SCANNED TEXT: EDWARD FRANCIS CLOUTIER "Ed" Sodality (1-2-3-4), Consulter (1), Prefect (3); "Sancta Maria" Sports Editor; C. S. M. C. (1-2-3); Varsity Football (1-2-3.4), Captain (3); Interclass Basketball (1-2-3-4); Varsity Base- ball (1.2-3-4); Dramatics (1-3); Debating Club (3-4); Glee Club (1-2-3). This vibrant, sturdy young man whom we know as "Ed" has done much for St. Mary's Football Team. One of the fastest halfbacks to wear the blue and white, he helped no little in bringing success to our grid team. "Ed" is always full of school spirit, willing to sacrifice his interests to those of others. We are sure that this generous disposition will secure for him many friends. Good luck to you, "Ed." ALICE ANN FELL "Alice" Sodality (1-2-3-4); C. S. M. C. (1-2-3); Dramatics (1-2-3-4); Glee Club (1-2-3.4); Library Club (2-3); Latin Club (3); Passion Play Choir (3); French Club (4); Class Historian (4). Tall, blond, and willowy, Alice is the epit- ome of poise and charm. Usually serene, but if tried to the breaking point, Alice will strike sparks. She possesses a decided talent for writing, a musical voice and a refreshing sense of humor. All who know her, love her. There is something unspoiled in Alice, something that we know and love. That, coupled with her artistic talent, will win recognition from a world grown weary of cynicism. HARRY RICHARD FINNEGAN "Flytrap" Sodality (2-3-4); Interciass Basketball (2-3-4); Football (4); Class Secretary (4); C. S. M. C. (2-3). Staunch friend, loyal student, radiating cheer wherever he goes—that's our "Flytrap." Making up in spirit what he lacked in weight, "Flytrap" took the buffets in football with a grin. This quality coupled with his winning manner should gain for him a high station in life. "Flytrap," although quiet and retired in manner makes his presence felt by his timely suggestions and good sense. Though the best of friends must part, he is in our hearts to stay. Farewell to you and may you know lasting joy. 21 |
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