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Highland Cemetery
Barber County, Kansas
Miscellaneous Burials - 14

A-B - C-E - F-H - I-L - M-O - P-R - S - T-Z

HIGHLAND CEMETERY at Medicine Lodge is one of the older urban cemeteries within the county, 
August 26, 1880, George W. Ellis sold to the city of Medicine Lodge the following described 
land: NE 1/4 2-32-12, to be used as a city cemetery. The plat was drawn April 14, 1881, and 
filed in the county registrar's office. John Ramsey purchased the first lot December 22, 
1882, for the burial of Ann Ramsey.

Burials from 1948-1988

Last Name           First/Second           Place of death         Date buried            Undertaker            Undertaker Address
=========           ============           ==============         ===========            ==========            ==================
Packard             Alice Lizzie           Hardtner, KS           November 14, 1956      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Packard             Guy S.                                        December 6, 1969       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Packard             C. C. (Bill)           Medicine Lodge, KS     November 15, 1984      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Page                Lottie W.                                     November 4, 1972       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Page                Charlie L.                                    August 23, 1986        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Page, Jr.           Charles (Pete)         Kiowa, KS              July 1, 1978           Fisher Funeral Hm.
Painter             Clara Belle            Medicine Lodge, KS     March 8, 1948          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Palmer              Susie Ellen            Medicine Lodge, KS     October 4, 1950        Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Palmer              Harry Augustus         Medicine Lodge, KS     December 11, 1980      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Palmer, Sr.         George W.              Medicine Lodge, KS     May 30, 1986           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Pardun              Wilbur                 Wichita, KS            February 16, 1966      Downing Mortuary      Wichita, KS
Pardun              Cora Belle             Wichita, KS            March 2, 1971          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Parker              Monna H.               Yakima, WA             November 3, 1953       Shaw & Son            Yakima, WA
Parker              Harold Eugene          Medicine Lodge, KS     May 29, 1982           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Parks               Brent Allen            Ellinwood, KS          April 10, 1981         Kimple Funeral Hm.
Parks               Brent Allen            Ellinwood, KS          April 16, 1981         Kimple Funeral Hm.
Parr                Christopher C.         Hardtner, KS           February 29, 1948      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Parr                Sylvia Leona           Medicine Lodge, KS     October 10, 1951       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Parr                James J.               Arkansas City, KS      March 23, 1955         Jess Rendt Mortuary   Arkansas City, KS
Parr                Alverda Isabel         Medicine Lodge, KS     July 14, 1961          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Parr                Patricia Francis       Kansas City, KS        September 8, 1965      Newcomer's
Parr                Hazel A.                                      June 18, 1974          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Parr                Al F.                                         February 28, 1977      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Parr                John                   Halstead, KS           March 23, 1981         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Parr                Dale Marie             Pratt, KS              September 24, 1983     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Parr                Opal                   Medicine Lodge, KS     January 9, 1988        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Parsons             Garfield               Medicine Lodge, KS     April 3, 1967          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Parsons             John Marvin            Kiowa, KS              March 12, 1979         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Parsons             Elizabeth                                     April 15, 1980         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Parsons             Mae                    California             April 28, 1986         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Pate                Clara Mae              Hume, MO               November 25, 1963      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Patterson           Benjamin Little        Medicine Lodge, KS     December 29, 1980      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Patton              Carrie D.              Wichita, KS            August 18, 1949        Byrd-Snodgrass        Wichita, KS
Pearce              Elmer                  Conrad, Montana        October 19, 1955       E.F. Wyse             Conrad, Montana
Pearce              Maxine Imogene         Conrad, Montana        October 19, 1955       E.F. Wyse             Conrad, Montana
Pearce              Ida Reid               Medicine Lodge, KS     March 28, 1959         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Pearce              George W.              Medicine Lodge, KS     February 22, 1960      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Pearce              Earl Delost            Medicine Lodge, KS     March 17, 1980         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Pearson             Sadie M.               Chicago, IL            May 8, 1949            George W. Bilger      Chicago, IL
Peirson             George Richardson      Medicine Lodge, KS     August 13, 1975        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Peirson             Wilma                  Medicine Lodge, KS     January 21, 1981       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Pelton              Orville Duane          Harper, KS             August 17, 1955        Ora O. Brant          Attica, KS
Pelton              Harvey Garrison        Beloit, KS             May 31, 1961           Vail McDonald         Beloit, KS
Pelton              Ralph A.                                      May 15, 1972           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Pelton              Orville Alphonse       Wichita, KS            January 12, 1981       Broadway Mortuary     Wichita, KS
Percival            Melvin Eugene          Lariet, TX             September 5, 1957      Travis E. Reed        Mulesho
Percival            Vona Alice             West of Attica, KS     February 18, 1958      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Phelps              George                 Medicine Lodge, KS     July 27, 1978          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Phillips            Minnie Mary (May)      Medicine Lodge, KS     September 25, 1950     Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Phillips            Earl Wix               Medicine Lodge, KS     November 8, 1950       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Phillips            Nellie Edna            Nashville, KS          February 15, 1959      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Phillips            Joe Van                Medicine Lodge, KS     September 20, 1961     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Phillips            Roy Terrance           Medicine Lodge, KS     April 11, 1962         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Phillips            Ralph Carroll          Medicine Lodge, KS     March 2, 1963          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Phillips            Ethel Loy                                     October 3, 1975        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Phye                Charles C.                                    September 29, 1982     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Phye                Wade Victor            Wichita, KS            June 15, 1987          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Phye                Leona Mae              Medicine Lodge, KS     September 17, 1987     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Phye                Artie (Mrs. Fred)      Kiowa, KS              September 18, 1973     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Pierce              Baby                                          June 8, 1974           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Pierce              Tracie Lynn                                   July 12, 1977          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Pike                Ruth Carolyn           Medicine Lodge, KS     July 7, 1981           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Platt               Roy Joseph             Hutchinson, KS         October 20, 1964
Platt               Mrs. Roy (Ellen)                              August 19, 1974        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Platt               Roy I.                 Medicine Lodge, KS     December 1, 1978       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Poindexter          Franklin L.            Medicine Lodge, KS     December 11, 1976      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Pollard             Nancy Lillian          Larned, KS             May 29, 1953           Vernon Funeral Home   Larned, KS
Porter              Flossie                Medicine Lodge, KS     July 11, 1963          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Porter              Walter Benton          Odessa, T              February 15, 1974
Porter              Ronald                                        September 24, 1975     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Potts               Claude Herbert         Hardtner, KS           January 8, 1950        Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Potts               Suzanne                                       July 5, 1982           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Powell              Ronald Dean            Medicine Lodge, KS     June 15, 1962          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Powell              Chester Bryon          Springfield, MO        November 22, 1978      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Pray                William Louis          Medicine Lodge, KS     July 26, 1954          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Press               Mabel                  Medicine Lodge, KS     October 26, 1963       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Pritchett           Thomas C.              Medicine Lodge, KS     August 28, 1952        Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Probst              Bert Leroy             Medicine Lodge, KS     December 13, 1986      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Protheroe           Arthur Lewis           Wichita, KS            April 13, 1953         Downing Mortuary      Wichita, KS
Protheroe           Gwilym Thomas (Billy)  Medicine Lodge, KS     November 23, 1958      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Protheroe           Cora                                          April 27, 1983         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Pyle                Chester Burton         Medicine Lodge, KS     October 15, 1951       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Rackley             Charles Spurgeon       Medicine Lodge, KS     November 19, 1948      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Rackley             Lois May                                      February 26, 1980      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Rahe                John Francis           Kiowa, KS              January 23, 1967       Hill Funeral Hm.      Kiowa, KS
Rahe                Mrs. John (Leila)      Kiowa, KS              May 24, 1971           Hill Funeral Home     Kiowa, KS
Raleigh             Chester D.             Medicine Lodge, KS     January 19, 1980       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Raleigh             Norman C.              Medicine Lodge, KS     December 23, 1986      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Raleigh             Claudine               Medicine Lodge, KS     August 25, 1987        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Randels             Margaret (Davis)       Kiowa, KS              September 23, 1977     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Rankin              Emma Sophia            Nashville, KS          August 4, 1952         Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Rankin              Gertrude Mary          Cunningham, KS         July 22, 1966          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Rankin              Donald Henry           Attica, KS             July 9, 1974           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Rankin              George                                        March 16, 1982         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Rankin              Mary Alice Rudolph     Medicine Lodge, KS     March 31, 1984         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Rankin              Gaylon                                        October 1, 1985        Boxwell Bros.
Rapp                Edward A.              Medicine Lodge, KS     January 27, 1982       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Ratlief             Clyde Henry                                   April 3, 1974          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Read                Elbert Conner          Los Angeles, CA        September 4, 1955      Hardin & Flanagan     Los Angeles, CA
Read                Inez Murphy                                   March 29, 1988         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Reece               Eleanor                                       October 24, 1974       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Reece               Lester                 Wichita, KS            July 27, 1981          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Reed                Obed                   Kiowa, KS              June 23, 1953          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Reed                William Henry          Larned, KS             October 26, 1956       Beckwith Mortuary
Reed                Dennis Dewey           Medicine Lodge, KS     October 1, 1986        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Reed, Jr.           Alf                    Medicine Lodge, KS     January 18, 1986       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Reeves              Leslie Clyde           Medicine Lodge, KS     February 17, 1948      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Reeves              Everett Hudson         Wichita, KS            August 29, 1955        Gordon Mortuary       Wichita, KS
Reeves              Randall D.                                    August 25, 1972        Penwell-Gabel         Topeka, KS
Regnier             Nettie Bridge         Emporia, KS            March 17, 1979         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Reinke              Zula Mildred           Mt. Vernon, MO         November 17, 1980      Underwood-Steinbeck
Revert              Jesse A.               Medicine Lodge, KS     February 14, 1957      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Rhodes              Marion                                        December 20, 1971      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Rhye                Charles Adolphus                              June 10, 1982          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Richard             Charles Ellsworth      Hopewell, KS           October 23, 1955       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Richardson          Garnett W. Alvin       Medicine Lodge, KS     April 28, 1962         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Richardson          Bernice Watson         Medicine Lodge, KS     August 9, 1986         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Rickard             Grayson Oney (Doc)     Medicine Lodge, KS     April 10, 1959         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Rickard             Charles Everett        Medicine Lodge, KS     April 2, 1960          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Rickard             Max                    Medicine Lodge, KS     March 12, 1966         Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Rickard             Mima (Mrs. C.E.)                              June 26, 1973          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Rickard             Betty                  Medicine Lodge, KS     July 7, 1982           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Ricke               Theodore                                      June 2, 1969           Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Ricke               Mitzie Ann                                    April 7, 1975          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Ricke               August F.              Medicine Lodge, KS     April 20, 1982         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Ricke               Opal Thelma            Medicine Lodge, KS     May 14, 1982           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Riggins             John William Roy       Medicine Lodge, KS     February 20, 1965      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Riggins             Robert Harold          Wichita, KS            September 16, 1976     Broadway Mortuary     Wichita, KS
Riggins             Ernest                 Medicine Lodge, KS     March 10, 1981         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Riggins             Bertha Dee             Hutchinson, KS         September 26, 1987     Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Ringer              Charles D.             Alva, OK               December 7, 1958       G.A. Stiles           Alva, OK
Ringer              Emma Lenora                                   May 9, 1977            Wharton Funeral Hm.   Alva, OK
Rinke               Andrew H.                                     October 4, 1971        Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Rinke               Martha                                        March 1, 1972          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Rinke               Frank                                         October 21, 1974       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Rinke               James F.               Wichita, KS            July 26, 1978          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Rinke               Emma Jane                                     June 3, 1983           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Roark               James                                         November 23, 1977      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Roat                Travis Lee             Great Bend, KS         May 12, 1982           Brantley-Bryan        Great Bend, KS
Robbins             LaVerne                Wichita, KS            February 22, 1973      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Roberts             Eva (Bragg)            San Antonio, TX        November 15, 1980      Fisher Funeral Home   Kiowa, KS
Rodgers             Thomas Lloyd           Wichita, KS            November 4, 1964       Downing Mortuary      Wichita, KS
Rodgers             Forrest                Medicine Lodge, KS     November 17, 1966      Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Rodgers             Stanley S.             Attica, KS             January 21, 1980       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Rodgers (Baby)      Brandon Steven                                January 5, 1978        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Roessler            Nellie Estella         Medicine Lodge, KS     October 16, 1948       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Roessler            Samuel Jonas           Medicine Lodge, KS     January 20, 1952       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Roessler            Blanche                Medicine Lodge, KS     July 17, 1973          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Roessler            Harold                                        December 13, 1975      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Rogers              Bertha Abigail         Medicine Lodge, KS     March 8, 1950          Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Rogers              Warren L. (Bud)        Medicine Lodge, KS     September 2, 1987      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Roller              Gladys Hendrickson     Cheyenne Wells, CO     April 26, 1982         Fisher Funerals       Kiowa, KS
Root                Emma                                          May 4, 1974            Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Rose                Hazel Naurine          Coldwater, KS          May 26, 1969           Hill Funeral Hm.
Rose                Glessie Alice (Rinke)                         March 20, 1974         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Rose                Herbert G.             Medicine Lodge, KS     November 10, 1976      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Roth                Flossie Mary           Hardtner, KS           June 3, 1957           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Roth                Glenn Edward           Medicine Lodge, KS     March 27, 1982         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Roth                Jennie                                        April 19, 1982         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Roy                 Mrs. Nettie                                   July 20, 1972          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Rozzelle            Kate Winona            Kiowa, KS              December 12, 1962      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Rucker              Tilford                Bartlesville, OK       February 14, 1984      Stumpf Mortuary
Rudalph             Clarence F.            Enid, OK               June 9, 1955           Henninger-Allen       Enid, OK
Rule                Mary Cullom Luallen    Medicine Lodge, KS     December 2, 1951       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Russell             Jo Ann                 Hardtner, KS           November 25, 1949      Forsyth & Sons        Medicine Lodge, KS
Russell             Lyman Willard          Medicine Lodge, KS     April 1, 1963          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Russell             Pearl E.               Wichita, KS            October 14, 1988       Downing & Lahey Mort. Wichita, KS
Rutan               J.B.                   Medicine Lodge, KS     January 31, 1966       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Rutan               Clara Mae (Mrs. J.B.)  Kiowa, KS              August 2, 1973         Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Ryan                J.L.                                          January 8, 1972        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Ryan                Marie                                         May 27, 1974           Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Ryckman             Willmott D.            Medicine Lodge, KS     September 30, 1948     Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Ryckman             Leo                    Medicine Lodge, KS     January 17, 1951       Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Ryckman             John Willmott          Medicine Lodge, KS     November 14, 1959      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Rynerson            Howard James           Anthony, KS            October 8, 1951        Forsyth & Son         Medicine Lodge, KS
Rynerson            Emma K.                                       June 30, 1972          Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Rynerson            Earl Benton            Medicine Lodge, KS     February 9, 1981       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Ryser               Jacob                  Medicine Lodge, KS     February 14, 1956      Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Ryser               Bertha                 Garden City, KS        October 9, 1962        Frank E. White        Garden City, KS
Ryser               John                                          August 31, 1974        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Ryser               Ada J.                                        January 3, 1976        Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS
Ryser               Beatrice                                      October 21, 1985       Forsyth Mortuary      Medicine Lodge, KS

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