SCANNED TEXT: NORA JOSEPHINE GRADY "Nora" Sodality (1-2-3-4); C. S. M. C. (1.2-3); Glee Club (1-2-3); Dramatics (1-2-3); Debating Club (4); French Club (4), Treasurer (4); Library Club (3); Passion Play Choir (3). Nora, an inveterate reader, has always shown the effects of her hobby in her own literary attempts. As a poet and essayist, she frequently drew forth praise from her teachers. Her fellow students have enjoyed too, her jolly manner and her casual acceptance of her own good luck. Nora was glad to help make our entertainments successful and was un- selfish in offering her services. Happiness and good fortune must lie ahead for such a girl. JOHN VINCENT HOGAN, JR. "Doc" Sodality (1-2-3-4), Sacristan (3); "Sancta Maria" Business Manager; C. S. M. C. (1.2-3); Library Club (3); Manager of Baseball (4); Class President (2); Debating Club (3-4), Secretary (4); Latin Club (3), President; Inter- class Basketball (1-2-3-4). A portrait of the Freshmen's ideal Senior. He always looks important whether in school, at a dance or in an informal argument. John can be found signing M.D. after his name in patient anticipation of the future, when he hopes to be a famous doctor. "Doc" has been a better than average student all through his high school days and an asset to ail school activities. His alertness has convinced us that he will be holding the knob when opportunity knocks at his door. JEANNE MARY KENNEY "Jeanne" Sodality (1-2-3-4), Consulter (1), Chairman of Social Committee (4); C. S. M. C. (1-2-3); Glee Club (1-2.3); Dramatics (2); Latin Club (3); French Club (4); Class Vice-President (3); Senior Ball Committee (4), Vice-Chairman; Debating Club (3-4). Jeanne has been one of St. Mary's best workers, always willing to lend her time and energy to every 'worthwhile activity. She has been, and ever will be, smart, sophisticated and sociable. In the events of the past four years, Jeanne has shown an exceptional talent for effecting the complete success of Sodality socials, dances and parties. We like to imagine Jeanne as a fashion designer, for her quiet, good taste in clothes has been one of her finest points during her stay at St. Mary's. 22 |
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