren              Ms. F.J. (Cora B.)     Medicine Lodge, KS     August 28, 1978        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Warren              Clayton Orron          Medicine Lodge, KS     September 12, 1981     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Warren              Dorothy Stallard                              July 10, 1982          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Warren              Jay                    Marquette, KS          May 24, 1986           Olson Funeral Hm.     Marquette, KS
Warrington          Lue Ollie              Kiowa, KS              May 19, 1962           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Warwick             Margaret Ruth          Wichita, KS            September 15, 1950     Downing Mortuary      Wichita, KS
Warwick             Beulah Viola           Medicine Lodge, KS     August 1, 1961         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Warwick             Thomas Hunter          Hardtner, KS           August 8, 1964         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Warwick             Gladys                 Alva, OK               January 14, 1974       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Warwick             Robert H.                                     April 15, 1974         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Warwick             Jack                                          July 29, 1974          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Waters              Eugene                                        May 11, 1968           Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Watkins             David Ralph            Medicine Lodge, KS     May 19, 1951           Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Watkins             Willard Benton         Wichita, KS            June 22, 1956          Downing Mortuary      Wichita, KS
Watkins             Ivan                                          February 8, 1971       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Watkins             Joe Lowe                                      June 2, 1975           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Watkins             Carrie Florence        Great Bend, KS         November 10, 1979      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Watkins             Myrtle Warren          Cunningham, KS         October 3, 1983        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Watkins             Ruby Janet             Medicine Lodge, KS     October 10, 1983       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Watkins             Margaret Hazel                                February 20, 1984      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Watkins             Murray Rupert          Medicine Lodge, KS     December 6, 1984       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Watson              William Alanzo         Medicine Lodge, KS     October 7, 1951        Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Watts               Clara                  Fort Dodge, KS         May 19, 1956           Dunsford Funeral
Watts               Leona                                         January 8, 1972        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Webb                Mrs. Oral (Elma)                              February 2, 1976       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Webb                Oral E.                                       November 24, 1984      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Webster             Mrs. Sandra            Colorado Springs, CO   July 30, 1976          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Weidner             Russel Keith           Medicine Lodge, KS     November 27, 1963      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Weidner             Lloyd                  Medicine Lodge, KS     March 11, 1982         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Weisbender          Angelia                Medicine Lodge, KS     January 27, 1964       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Wells               Vernon                                        December 18, 1969      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Wells               Lester James           Medicine Lodge, KS     January 7, 1986        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
West                Hugh Lional            Norton, KS             December 10, 1965      Eckhart Funeral Hm.
West                Wright S.                                     December 27, 1969      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
West                Alice A.               Tulsa, OK              September 27, 1980     Moore Funeral Hm.     Tulsa, OK
Wheat               John Allen             Anthony, KS            August 2, 1949         Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Wheat               William Anderson       Medicine Lodge, KS     June 3, 1960           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Wheat               Orin                   Medicine Lodge, KS     September 23, 1977     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Wheelock            Albert Lloyd           Medicine Lodge, KS     May 20, 1986           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Whest               Ernest                                        June 30, 1969          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
White               Dewey Clay             Harper, KS             September 16, 1955     Ora O. Brant          Attica, KS
White               Harry Shannon          Rural Medicine Lodge   December 12, 1955      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
White               Elva Wise                                     February 15, 1975      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Whitehead           James Franklin         Medicine Lodge, KS     March 28, 1955         Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Whitehead           Charles                Medicine Lodge, KS     March 4, 1967          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Whitfield           Troy                   Kansas City, KS        November 7, 1969       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Whithead            Carrie Bell            Medicine Lodge, KS     May 11, 1960           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Widner              James Carl             Medicine Lodge, KS     November 10, 1953      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Widner              Everett Ray            Medicine Lodge, KS     November 10, 1953      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Widner              Fern                   Medicine Lodge, KS     November 22, 1953      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Widup               Sadie                  Medicine Lodge, KS     July 22, 1976          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Wieland             Fern M.                                       March 4, 1974          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Wilkins             Fannie Mills           Claremont, CA          April 29, 1955         Todd Memorial Chape   l Claremont, CA
Willan              Ada                    Medicine Lodge, KS     October 28, 1960       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Williams            William Martin         Larned, KS             March 10, 1950         George A. Harrison
Williams            Eva Loraine            Attica, KS             June 6, 1964           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Williams            Ray Melvin             Kiowa, KS              September 4, 1964      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Williams            Mary                   Ft. Worth, TX          January 15, 1966       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Williams            Merle                                         February 10, 1978      Webb Mortuary
Williams            Matilda                                       July 7, 1982           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Williams            Florence Freda         Medicine Lodge, KS     November 8, 1983       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Williams            Walter                                        December 13, 1983      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Williams            Leana (Lena?)          Rocky Ford, CO         August 13, 1983        Ustick Funeral Hm.    Rocky Ford, CO
Williams, Sr.       Roy                    Fort Dodge, KS         October 10, 1978       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Willis              Carl James             Medicine Lodge, KS     July 23, 1952          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Willis              Estel Dale                                    October 17, 1984       Culbertson-Omith      Wichita, KS
Willms              Mrs. W. (Edna)                                September 16, 1974     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Wills               Mary Rinke             Wichita, KS            May 8, 1980            Culbertson
Wilson              Leila May G.           Warrensburg, MO        October 9, 1948        Sweeney Phillips
Wilson              Jefferson Kenley       Eudora, KS             March 15, 1949         C.W. Schubert
Wilson              Fred Orrin             Medicine Lodge, KS     August 18, 1957        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Wilson              Martha Elenor          Kingman, KS            December 4, 1957       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Wilson              Minnie Laura           Kansas City, MO        November 30, 1963      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Wilson              Chorla Murphy                                 December 9, 1967       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Wilson              Mrs. Flora O.                                 September 9, 1971      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Wilson              Roy D.                 Wichita, KS            June 22, 1972          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Wilson              Ola McDaniel           Kiowa, KS              September 12, 1972     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Wilson              Bertha M.                                     December 20, 1975      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Wilson              Harley                                        August 14, 1978        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Wilson              Orvill Odel            Medicine Lodge, KS     May 18, 1979           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Wilson              Ruby                   Medicine Lodge, KS     April 21, 1981         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Wilson              Harold                 Oklahoma               September 13, 1982     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Wilson              Laura Joann                                   December 31, 1984      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Wilson              Charles Rex            Medicine Lodge, KS     January 21, 1986       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Wilson (Harley)     Thadine Gail           Amarillo, TX           February 9, 1981       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Wiltshire           George Phillip         Medicine Lodge, KS     June 30, 1955          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Wiltshire           Catharine B.           Medicine Lodge, KS     January 30, 1965       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Winter              Maria Louise           Medicine Lodge, KS     October 30, 1957       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Winter              Herman Victor John     Wichita, KS            February 4, 1987       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Winters             Alice Viola            Hardtner, KS           January 13, 1950       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Winters             Katherine Friesen      Medicine Lodge, KS     March 18, 1966         Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Winters             William Washington     Kiowa, KS              December 27, 1973      Fisher Funeral Hm.
Winters             Laura Leona            Kiowa, KS              October 8, 1975        Fisher Funeral Hm.    Kiowa, KS
Winters             Jackson                Conway Springs, KS     October 21, 1975       Ebersole Mortuary     Conway Springs, KS
Wise                Isadora                Hardtner, KS           October 2, 1950        Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Wise                Helen Gladys (Bragg)   Wichita, KS            November 4, 1974       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Wise                Charles                Medicine Lodge, KS     July 2, 1981           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Wise                James L.               Wichita, KS            September 12, 1987     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Wiske - Baby        Harry Allen                                   August 30, 1969        Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Wolfersberger       Clarence Morris        Medicine Lodge, KS     May 11, 1977           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Wood                Margaret Reynolds      Medicine Lodge, KS     February 4, 1948       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Wood                George Samuel          Medicine Lodge, KS     June 5, 1963           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Wood                Samuel Basil           Medicine Lodge, KS     January 7, 1980        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Woodard             Sanford Ellsworth      Wichita, KS            July 10, 1957          Gordon Mortuary       Wicita, KS
Woodard             Jessie Elmina          Wichita, KS            December 18, 1975      Broadway Mortuary     Wichita, KS
Woodward            Dan Louthan            Denver, CO             September 30, 1948     Clinger Mortuaries
Woodward            John Hugh              Medicine Lodge, KS     April 23, 1949         Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Woodward            Sallie Ellen           Medicine Lodge, KS     December 30, 1952      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Woodward            Thomas Workman         Medicine Lodge, KS     December 27, 1962      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Woodward            George G.                                     April 12, 1971         Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Woodward            Mary Jane              Pratt, KS              May 12, 1971           Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Woodward            James (Jimmy)          Liberal, KS            October 23, 1976       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Woodward            Florence E.            Albuguerque, NM        February 20, 1980      Fairview
Woodward            Gerald M.              Medicine Lodge, KS     September 10, 1983     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Woodward            William                                       April 9, 1985          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Wortman             Jesse Marion           Medicine Lodge, KS     March 17, 1980         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Wright              Edwin Henry            Medicine Lodge, KS     April 21, 1956         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Wright              Ellen Marion           Medicine Lodge, KS     April 7, 1959          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Wright              Baby                   Medicine Lodge, KS     February 10, 1963      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Wright              Roy Michael            Hardtner, KS           August 14, 1963        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Wright              Carroll                                       May 9, 1969            Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Wright              Thaddeus A.                                   April 17, 1975         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Wright              Thelma Anna Dye        Medicine Lodge, KS     October 22, 1983       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Yewell              Alvin Duncan           Medicine Lodge, KS     February 15, 1954      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Yewell              Mrs. A.D. (Grace)                             September 4, 1974      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Youngers            Victor Nicholas        Medicine Lodge, KS     December 29, 1979      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Youngers            Gladys Linnie          Medicine Lodge, KS     September 17, 1986     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Zimmerman           Robert Ames            Rural Medicine Lodge   April 15, 1961         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Zimmerman           Prudence Vivian        Medicine Lodge, KS     August 7, 1979         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Zimmerman           Teddy Leon             Medicine Lodge, KS     July 22, 1981          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Zimmerman           Phyllis Tilton         Medicine Lodge, KS     June 27, 1988          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Zundle              Maudie Belle           Hardtner, KS           April 7, 1957          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Zundle              Henry                  Kansas City, KS        September 12, 1959     D.W. Newcomers        Kansas City, KS
Zvolanek            Fred                   Halstead, KS           November 9, 1964       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Zvolanek            Minnie                                        July 23, 1975          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Zvolanek            Frank                  Sharon, KS             October 29, 1977       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS

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