SCANNED TEXT: First Row: C. Mills, J. Kenney, M. McSweeny, C. Rickert, W. McCrone, B. Brown, M. Asma. Second Row: J. Hogan, Jr., J. Brown, D. Boland, J. Power. SODALITY Catherine Rickert Prefect Robert McSweeny Vice-Prefect John Power Secretary Mary Fermoile Treasurer John V. Hogan, Jr. Sacristan COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Daniel Boland Eucharistic Carl Mills Publicity William McCrone Mission Betty Brown Literature Margaret Asma Our Lady's Jeanne Kenney Social John Brown Finance SENIOR SODALITY Greater devotion to Mary, more love and honor to her, our Queen-- this has been the power behind the Sodality activities of St. Mary's High School for the past year. Never before has the Sodality had such a busy and well planned schedule. Never before have the students been so ready and willing to serve; and yet, the call to action urges each 38 |
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