SCANNED TEXT: MARGARET MARY ASMA "Marg" Sodality (1-2-3-4), Consulter (2), Our Lady's Committee (4); C. S. M. C. (1-2-3), Treasurer (1), Vice-President (3); Dramatics (1-2-3); Glee Club (1-2.3); Basketball (3-4); Latin Club (3); Debating Club (3); Library Club (3); French Club (4); Class Poet (4). This merry-eyed miss has ever taken an active part in school life whether it be in her studies, in sports, or in the social activities of the past four years. Because of her unstinted energy and cheerfulness, "Marg" has a spe- cial place in our hearts. She has been successful as a poet and a writer. We predict even greater success for her in the field of journalism. Until such time then, we'll bid good-bye to an outstanding student of St. Mary's. BEATRICE ELAINE BIGELOW "Bee" Sodality (1-2-3-4); C. S. M. C. (1-2-3); Debating Club (3-4); Glee Club (1-2-3); Class Statisti- cian (4); Dramatics (1-2). "Bee" has been a favorite among us. She likes a good time and is a delightful dancer. Although it is not commonly known, "Bee" has done more than one good turn for those who need a little help. She has a keen wit and a sparkling good humor revealed in her merry brown eyes. Her gift of mimicry is amusing, and her talent for drawing has proved a pleasant pastime. These gifts will carry "Bee" merrily and pleasantly along the road of success. VERONICA TERESA BODKIN "Ronnie" Sodality (1-2.3-4); C. S. M. C. (1.2-3); Glee Club (1-2-3-4); Dramatics (1-2-3-4); Debating Club (3-4); Library Club (3-4); Shorthand Club (3); Senior Ball Committee (4), Tickets. Dark, vivacious, this petite girl we call "Ronnie" has gone on her way through the four years of high school. She has not been a leader, but one of the precious crew without which a leader is useless. Her greatest ambition is to be a Prima Donna or a great poetess. Always smiling and ever ready with a helping hand and a cheery word, we shall miss her. Au Revoir, "Ronnie" and may your voice and smile be your fame and fortune. 18 |
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