SCANNED TEXT: them On February twenty-second, our class sponsored a Washington Day Dance, the first of its kind. It proved a great success and made others realize, as well as ourselves, that we had ability along with "sophistication." With April came our second retreat Conducted by Father John Flynn, C.S.C. of Notre Dame. The month of June brought to a close a memorable year of which we were intensely proud. Juniors at last! But how our class had decreased in numbers! Many had dropped from the ranks, some of whom we will never see again but whose friendship and acquaintance we will always cherish. This year heavier schedules faced us, and, though work seemed to increase, at the same time our privileges grew more numerous. Being in the Study Hall we had an opportunity to observe the work of the Seniors. New activities and projects were introduced. The Passion Play, the first in the school's history, presented in April under the constructive hand of Father John Donohue, was effectively assisted by the choir composed chiefly of members of our class. Some of the more talented students also took part in the Blue and White Revue, a musical comedy under the direction of Richard Argy. This year witnessed the beginning of the girls' basketball team, enthusiastically welcomed by the entire school. On April sixth, our annual retreat with Father Joseph Mona, O.M.I. gave us the spiritual guidance needed. As this third year was brought to a close, we all looked forward—each one anxious to gain the marked distinction of becoming a Senior. Seniors! On the threshold of our last year at St. Mary's, more than ever we realized the importance of our studies. And yet without neglecting our school work, there was ample time for extra-curricular affairs. Sodality activities were greatly increased during this last year. Various plays and monthly meetings re- sulted, of interest to all students. Our need for renewed spiritual direction, for which our souls so yearned and craved, brought about our fourth and last retreat. Father Gilbert, O.M.I. soon proved himself an able retreat master, and at the close we all felt refreshed and better equipped to battle with life's problems. March found us engrossed in the two outstanding projects of every Senior Class—the Year Book and the Senior Ball. May Seventh, the date on which we were to launch into our first formal entertainment arrived and was marked a "huge success." Due to oncoming June examinations, tension and anxiety ran high. Coura- geously we braved the final tests and soon the happy verdict was rendered that we had conquered. Graduation, the goal of our ambitions, had been reached. To Father Killeen, our pastor and friend, we owe these four happy years. His continued generosity and active interest in all our endeavors have brought our high school career to its joyous culmination. The two new members of our faculty, Sister M. Loyola, Principal, and Sister M. Amata demand our deepest honor and respect. They have inspired and di- rected us in whatever problem confronted us during the year. To them we are more than grateful. Thus, as we leave our beloved school, we shall never forget we cannot forget, the treasured memories we carry with us. May the high ideals and noble principles instilled in our minds and hearts guide us through life and make our final Graduation Day an eternal success. 17 |
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